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Secrets of the Hearts

Kunwar Pratap opened his eyes to catch a glimpse of Ajabde. She was sitting on the chair in front of the dressing table, filling her hairline with the sindoor. She looked freshly bathed and so serene in the light of the dawn, he stared with a smile meandering on his lips. He didn't get up or make her aware of his watchful eyes, but Ajabde seemed to feel it as she blushed slightly before putting on her dupatta and walking into the Puja Room without looking at him, although fully aware that his eyes followed her.
He dressed up as she finished her puja and he was heading out as she frowned. Usually, he waited to take her prasad and tell her the agenda for the day. He stopped at the door, aware of her confusion.
" I am going to Ranima, I will be back to take Prasad and my Dagger. " He smiled back as she nodded, keeping her Thaal as she went to place his dagger, sword and brooch right where he needed them to be. He stepped into Ranima's puja Ghar to find Hansa Bai and Sajja Bai there as well.
" What happened Pratap? You are in my room at dawn?" Jaivanta asked. " Is everything..."
" Yes Ranima, I am here for your permission." Hansa Bai and Sajja Bai exchanged glances.
" What Permission Pratap?"
" When I was coming back we met the Bhil Sardar, he invited me and Aja... Kunwaraniji" He stopped. Mind your tongue now Pratap Singh! " Umm... they have Gauri puja at their village in the jungles, so they want me to..."
" Go on, take Ajabde too, but be back quick, the forest is not safe."
He nodded pleased, wished " Khamma Gani" to the ladies and walked away.
" Ajabde." Her hand stopped making the bed as she looked up. " Ji?"
" Umm... Get ready, we are leaving in half an hour."
" Where ?" She asked surprised.
" The Bhils had invited me to their Gauri Pujan and you too, dress like a commoner because the road through the jungle is not safe for the royal procession, palanquin or royal dresses." She nodded pleased. She will finally get out of the heavy royal attire, even if it meant for a few hours.
He was patting Sarang when she walked into the stable. She was wearing a maroon and yellow simple lehenga and a maroon semi-transparent dupatta with silver jewellery. He was in a simple white Angrakha with red borders. Her Payal made him turn as she walked up to him.
" I was coming to the gate of the Ranimahal." He said. " Why did you..."
" I... People will see... there..." He frowned and then realised she didn't want his sisters to see them ride together and then tease her. A smile curved his lips as he said " Ayiye." She took his hand to get on the horse. They rode through the forest as Ajabde enjoyed the natural breeze and beauty. His hands held the reins from both sides as she sat in front and the faster Sarang ran, the more she closed her eyes and held his arm tightly. He smiled a little before taunting " Someone told me riding a horse was part of warfare."
" People don't ride this fast in war." was a ready reply. He shook his head and smiled.
They reached the Bhil Village where the people welcomed them with so much warmth. The puja was done and Ajabde was already helping as she knew the rituals, leaving everyone raining praises on her as Kunwar Pratap smiled proudly.
" We have already accepted you as our king Baojiraj. The way you helped us and treated us as friends no Rana after Shiladitya did so." They were in praise of his love for the subjects. It was time for Ajabde to smile proudly.
" No" Kunwar Pratap protested, " I am here with you as a representative of Dajiraj. So, your actual friend is the throne of Mewar and not me." He was humble.
They had to begin their journey post-lunch at the Bhil Village to avoid the forest in the darkness. Ajabde had already made friends with the children who followed them for some time until Sarang started running. Ajabde kept waving at them as long as they were visible.
" They are nice people, warm and friendly." She concluded.
" Yes, at least they don't fake and pretend." He agreed.
" Kunwar Pratap!"
She seemed delighted looking up at the sky all of a sudden. Before he could react a downpour began. He stopped Sarang under the shed of a large tree. He got down, wiping himself as he heard Ajabde giggle. Wide-eyed he stared at the scene. She was getting drenched in the rain. The dupatta was a little blown back on her head by the wind and she enjoyed the raindrops like a child at play. The forest clearing where they stood had not a being in sight as Ajabde felt free, in the rain, forgetting that a pair of eyes looked at this new side of her with surprise. His mature, formal, always perfect, composed wife was now a little girl, carefree in the rain. He walked out in the rain towards her, her back to him as she turned around to find him standing so close, his eyes on hers, her smile faded as her heart skipped a beat.
" You... Your... wounds.... will be... hurt... in.. the...the ..." She fumbled as she couldn't take her eyes off his, just by the way he looked at her.
" This is perfect." He spoke, making her look confused. " To finish what I left off." What does he mean? She looked a little shocked as he stepped forward making her take a step back. Her heart seemed to jump to her throat.
" Ajab." He closed his eyes and breathed in before opening them and taking her left hand in his right one. The rain poured its shower of love on them as he continued, gathering his thoughts.
" You taught me that a king has no personal choices. Like Lord Ram, all his choices, his desires, his wishes are for his people and his kingdom and not for himself. You also taught me the difference between a wife and a queen."
Her throat felt dry as he continued.
" A king may have to make choices he doesn't personally approve of in life, for his country."
She nodded in agreement as he smiled.
" But today, I want to make a new promise to you. You, Ajabde Punwar, will always be my wife, the only one I share my dreams, my happiness, my sorrows and a personal life with, you are the one who will be my Ardhangini in every right, and no one can ever replace you. You are my Wife, My Queen, My everything. I respect you, I honour you, I..."
He stopped seeing her cry. He smiled faintly as he hugged her, his head hidden in the nape of her neck as she held him tight and whispered to his ears.
" I.... wanted to hear this, ever since I met you." Pleased with her admission, he held her tighter, before letting go and holding her hands, as foreheads touched. She moved back a step saying
" The rain is stopping, let's get home before it gets dark." He nodded, calling Sarang.
The Jungle floor was slippery and Sarang being just out of war, Pratap decided to walk to the main road where Sarang could run freely.
Ajabde walked ahead like she knew the Jungles well. She named plants and flowers he hadn't heard of or seen. She spoke of their medicinal values.
" How do you know all these?" He asked surprised.
" When I was small, I used to go to the Vaidji to learn astrology from him, he was good at it and with that, I learnt..."
" You know astrology?" He asked surprised as she nodded humbly adding " A little bit."
" Don't move so far ahead, Ajabde, there are animals and dacoits in here." He warned.
" I have my Khanjar!" She flaunted as he smiled. He knew what she had was a husband she was sure of, to save her from any danger, be it an animal or a man.
" Ajabde! Dacoits!" He spoke his voice full of fear as she stopped to look around then ran back to hide behind him holding his hand in fear.
" Kun...Kun...Kunwar Pratap! Where?"
He couldn't control his laughter as she looked displeased.
" So brave of you, I wonder how you fought those men with me, now look at you!" He laughed.
" You scared me." She complained.
" I told you not to move ahead." He shrugged. Within a few seconds, Ajabde threw a handful of mud and grass at him, he had no idea when she picked them up so swiftly and ran through the clearing giggling.
" Stay." He gave Sarang a quick pat before brushing off the mud and grass and giving her a chase. She giggled as she ran through the bushes, using her warrior skills but she was no match for him as he grabbed her by the wrist and cornered her against a tree trunk. They smiled breathlessly at each other as she tried to free her hand like a fierce lioness in vain. He stepped forward, his eyes on hers when she realised she was against a tree trunk with no position to move as he held one hand while blocking her exit with another against the tree. Ajabde gulped. Is this it? She looked scared. He smiled at her scared face, reading her thoughts. No, not here, not now.Not until you... He raised his hand, releasing his grip on her, to adjust her maangtika back in position then pushed back the strands of hair from her face. As his fingers travelled to her earlobes she closed her eyes in anticipation as he smiled at her surrender.
" Chaliye, it's almost dusk." He moved back, whistling to Sarang as Ajabde stood flabbergasted and visibly embarrassed. She pulled her dupatta over her face hoping he wouldn't catch her red face but she knew that he would, as he smiled victoriously and teasingly.
They reached the palace to see people running about. One of the princesses ran to inform
" Dadabhai! Bhabisa! Rajpurohit came, Padma Jija's wedding is in two days." She ran as Kunwar Pratap smiled at Ajabde who was very pleased.
" Ajabde," Ranima called as they walked up to her.
" You got wet!" Jaivanta Bai seemed worried. " Go get changed and meet me at the Rani Baithak. We have a lot to do, with the guests arriving from Dawn tomorrow. "
" Yes, Ranima, I will be there soon." She nodded.
" I will go meet Daajiraj once to see if he needs anything." Kunwar Pratap walked away.
When he came back to his room, she had changed into a royal lehenga as he stared at her wiping her wet hair. She stared at him through the reflection in the mirror his stare made her blush when eyes met.
" You are still wet." She said softly as he walked up behind her. " Change."
" Yes." He walked towards the other room but he stopped and turned around. " Ajabde."
" Ji?" She looked up as she put the dupatta on her head.
" I will never forget today." He smiled as she blushed and he moved toward her. " But something... is incomplete."
" Incomplete?" She looked wide-eyed.
" Yes, I told you everything I wanted to... isn't there something you should be saying too?"
" Me?"
" Yes, you."
" Umm... Ranima called..."
" She can wait a minute more. Say... come on Ajabde. Say it. I said so much. Can't you?"
" I... I... I like you Kunwar Pratap!"
She hid her face with her hands as she spoke and Kunwar Pratap laughed taking her hands in his. Then he pulled her closer as she blushed and just where her maagtika ended, he pressed his lips against her warm forehead as she felt his breath on her forehead. She blushed, hiding in his embrace. Then moved back frowning.
" You are all wet, go change before you fall ill."
She was in Ranima's chamber checking the gifts for the grooms when he walked in. It was way past dinner and she was still not in the room, so he gathered she was there.
" Ranima, do you have any work I can do?" He stole a glance at Ajabde who didn't look back as she worked.
" No Pratap." Jaivanta smiled. " Ajabde..."
" Bhabisa." Padma rushed in as Ajabde smiled at her.
" What is it, Rajkumarisa?"
" Padmavati." She corrected. " Bhabisa, I need to talk to you." Jaivanta Bai walked away to check on the welcome arrangements for the groom as Kunwar Pratap stood watching the duo.
" What is it?"
" I am so nervous, can you stay with me in my room tonight, you know we can talk..."
" What? Why?" Kunwar Pratap was louder than usual making Ajabde frown at him as Padmavati smiled.
" Ohho Dadabhai, I need Bhabisa today..."
" It's all right Padmavati. I will stay with you." She was reassured as Kunwar Pratap stared at her shaking his head.
" Dhanyavaad Bhabisa." She hugged and dragged Ajabde by the hand away to her room.
Kunwar Pratap was placing the pillows sulking.
" Why is Padmavati nervous two days before the wedding? And what can Ajabde do about it?"
" Dadabhai!" He turned to see Shakti smirking at him.
" What is it?"
" Bhabisa sent me to sleep with you. " He said, putting his pillow on Kunwar Pratap's side, shifting Kunwar Pratap's pillows to Ajabde's.
" What? She..." She is trying to stop me from trying to meet her when Padma is asleep. He smiled.
" Subhratri Dadabhai, with me!" Shakti smirked as a pillow hit him on his face and the brothers were engaged in a pillow fight.
" I am so nervous, new people, new place, I have known Kunwarsa since childhood but is that enough?"
Padmavati was anxious. Ajabde held her cold hands reassuringly.
" Trust me, when I came here I knew no one, not even Kunwarsa." Ajabde smiled faintly. " But with time, now this is my home, my family."
" Dadabhai cares a lot for you." Padmavati smiled. " I should apologise for bringing you here, I didn't give you a choice..."
" Padmavati, even if you gave me a choice I would have liked to have this conversation with you."
" Tell me Bhabisa, did he ever tell you he... likes you or anything?" She seemed excited.
" No, some things don't need to be told to understand." Ajabde was the same age as her yet, so much matured in the last few months.
" I wish ..." Padmavati stopped embarrassed at her thought about her would-be groom as Ajabde smiled hugging her.
You must be having a fun time with Padma while I am stuck here with the kicking horse. Kunwar Pratap frowned at his sleeping brother dodging yet another attack. We didn't even read together today, tomorrow also you will be busy, and so will the wedding. When can we talk again Ajabde?
Ajabde stayed awake as a nervous Padmavati talked, both lost in thoughts.
I know you wanted to talk some more, Kunwar Pratap, but first, we have a sister to marry off here. Like you said, our family and people come before us always, until then wait for me.
I can wait an eternity for you Ajabdeh Punwar.



  1. Aahaaa the game of wait n desperation is played here n both the players are well trained and are playing expert moves... The simple n straight from the heart conversation between both in jungle was extremely well written n also has the desired effect!!! The time n situation chosen by Pratap to open his heart to Ajab was the cherry on the cake knowing well how she loves simplicity n nature (plus no Royalty or dasi to disturb). Just where she could freely respond to him then being in an Royal avtar!!!
    And the Ajab's close by confession was equally sweet!!! Not much words but with the meaning other heart longed for... Ranima's words did give her the confidence and reassurance she needed and it worked wonders out of her self pity!!!
    U have again made me write long review then I thought it would be... U do think amazingly and then pen it down equally astoundingly!!! I specifically liked the part where he kisses her forehead IT is somehow more meaningful then a kiss on the lips...You may kiss lots of ppl on the forehead but then each time the meaning conveyed is amazingly different! :D
    N dont worry Pratap the wait will definitely be A LOT LESSER then the eternity ;D

  2. N last three stories having some or the other update on SECRET of hearts.....

  3. Am so glad you like it, I personally love the forehead kisses (in books) all the time. Hence! And yes, she was carefree in the nature and so Pratap chose his place well but poor soul now getting kicks from his brother :P My lappie may go off again, for a day or two so the updates (and Pratap) will have to wait a little longer :P

  4. Well the kicks n the tests will bring out his brighter side hopefully....
    Poor Pratap... wait gets a little longer...

  5. Well the kicks n the tests will bring out his brighter side hopefully....
    Poor Pratap... wait gets a little longer...

  6. Now that your laptop will be out for 2 to 3 days

  7. Watch PrAja in VMs. I still have a phone 😜:p

  8. Try sleeping for a change... n Praja kahi nahi jane wale... so u can dream them in ur sleep

  9. Hey saw some of your vm on praja loved them... specially the one with a different story


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