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Rajkumari Priyambada’s horse ran through the darkness of the forest as fast as she could ride. She knew that she had to cover the maximum distance that night itself before the palace woke up to find her missing. By midday, she would reach halfway through. She had to stop somewhere to rest and finally reach the next day. The forestland had cliffs and rocky areas. She needed to be careful in places where the forest was not thick and looked out for soldiers. As dawn broke on the horizon the water of the river Maya was visible like a silver line in the distance. River Maya at some points drew the natural boundaries between Suryapali and Neelambargarh but since she was already in Siyori she thanked the heavens that she didn't need to cross the river. She stopped her horse in the foliage and looked across. She had to travel down towards the river. Somewhere around the banks was her mother’s hideout. Ishaan Dev had selected this place for them. It was in the middle of nowhere. There were no landmarks or villages to identify the place by. She sighed. A smile curved her lips. She liked challenges. Ishaan Dev had placed this challenge in front of her. Like a puzzle, she needed to piece it together.

Yuvaraja Ishaan Dev stormed out of the palace, on his horse Vidyut, followed by a limited troop of soldiers. The last thing they needed the rebelling city to know was that their princess was missing. Ishaan Dev’s thoughts raced. She was fine till he arrived at Siyori. Seeing him seemed to have triggered her. His jaws tightened as he remembered their last encounter. She was bruised. He wasn’t proud of it. But the warrior in him was used to treating prisoners of war that way. Especially ones like her who needed to be tamed. He stopped at the edge of the forest to address his soldiers. He needed to be careful. Only he knew where her mother was. He couldn’t disclose the location even to his men.
“Make groups of two and go in eight different directions. I will look independently. Let’s meet at the river bank in three days. We will hopefully trace her by then.” The men nodded and rode off. He turned his horse. He knew exactly where to go.
“Come Vidyut, it's you and me, who will find her.”

Priyambada stopped under the shed of a mango tree. She looked up at the branches. This time of the year bore no fruits. She felt stupid to have left the palace with only a flask of water. Even the flask was now empty. She shook it in vain. She was hungry. She got off the horse that started satisfying its hunger from the grasses and shrubs. Priyambada sighed. She wished she could eat those. There were a few berries in the bushes. She let the horse taste them. He turned his head away. Great, these are poisonous! Her stomach growled. She needed to find food that night.

Kumari Advika, princess of Mait, was on a journey west, to the land of their allied kingdom of Gandak for a wedding. Ever since the news of Ishaan Dev’s apparent marriage of choice reached Mait, she felt lost. Ishaan Dev had insulted her. Yet. there was barely any official word exchange about commitment between them. His letters were mostly about war, hers about what she learnt. Advika sat down in the tent. Now her duty as a princess was to find a suitable alliance. She had to find a prince who would take her in as first and chief consort. And where else to meet someone than at a wedding? She had met Ishaan Dev at a wedding too. She sighed and closed her eyes. She was not going to think of him anymore. That was past. She needed to move on. She needed to be relevant to the history of her dynasty. She opened the casket she had carried with her. In it were letters. She took the stack out and ordered her maid to light a fire. The only other thing left in the box was a brooch. This didn’t belong to her anymore. In one of their encounters, she had taunted how men never gave gifts until asked for. Ishaan Dev had sent her the brooch he loved wearing in his turban on special occasions. She needed to give it back. She knew he expected clarifications of her action. Why would she choose power over their affair, she wasn’t ready to explain herself to a man who did what he did. He chose to. He had to suffer the consequences. She stared back at the brooch. 

By midday, Ishaan Dev had reached a village. He got down from his horse, as the eager villagers looked at his unfamiliar face and familiar royal appearance. The Panchayat head rushed to meet him. 

“Have any of you seen someone ride by last night? Maybe a woman?” The villagers stared at each other clueless. They were generous enough to offer him food and water. As Ishaan Dev looked at the humble spread on a banana leaf he suddenly didn’t have the appetite for it. The foolish girl must not even have stopped for food. What was she thinking? He decided to take their leave. 

It was almost dusk when hungry and tired, Priyambada spotted a Traveller’s Den. She tied her hair up and hid it with a piece of cloth making it into a turban. She then tied the horse carefully outside, with the others, and pushed the door to walk in. The man at the counter looked suspicious at her as she offered a bangle instead of cash. But it was his profit. No matter how much she ate or stayed, it would never be equal to the cost of a gem-studded bangle. The why and how were not his business. Priyambada ate her fill and fell asleep on the bed under the stairs that were provided to her. She needed to resume her journey at dawn. She was excited and nervous. She would finally see her mother, hug her brother and be home again.

Ishaan Dev stopped for the night at a clearing. He lit a fire and found a log to sit on. He let Vidyut roam free and graze across the clearing. How his empty stomach wished he could also survive on grass. He looked up at the star-studded sky, trying to see if the darkness had faded, even for a bit. The night seemed to be longer than usual. The crickets sang in the bushes that lit up with fireflies. Once or twice from the darkness that engulfed the clearing, the forest made strange noises. Rustling leaves, calling animals, hooting owls and shrieking bats; their sounds often echoed eerily through the silence of the night. He sat looking around, his sword beside him. His body was tired, but his mind was wide awake and alert. Ishaan Dev sat staring at the smoke from the fire rising above the clearing as his thoughts wandered. At first, he wondered if Priyambada had successfully reached her mother. She was intelligent. He had underestimated her willpower. But what if she was in some kind of trouble? He frowned a little at the flickering fumes as they rose and danced in the wind. He was unsure. He remembered his own mother’s parting words, he needed to bring her home alive and well. He understood her concern. The Princess of Neelambargarh missing from the Suryapali palace, worse if found injured or dead, would give rise to several conspiracy theories. That would make the civil uprisings in Neelambargarh difficult to handle and his coronation would be delayed. Worse, if she escaped, with her mother and brother? What if they didn’t honour the treaty? Could she gather enough force over them? Would Ishaan’s future as the heir of Suryapali be destroyed by his one small mistake in letting the young prince go? Ishaan Dev grunted a little uneasy at his own frustrating trail of thoughts. The truth was, he hated to admit it to himself, that she was needed for his political career. Having her safe and sound back in the palace was important at the beginning of his reign. As selfish as it sounded, he didn’t care much for her life or death if not for his promises and his political agenda. Yet, here he was, starving and sleepless in a forest, looking for her. He smiled at the irony of his situation.

Ishaan Dev had stopped by the Traveller’s Den early in the morning. He had ridden through the night after resting for just a while, restless as he was to make up for the time lost on her. He asked the man at the counter about a royal lady. The man frowned. 

“The one that left a while ago? She paid me for this.” He took out the bangle “Am I in trouble with the law?” He sounded scared. Ishaan Dev snatched the bangle. He suddenly visualised her hands as he had pinned her down. Yes, these were hers. His jaws tightened.

“Which way did she go?” The man pointed north. He tossed a bag of coins on the counter, put the bangle in his pouch and rode off in a hurry.

Priyambada had finally reached the humble two-storey house in the middle of nowhere. She had stopped her horse a little away and watched carefully. There was silence around except for the rustling of leaves, and chirping of birds. She sighed. Tiptoeing towards the house, she spotted her brother just outside, in the humble clothes of a commoner, playing marbles.

“Priyam Dev?” She rushed to his side, startling the child. Her tears flew as she hugged him tight “Oh, you are well. Oh, do you miss me?”

“Mother! Mother!” Priyambada was taken aback by the sudden jolt with which the child moved away. “Someone is here to take me. Help.”

“No No No, Priyam. Do you not recognize me? I am your sister.” Priyambada tried in vain to pacify the child. The noise had made Rani Surachana rush out in a state of panic, dagger in hand with two guards behind her. Priyambada recognised the dagger. It was her father’s.

“Mother!” Priyambada approached the shocked woman as she stepped back, making Priyambada stop with a frown. 

“Mother, it's me!”

“What are you doing here? Didn’t Devdoot tell you we have nothing to do with you?” Surachana snapped agitated. She held the dagger up defensively as Priyambada looked shocked. The guards fell back and exchanged surprised glances. Should they inform someone or capture her? But how could they, now that she was the Yuvarani? Rani Surachana had by then dragged the scared child out of Priyambada’s grip, behind her.


“Mother. I have come home. What’s wrong with you? I have come with a happy tiding mother. Our people… still want us. They want me! We can…”

“Enough! We don’t want any such conversation with a Suryapalian.” Rani Surachana looked away. “My child’s safety is a concern.”

“What? Suryapalian? Mother ever since I have been there I have fought, rebelled, protested, to see you, be with you again. You are calling me an enemy? Do you not know… I was your child too!  I was held captive. You have no idea what I went through.” Priyambada sat down, on her knees in tears. “You don’t know what happened to me. Am I, not your child too?”

“I have only one child.” Surachana looked away as Priyambada looked up at her face, hurt. 

“And you should know better, Rajkumari. You are the Yuvarani of Suryapali. You chose to marry the man who killed my husband and son. I have no relationship with you.”

“Choose?” Priyambada inhaled. “Do you not understand? Father would never….”

“Well, he is dead. Do you understand? He will not come here to rescue any of us. So leave. I have nothing to do with you. You were dead to me just like him and your brother the day you agreed to be his wife.”

“But I… mother! I never believed them when they said that you… I know you fear them hence you are…” Priyambada stood up to reach out to Surachana who stopped her with the edge of the dagger.

“Don’t be so naive. They told the truth. You also know that! How could I let them kill our clan’s only heir? Just accept your fate.” Her words made Priyambada’s jaws stiffen. “I traded your life out of compulsion but you married that man by choice! You should have chosen to end your life than be in the arms of the man who killed your brother!” Priyambada stood taken aback by her mother’s accusations. Did Rani Surachana expect her to end her life out of dignity to save her clan’s name? That was not what Kumar Prithvi taught her. He always said she was meant to be a fighter.

“I ran away from there to be with you!” Priyambada cried. “And you think I have turned?”

“Are you out of your mind?” Surachana looked scared “What have you done!” She lowered her dagger and rebuked “Now you can’t go back a traitor. You jeopardise your own life!” Priyambada looked up at her face “Worse, you will land us in trouble again.”

Priyambada wiped away her tears and stepped back.

“I am sorry. I am sorry I was a burden and I troubled you. I am sorry I thought I had a family who cared. I am sorry I came here. I promise you, you will never see this face again.” She turned to leave and stopped. Glancing over her shoulders she took one lasting glance at the boy. “Remember something, Priyam. You had a sister, braver than most of your family.” She left before Surachana could protest.

Ishaan Dev reached the house to find Rani Surachana talking to the two appointed guards in anxious gestures.

“Where is she?” His words made Surachana turn pale.

“I asked where she is?” Ishaan Dev was losing his patience. Surachana cleared her throat.

“I told her what I should have, Yuvaraja, believe me.” She narrated the whole incident to him.

Ishaan Dev couldn’t help but feel a sense of disgust towards Surachana. She had no sense of empathy for her daughter. His opinion of a helpless widow and pleading mother begging for the life of her child changed completely in broad daylight. He saw through things. She had chosen the heir over her daughter. Perhaps even aware of her fate she had discarded her. Truth be said, Ishaan Dev now felt that even if he killed Priyambada to spare these two, Surachana would have been okay with it. How could a mother do that? He imagined his mother choosing him over his sister’s life. Ishaan Dev shook off the disturbing thought. He needed to find her.

Priyambada stood at the edge of the flowing river Maya, crying her heart out. She remembered her father, her protective older brother. She remembered Maharani Trinayani Devi’s motherly affection. She suddenly realised her mother didn’t show any. Of course, she didn’t. It was clear today, as to why. She felt abandoned. She remembered Ishaan Dev’s words. She caused his life to turn upside down. True. If not for her princess Advika wouldn’t have rejected him. She remembered the hurt in his eyes even when he was angry. Priyambada remembered her mother’s words. You can’t go back a traitor. Where would she go? She had no home, no family. Nobody cared for her. She looked at the water once again. This was the only way out.

“STOP!” She jolted as Ishaan Dev yelled. She turned to see him running towards her. Priyambada’s eyes went wide. How did he find her so quickly?

“What do you think you are doing?” Ishaan Dev looked perplexed as she stepped back towards the brink of the cliff.

“Don’t do anything stupid.” His words suddenly made her sob more. Her whole life was a lie she was stupid enough not to see through.

“Don’t come near me.” Priyambada took out the dagger from her waistband as she sobbed “I am warning you.”

“Okay, Okay. I will step back.” Ishaan Dev held up his palms and moved two steps back. “But you need to come forward.”

“I am sorry.” Priyambada sobbed as the dagger in her hand shook a little “I am so sorry I… I ruined your life. And I caused danger to Priyam and… please don’t hurt him, he is a boy!”

“Priyambada.” Ishaan Dev felt awkward as her name came out of his mouth almost like a plea. “I am not going to hurt anyone. Move forward please.”

“I am so sorry. I am so… sorry.” She shook her head “I ruined everything…I shouldn’t live.”

“I know you have faced some harsh things but…” Ishaan Dev wanted to sound convincing.

“No no no!” She shook her head like a stubborn child. For the first time, Ishaan Dev was seeing her behave at her appropriate age but he wished it was some other time.

“Priyambada!” A splash in the water made Ishaan Dev shout her name out loud. Without second thoughts he jumped into the river after her.

When Priyambada regained consciousness and coughed, she found herself in his strong arms on the banks of the river a few miles away. She was dripping wet from head to toe and Ishaan Dev was soaked and soiled. She stared up at him briefly in disbelief. Did he just save her life? Why?

“Can you see properly?” He asked as she nodded.

“Good,” He got up and looked around. “We need to go find the horses, can you walk?” She looked up at his words.

“Why did you save me?” She said almost like a rebuke “So that you can take me back and imprison me for the rest of my life? I would rather have poison and die now.”

“Given what I saw now, you are perfectly capable of doing that. But no, I won’t imprison you. I gave my mother my word.” He nodded at her. “That’s why I saved you.” That and a rebellion your people have started against us. God forbid they come to know you are harmed. It will not be easy for Suryapali or me.

Priyambada looked away and sighed. “It would have been a lot easier for everyone if you just let me die. Go back like you never found me.” Ishaan Dev looked at her calm pale face at her words and crossed his arms over his chest. 

“And live with the lie for the rest of my life? No, thank you.” She looked up at his words.

“What is the use of a life everyone hates?'' Priyambada sobbed, hiding her face in her palms. Ishaan Dev sighed. He needed to get this girl back safe, for his own future at Neelambargarh to be safe. He hated diplomacy yet it was the need of the hour. He knelt before her as he spoke in the politest tone he could find.

“ You are just young and naive and you have faced a harsh truth. I know it's heartbreaking to be abandoned by someone you trust and love. But it is not the end of the world.” She glanced at him at his words. He stopped as she looked up at his grim face. 

“ Sometimes people I loved the most also abandoned me when I needed them. Do I have no right to live because of that ?” Priyambada shot him a glance. A smile formed on the edge of his lips.

“You are probably thinking yes.”

“I was thinking I should thank you for saving my life.” She spoke as he shook his head “Twice.” He looked up at her last word. “If I was left to my mother she would have killed me to save Priyam.”

He shook his head. “She probably wouldn’t. We should go find the horses.” He looked around the clearing. She tried to stand up and stumbled. Ishaan Dev had moved to help her but he refrained from touching her. She regained her balance and looked around.

“That way.” He pointed as she nodded and followed him uphill silently keeping pace behind his broad figure as he looked out for the potential danger of snakes in the bushes as they walked through.

“Let's not let anyone know of this...err… accident.” Ishaan Dev spoke as he untied Vidyut. Priyambada looked at him from atop her horse. “You mean where I tried to kill myself and you risked your life?” He looked up at her witty banter. This girl was clever. Whether it was because she knew she had no other place to go or because she felt grateful to him, he couldn’t tell but Ishaan Dev realised he was having a first real conversation with Priyambada without trying to hurt each other.

“Yes. That.” he shook his head and mounted the stallion “Gossip mongers in the palace will make it something else.” Priyambada nodded. 

The silence between them was not awkward for Priyambada. She could listen to the rustling leaves and chirping birds. Here or there a deer ran by. And she had her thoughts keeping her occupied. Maharani Trinayani Devi needed to be apologised to. She glanced over at Ishaan Dev. He was oddly understanding towards her pain. Maybe because he felt the same way for different reasons. But could she ever unsee the hurt he had caused? Killed her father, mutilated her brother, and manhandled her. Could she ever befriend him without feeling like she was betraying her people? Her people? Who were they? The home that abandoned her or the enemy that accepted her? Ishaan Dev noticed her gaze was fixed on him. He shifted a little uneasily and cleared his throat. That made Priyambada realise she was lost in her thoughts, still looking at him. She stared back at the reign of her horse.

“I have not been exactly nice to you, not that you made it easier. But I shouldn’t have let my rage take over me and I shouldn’t have manhandled you.” Ishaan Dev looked straight ahead as they rode beside each other. Priyambada looked surprised. Was he apologising?

“I treated you like a prisoner. Perhaps because you treated me like an enemy.” He said in a rather monotonous emotionless tone.

“This sounds more like an accusation than an apology.” Priyambada snapped. 

He continued, ignoring her complaint, “I had no intention to physically hurt you. Not when your mother left you, not on the night of the war and not even yesterday. Whatever I did was to scare you and hoped you would accept your defeat and submit yourself. I was wrong.”

“Now that is a compliment.” Priyambada beamed, a little smile appearing on the edge of her lips. “I knew you were trying to scare me. And I knew I challenged you to show you how brave I am. But  I didn’t expect you to hurt me physically and I will not forgive you for that.” For a moment Ishaan Dev was glad to see the fierce self-esteem back. He eyed her riding beside him, looking around at the forestland.

“Let’s just agree not to cross each other’s path, get on each other’s nerves and avoid trying to kill each other,” Priyambada spoke. “Then if I see these working out, we can be cordial.”

Ishaan Dev nodded “Agreed.”

“How long is this road?” She asked.

“Well, we have to stop by the camp the troops will set up on the way. I need to send a message to Suryapali. And tomorrow we will reach Siyori.” Ishaan Dev thought a little “Then probably in the next few days back home.” Home. The word sounded alien to Priyambada. She sighed deeply. It was a long journey ahead.


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