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Alike and Apart

“Love is Living FOR each other. Laxman and Urmila did that as much as Ram and Sita. As for society and its norms, it's broken many men also. Do you not think that what Sita suffered Ram didn’t? He didn’t know his sons. He never had happiness. Laxman missed Urmila as much as she did.” Heer read the small piece of paper and smiled.
“What is love if not living together? Urmila was a wedded bride who lived like a widow for half her life. Just what is LOVE if not PAIN?” Heer wrote down with a sigh.

 Although this stranger had different opinions yet for the first time Heer felt she was learning something from another point of view rather than trying to prove each other right and wrong. Heer missed such a healthy discussion with any mind alike. Most high-society girls her age were more attracted to make-up, shopping, gossiping and dating. Most guys were flirting around, sleeping around, partying or sitting clueless in their father’s businesses.  At most parties, she felt like an outlaw, unlike Ajabdeh who gelled with anyone and everyone despite them being totally different. She remembered with a frown one of Jija’s rare pieces of advice "We never find alike minds, it’s a myth, we are all unique and we should just know more and more people … they all teach us some lesson or the other…" She felt otherwise always but she never spoke about it. She couldn’t help but wonder who this stranger was… could they be friends if they knew each other.

Pratap lay on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He was content today. He smiled remembering the faces of those happy people at Chavand… the villagers, the tourists… Ajabdeh seemed too surprised. He smiled remembering her face. He stared at the wall clock that resembled a Ferrari and sat up. Peeping out of the room he saw everyone in the Haveli busy with the puja preparations. Servants and ladies in waiting were running about. The decorators put the drapes, lights and flowers perfectly. He tiptoed to the Puja Hall where Ranima stood in the middle with Hansa instructing the decorations for the yajna kund and the materials required. He decided it was best to step out of the chaos before he was dragged in to become a part of it. Jaivanta smiled watching her firstborn look here and there before running through the lawns towards the guest cottages. She set the curtains back and smiled to herself.

Ajabdeh had finally changed into a comfortable pair of jeans and a high-neck grey top before letting her hair loose and chose to lie around in the cottage while Heer insisted on going for a walk on her own. Ajabdeh sat with her eyes hovering on the clear blue sky with occasional passing cotton-like white clouds as she recollected her morning. The way the people doted on Kunwar Pratap, how he helped them at the grassroots level, how without vanity of his standards he wanted their blessings… and Rathore’s words rang in her mind. She remembered their conversation with a smile. Somehow in some eerie way, they were so alike… Had Ajabdeh ever thought she would befriend someone like this? Had she ever thought she would ever take anyone up there at her “It” place? How much a week is changing the way she sees the world. I like Surajgarh. She decided to breathe in the fragrant air as the cool breeze swept her hair and she closed her eyes. Unlike Udaipur, it makes me feel happy.

“Ajabdeh.” Pratap’s soft call made her open her eyes as she relaxed on the sofa of the cottage balcony after a day at Chavand, and a boring lunch at the palace where she was asked how much she liked Surajgarh but they were actually keen to know how they got along with each other.
“Nice.” Ajabdeh chose her words carefully between the two spoonfuls of  Polao.
 “It was nice.” Made Pratap smile faintly as she kept a straight face and concentrate on her food while Heer and Shakti caught Pratap’s smile before it faded and the parents stared at each other worried.
They are pretending! Heer had found it awkward that as soon as her eyes met Shakti’s they could read each other’s mind. Pratap had excused himself on the pretext of resting as Heer departed with Ajabdeh only to land up in the library while Hansa bonded with Jaivanta over the Puja preparations for the next day and Ramrakh was invited by Udai Singh for a cocktail party of some of his acquaintances where they were accompanied by a reluctant Shakti in toe, as the future representative of the Sisodias, a right that belonged to his carefree elder brother who he assumed was snoring away peacefully in his room.

“Ajabdeh?” He frowned at the gates unsure if she had dozed off in that chair. She sat up staring at him with a little frown. He waved at her to come over to the Gates and looked around to check if anyone was watching.
“What?” She looked alarmed at the way he was watching out around them.
“Free?” He asked facing her as she stopped a coming yawn.
“No am very busy!” She shook her head.
“Busy?” He raised his eyebrows “ Doing what?”
“Umm… I dunno… Let me think….” She pretended to think making him make a face that made her giggle.
“Then come with me.” He opened the gates that separated them.
“Where?” She frowned.
“I wanted to show you something.”
“ooooh… What secrets do you have now?”
“Are you scared? What if I impress you too much…” He smirked as she shook her head. "And you have a crush on me?"
“Actually am waiting for Heer.” She suddenly realized it had been a long since Heer had gone for a walk. “I don't know where she went.”
“Don’t worry she is too smart not to get lost here!” Pratap realized his sarcasm didn’t amuse Ajabdeh much as she frowned making him stop.
“Are you taunting my sister…?”
“Do you know how to ride a horse?” He stopped her as she raised her eyebrows.

Heer frowned at the message that came beeping on her WhatsApp “ Going out with KP.” 
Is Jija serious about him now? She wondered to herself. Why did he only bother her and not her parents or Jija? Was she jealous of the attention he was getting from the only person she ever doted on, her Jija? Nah! Am not a kid! Heer shook her head.

“Meet Chetak!” The horse neighed raising a foot as Ajabdeh fell back two feet startled. Pratap laughed patting the white stallion lovingly. 
“It’s okay buddy, she doesn’t get that’s how we say Hi!”
“Umm… Hi Chetak! Eww… how cliché! Pratap… Chetak…” Ajabdeh managed a smile.
“Touch him.” Pratap insisted.
“Are you sure?” Ajabdeh was doubtful as he held her wrist and put her palm on Chetak’s soft back as she caressed it. 
In response, Chetak swayed his head making Pratap say “There, he likes you. Now you can ride him”
“R…R…Ride?” Ajabdeh couldn’t help sounding scared.
“Someone’s Facebook profile says ‘Animal Lover’ and adventurous!” He taunted.
“Stalker.” She looked at him suspiciously making him laugh. “In my defence, animals there refer to dogs and smaller. This is…."
“He is…” Pratap corrected.
“He is… gigantic!” Ajabdeh stared at Chetak’s black eyes. 

Pratap laughed as he sat on the saddle he just fastened. “Come.” He gave his hand to a much surprised Ajabdeh who took it. She sat comfortably behind him holding him like they rode a bike.
"Ready?" Pratap noticed her stiffness behind him. She was unsure. 
"Yes ready." He smiled as she dared to face the unsure. The next moment they were riding through the orchards to the far end of the palace complex where the ruins of the age-old heritage palaces stood.

“Hello?” Heer frowned as the phone rang loud.
“Umm…. Hi, it’s me…”
“Who me?” She frowned some more.
“Shakti. Kunwar Shakti Singh.” He sounded a little awkward.
“Oh Hi!” Heer managed a smile “You are calling me…”
“You can help me here…”
“Excuse me?”
“Am at Udaipur with some house staff… and Ranima just texted me a list of things for the Pujas. She just wrote flowers for Laxmi and Narayana. Can you ask her what flowers? Am sorry but I tried reaching her at home and…”
“White for Narayana and Red and colourful ones for Laxmi Maata.” Heer interrupted making him stop.
“White for….”
“No No, I heard that… I mean… how do you know?” He was a little surprised.
“You know who I learned this from?” Heer caught his surprised voice and smiled. “Jija.” She giggled a little to see the voice on the line go silent “You there Kunwarsa?”
“I… Ajabdeh? Really? She… she…” Shakti wanted to say she was ultra-modern a girl to even fit into such things.
“ She is like the rainbow after a shower. Between shower and sunshine, spreading the seven flavours of life.” Heer smiled.
“Wow! Look who is quite a poet!” His compliment made Heer aware and awkward as she mumbled a goodbye.
“Umm… excuse me… Heer?” He stopped her.
“Dadabhai and I are going to hang out after dinner tonight on the palace premises. It's a sibling thing we do to catch up with each other and I would like you and Ajabdeh to join us.” He spoke in a hurry and smiled at her unsure “Surely.”
“Great! I will text and inform Dadabhai.”

“Woah!” Ajabdeh twirled amongst the ruins, covered by tall trees on each side. The small open space was covered on all four sides by the then two "manzil" haveli now in ruins, the jharokhas, and arches still stood tall, the pillars marvellously curved, the watch towers intact. A bush growing here and there, Ajabdeh carefully looked around to make out the plan of the ruins. Pratap looked up from the phone.
“That was the Ranivas, this the courtyard, those probable courtrooms, up there are the rooms of the queens with the jharokhas. About 2km from here are the temples. They are still in good condition.” He explained to Ajabdeh’s childlike curiosity.
“You can make a swimming pool here.” She pointed at a large man-made water body in ruins, with about a foot of green water down at the bottom.

“Exactly my thought.” He appreciated. I will keep the North wing intact and make them the Heritage entrance while the other three wings will be renovated with modern facilities of a resort and wedding destination.” He pointed at a distant field “There we will build the luxury cottages.”
“Can we climb up?” She pointed at the half-illuminated stairs that could fit only one person at a time.
“Sure.” He lead the way up to one of the Jharokhas as she smiled at the sight in front of her eyes. Beyond the grounds, large trees and lawn the Haveli was a beautiful sight, on the other side she could spot the temples and the ruins below.
“This makes me feel…. I have travelled back in time!” Ajabdeh gushed happily making him smile.
“Just Imagine! I was a princess and I stood this way in the jharokhas and… wow wait… I can write about this …” She took out her phone to open the note app as Pratap sat down beside the Jharokha. She followed surprising him, as she sat on the dirty corridor, the Jharokha providing all the sunlight.

“Imagine.” She typed whispering “That I was a princess, In a secluded desert fort. I look through the jharokha, my lonely heart, seeking company but none to provide, except the sun….” She stopped as he smiled.
“Imagine…” Pratap stared at the designs of the jharokha falling on the wall making a shadow. “Imagine, riding through that desert, I was a wanderer, seeking home…”
“Wow.” Ajabdeh stared at him as he smiled with a faint “continue.”
“Why does the wanderer seek home? The princess always wanted to be a wanderer, away from home, just roaming through the aimless roads that lead to nowhere like a cloud.”
“Probably because the wanderer had everything… but home…” Pratap murmured rather softly as Ajabdeh stared with a frown. She cleared her throat making him look at her as she continued.
“ What is home O wanderer? The Princess wonders, captive in her own home.”
“ Home is…. Home is….. umm…” Pratap stopped with a frown. “Wait am blank!” He made her giggle.
“Hence Mr Pratap Singh, I am the writer!” She stood up and brushed the dirt off her jeans. “We will continue when you can think of an answer.”
“Deal!” Pratap rose from his spot.

“Why did you not take up literature? You are brilliant!”
“All credit to Shakti” He shrugged. “His bookworm nature literally makes people like me read!”
Ajabdeh laughed. “Well, we both got it from Mom.”
“How about Uncle?” made her smile faintly.
“You know he’s always busy.” She shrugged. “Let’s go back to…. I mean to the cottages!” She got down the stairs as he followed her to Chetak.
“Can I sit up front?”
“Sure you can.” Pratap made space as she climbed before him on Chetak for a ride back home.
“Waise….” Pratap spoke in her ears while riding through the orchard. “We have a post-dinner rooftop party! Just the four of us…. I’m not sure if it’s Shakti’s plan or the elders are…”
“Booze?” Ajabdeh asked interrupting.
“Sure.” He smiled with a nod.
“Then fine with me!” She shrugged as they rode to the stables.

Can I trust him with my secrets? Ajabdeh thought unmindfully watching Pratap pat Chetak eat his oats from a distance. Well, he has shown me so many sides of him in a day, and good sides that too… but who knows? How can I judge the good without seeing the bad? Should I share or not? Have I actually found a real human friend here? In so many years? She smiled skywards. You answer me Mr.“other” Pratap, will you?


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