“Do you know who you are stopping?” She asked, with a smile on her face.
“No, but our Adhiraja ordered that only he can go inside, if anyone else tried to communicate he would behead them.”
“So be it. Tell your Adhiraja that his mother has not followed his orders.” The guards looked a little taken aback as they stepped back, unsure. Trinayani Devi walked into the dimly lit corridor leading to the room where Priyambada was kept. Urvi was looking out of the window at the soldier's movements.
“Are we going to war?” She frowned.
“Impossible. That will be a suicide mission.” Priyambada’s jaws tightened. “He knows better than that.”
“Yes but it seems like troops have been assembled.” Urvi pointed.
“Are we under attack?” Priyambada’s face turned pale.
“Priyambada?” For a second, Priyambada felt like she was hallucinating her saviour. Maharani Trinayani Devi stood at the edge of the locked iron gate and smiled as she stumbled to it.
“Maharani.” She whispered, “What are you doing here?”
Gulabi Bai hurried into the chambers of the queen of Suryapali as she sat reading. Trinayani Devi looked up as Gulabi Bai shook her head.
“Such audacity that nauch girl has!” She looked distraught “To address the queen of Suryapali in a letter.”
“Who are we talking about?” Trinayani Devi asked.
“Tarabai.” Gulabi Bai grunted like she had made a sin taking the name. Trinayani Devi’s brows shot up.
“Should I read it for you?” Gulabi Bai asked, “Why should you touch that flith’s…” She stopped as Trinayani Devi extended her hand for the letter.
“I came as soon as I heard what was going on. You look… have you not eaten anything?” Trinayani Devi cupped her face across the bar, a little concerned. Priyambada sobbed, holding her hand in hers.
“Believe me I didn’t…” Priyambada sobbed.
“I know.” Trinayani Devi wiped away her tears. Then her hand reached for the lock.
“Move back, Mother. You aren’t supposed to be here. You can’t talk to traitors.” Ishaan Dev walked in, rather agitated and surprised at his mother while Priyambada stepped back, consciously.
“What did you do?” He grunted “Send your spies to Suryapali?” Priyambada looked away at his words.
“Enough.” Trinayani Devi raised her hand making him stop, “I am here to see my daughter-in-law and I am well within my rights to do so.”
“But…” A frown formed on Ishaan Dev’s face.
“You may be king now but I know kingship even before you were born. So don’t teach me.” Trinayani Devi snapped. Ishaan Dev inhaled quietly. Priyambada looked up, a little startled. So, there was one person after all, who could silence the angry Ishaan Dev. But who informed her? She wondered.
“Tarabai sent me a letter.” A gasp escaped Ishaan Dev’s mouth like he had been betrayed twice over. “And thank heavens she did, for you were making a fool of yourself out here.”
“I am not finished talking yet.” Trinayani Devi looked away. “First unchain her. You found no proof against her. She is not guilty.”
“Sooner or later…”
“She is NOT guilty until proven so, Ishaan. Unchain her. Now!” Trinayani Devi raised her voice. Priyambada and Urvi froze in their spot.
“Great! Now you are on her side too?” Ishaan Dev shook his head and stepped back, gesturing at the taken-aback guard to do the needful.
“If anything happens, this is on you.” He gave a warning glance first at his mother, then at the girl sobbing in her arms.
“Urvi, run along girl. Get her a warm bath, clothes and food. Have some yourself. Dress her wounds. I will see you in an hour.” Trinayani Devi reassured Priyambada. “You, show me to my room.” Ishaan Dev sighed watching Urvi lead Priyambada away before he led Trinayani Devi into the inner palace.
“What are you doing, Ishaan?” Trinayani Devi spoke, the moment they entered the guest chambers. Ishaan Dev frowned at his mother. “I thought I taught you to be diplomatic when it came to handling Neelambargarh.” She shook her head disapprovingly. “You are making me feel like I made a mistake, by making Rajadhiraj believe you could handle this alone.”
“Do you have any idea the kind of implications this can have on the people and ministers if they come to know you don’t trust their princess? Your wife? The army can revolt, her people can side with Aswar, and uprisings will be difficult to handle.”
“You know?” Ishaan Dev asked, a little taken aback.
“I know now. I have my informants. Ishaan, you can’t do this to her, without proof.” Trinayani Devi shook her head. “I want to see her now.”
“Urvi.” Priyambada still looked tired after she had bathed and eaten. Urvi was dressing the wounds on her knees as her skirt was pulled up to them. “I should thank Tarabai.”
“The danger isn’t over yet, my lady,” Urvi spoke nonchalantly. “He still…” They were suddenly jolted as Adhiraja Ishaan Dev walked into the room and the maids lowered their gaze. Urvi moved away, and his eyes first fell on her wounds before he looked away and she was quick to lower her pulled-up skirt.
“Mother wants to see you in her chambers.”
“Devdoot could bring the news.” She stood up, jaws tightened.
“She told me to.” Eyes met briefly as Priyambada suddenly felt a sense of victory and amusement in the helpless way he followed Trinayani Devi’s instructions. It perhaps showed on her face as he frowned, jaws tightened. She kept her distance, following him into the guest chamber. Trinayani Devi looked up as they approached. She stood up and gestured at them to take a seat. Ishaan Dev took the cushion at the window as Priyambada stood fixed to her spot. Gulabi Bai left promptly, closing the door behind her.
Maharani Trinayani Devi approached Priyambada, cupping her face, and making her look up at her gentle smile.
“I know why you were in the forest.” Trinayani Devi spoke as Priyambada’s face flushed. A frown wore on Ishaan Dev’s face. “My spy system confirmed my fears.”
“Please. Don’t.” Priyambada almost whispered. “She didn’t know…”
“You can’t keep quiet and put your life at risk for someone else like that.” Trinayani Devi shook her head. “I can tell you there are people out there, people close to you, who would do anything to keep you two apart. Don’t fuel their purposes.” Priyambada frowned at her words, as Ishaan Dev stood up.
“What do you mean? What is going on here?” Before Trinayani Devi could speak, Priyambada held her hand making her stop.
“I wasn’t only protecting her.”
“I know, you were also making sure the heirs of Suryapali weren’t at war over this. I am grateful to you for that.” Trinayani Devi smiled. “But some things are inevitable.”
“Can someone tell me what is going on here?” Ishaan Dev shook his head trying not to lose his composure. “Are we playing some games here?”
“No Ishaan, but a lot of people are. To make sure you two keep your misunderstandings alive.” Trinayani Devi spoke as Ishaan Dev’s confused eyes met Priyambada’s briefly. “They were sly enough to frame her for something as grave as being a traitor to her own.” Trinayani Devi shook her head “Whoever these people are, they are close to you, and feeding off your miscommunications.”
“I may not have found evidence but I am no fool mother. I caught her red-handed and she wouldn’t tell what she was doing in the forest.” Ishaan Dev looked angry.
“She wouldn’t tell because she was protecting you. She was protecting Sumedha.” Trinayani Devi shook her head. Priyambada inhaled.
“Sumedha?” Ishaan Dev frowned. “She is a traitor?”
“It is not what you think.” Trinayani Devi shook her head. “She is not the traitor for Aswar.”
“Then how…” Ishaan Dev was now impatient at his mother’s riddles.
“Correct me if I am wrong, Priyambada.” She spoke as Priyambada nodded. “She used to sneak out at night every week, so you started following her out of the palace?”
Priyambada nodded. “I followed her thrice but I lost track every time in the dark, manoeuvring my horse… I got lucky the fourth time.” Ishaan Dev glanced over his shoulder at Priyambada.
“And what did you see in the forest that prompted you to keep quiet?” Trinayani Devi asked as Priyambada inhaled.
“Speak up!” Ishaan Dev stepped towards her as she tightened her jaws. “Please.” He almost begged, making her look up at him.
“Promise me you won’t hurt Sumedha.”
“I don’t think you are in any position to make deals here. Speak up.” Ishaan Dev spoke.
“Sumedha used to have a secret tryst with… Ravi Varman.” It was Trinayani Devi who spoke up. A sudden rush of blood went through Ishaan Dev’s veins. His brother. They were cousins. He looked up at his mother who nodded. “Priyambada saw that.”
“But it started before she got married. She didn’t know that…” Priyambada stopped as Ishaan Dev’s hand reached his sword hold and he walked out of the room.
“Stop him.” Trinayani Devi spoke as Priyambada ran after him.

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