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Time Stream

 1613, Agra

Jagat Gossain smiled happily as the court witness narrated the incident to her vividly. She was proud of her son. Padshah Jahangir received Shehzaade Khurram with joy as he introduced Kunwar Karan of Mewar to the court. The prince of Mewar had accepted his friendship; he was even ready to convince his father Rana Amar Singh to sign a treaty. Khurram had indeed done the impossible. Jahangir had forgotten protocol and hugged his son in pride. He then requested Nur Mahal to give the prince of Mewar a troop of elephants as a token of their friendship. Jagat Gossain was reassured that the newly prominent empress who dared to attend the court with Jahangir was not a threat to her son. If the rumours she heard were right, then Nur Mahal wouldn’t conceive either. Her Khurram could be declared the heir soon. Jagat Gossain sat looking out at the waters of the Yamuna in silence. He had visited her briefly, as part of the protocol and wished to stay in the Turkish Harem. She wasn’t surprised. She had instead left for Mathura to thank the Lord.
Shehzade Khurram had witnessed loss in his life before. He had lost his Shah Baba whom he looked up to, all his life. The protective hands that often guided him were gone. But the pain he felt today was something beyond his imagination. He had arrived at Agra with the hope of sharing some joy.
He wanted to let Qandahari Begum know that Arjumand Banu was pregnant. Their child was as much hers as Arjumand’s. But seeing her after such a long time made his heart sink. Yes, he had known of the miscarriage, he had felt helpless and written to her. Arjumand had comforted him. But the Qandahari Begum he had left behind was not the same anymore. He wanted to hug her, comfort her, and share her sorrow. But all he could gather the courage to do was hold her hand firmly as they watched their daughter play on his lap. He had hugged Perhez Banu a little tighter that day. He had seen Qandahari Begum’s eyes wet with tears and didn’t have the heart to share the news of Arjumand anymore. Instead, he had asked her to be with him; to be with the family.
“I don’t want to leave you here alone anymore.” 
His firm words made Qandahari Begum’s heart feel a mixture of warmth and loss. She never expected the kind of love he had forArjumand. Yet, this loss had brought them closer. Yet, this loss made her feel cared for. She had agreed. They had decided to leave Perhez Banu with Rukaiya Begum for some time. They had left for Ajmer, where Arjumand Banu was to conceive. It was the emperor’s instruction that the child is born in the holy city. They knew he wanted an heir for Khurram too.

1614, Ajmer
The newborn’s wail resonated through the Akbari fort in Ajmer; the wetnurses came out with gloomy faces.
“It’s a girl.” One of them said to Khurram who immediately gave away his most expensive ring. Rukaiya Begum stood pleased. Even though she had hoped for an heir, she knew she had raised her son well. She had taken the child gently on her lap and kissed her forehead.
“She looks like her mother it seems.” She had whispered to the visibly weak mother, and Qandahari Begum was quick to agree. They immediately let the emperor know. Within two days, a letter arrived with his royal seal along with gifts for the newborn.
“Jahan Ara” Khurram had whispered into the child’s ears as she smiled faintly. He had turned to Rukaiya Begum as Arjumand’s face turned pale.
“Can I...” she had bravely interrupted “Can I not take care of my own child?” A small gasp went across the room as the ladies in waiting exchanged glances “Sati Un Nissa will teach her well.” She had turned to her chief lady, friend and guide. Sati Un Nissa bowed awkwardly looking at the Sultana Begum, scared that she might have offended her. Qandahari Begum looked at Rukaiya Begum whose face was hard to read.
“But Arjumand.” Khurram reasoned, “It is a Timurid tradition...”
“Which can be broken.” Rukaiya Begum surprised him as Arjumand smiled at her. “There is no better guide than a mother. She is all yours Arjumand.”
“Should we not...” Qandahari Begum spoke almost like a murmur “Ask the Padshah?”
“He will not say no to my request.” Rukaiya Begum nodded. “Let’s hold a feast for the occasion. But first, I must visit the Dargah and thank the Almighty.”

Rukaiya Begum knelt down before the Dargah of Sufi Moinuddin Chisti in prayer. It has been ages since she visited the place with Jalal and today, she was happy. For the first time, she was present for the birth of a child of Khurram’s who had written to her, to be present in the Ajmer fort as both he and Arjumand wanted her by their side. Rukaiya Begum could understand why. Since they had heard of Qandahari Begum’s unfortunate miscarriage and seen her in pain, both Khurram and Arjumand had been scared. Khurram was being overprotective of Perhez Banu and over-caring for the pregnant Arjumand. All of Khurram’s letters seemed to enquire more about the princess, whose growing up years he deeply missed, than about anything else. 

A grand feast was held at Ajmer. Rukaiya Begum oversaw the arrangements.Qandahari Begum smiled watching her daughter play with her sister. Shehzade Khurram gave away clothes to the poor. For a few days, Akbari Fort was in a happy and cheerful mood, echoing with the laughter of children and the gossip of the ladies, the aroma of good food filled the air, and plenty was given away in charity.

1615, Agra
Rukaiya Begum had decided to go home immediately as a confidential letter arrived to her from Mariam Ur Zamani without the royal seal. Although Khurram was aware of the sender, he didn’t have the authority to ask about the contents of the letter. However, he could see how absentminded and worried Rukaiya Begum was as she immediately decided to leave for Agra.
Padshah Jahangir was taken ill. He had what Nur Mahal knew as just a fever until he started losing weight and becoming weak. Nur Mahal was worried and had summoned the medicine men. However, she was careful to keep the illness between herself and the medicine men, mostly because she was aware of the enemies who were waiting for the Padshah to die. She was right about Mahabat Khan, as Asaf had gathered. Even he didn’t know of the illness. Two court sessions were cancelled and Mariam Ur Zamani suspected something was amiss. Nur Mahal had to share the news of the emperor’s illness with her. She had felt helpless and immediately written to the Dowager empress for help.
Rukaiya Begum arrived at the Harem, and rested for a day, to avoid suspicion of others. The next day she visited the emperor. Padshah Jahangir lay in his chambers, visibly weak, dark circles under his eyes, his appearance frail and his words almost coming out like a whisper. Years of wine and opium had taken their toll on his health. Nur Mahal was making sure he stayed away from them and ate healthily. Rukaiya Begum smiled appreciating her nursing and care. But in her heart, Rukaiya Begum knew that he could perhaps never stop his addiction. He had tried many times before. Next, she requested Mariam Ur Zamani for a meeting.
When Nur Mahal arrived at the chambers of the Sultana Begum she was not at all surprised to see Mariam Ur Zamani there too. The moment she had seen the Sultana arrive back, she knew why she was there. The ladies in waiting were dispersed and doors shut with Hoshiyar Khan standing guard outside it. Nur Mahal took her seat before the ladies. 

“What were you thinking?” Rukaiya Begum stared at Nur Mahal “Why did you not inform us?”
“I beg your pardon, Sultana Begum.” Nur Mahal spoke shrugging “I never imagined it was this serious. It started as a fever. So I thought a couple of days will be enough. The Medicine men...”
“What did they say?” Mariam Ur Zamani looked worried.
“His liver is affected. It is not fatal but it is affected.” Nur Mahal spoke as Mariam Ur Zamani said a soft prayer. 
“We should make an official announcement then?” Mariam Ur Zamani looked at Rukaiya Begum. Rukaiya Begum turned towards Nur Mahal instead.
“What do you suggest?” Nur Mahal was taken aback by her question. She gathered her thoughts as she spoke.
“I think we shouldn’t do that.” She said firmly.
“Why not?” Mariam Ur Zamani frowned.
“Because...” Nur Mahal stared at the ladies as Rukaiya nodded her head and urged her to go on.
“Because there are enemies of the state who are waiting for this opportunity.”
“Enemies?” Mariam Ur Zamani looked across to Rukaiya Begum.
“So you have the proof?” Rukaiya Begum asked as she nodded.
“It is Mahabat Khan.” Nur Mahal said.
“Mahabat Khan?” Mariam Ur Zamani frowned. “But he is under Shehzaade Pervez Mirza.”
“Or Shehzaade Pervez is under him, we never know.” Rukaiya Begum shrugged “Just like Khusrau was under...” She stopped and stole a glance at Nur Mahal “Anyway... what do you think we should do?”
“I don’t know. The Padshah told me to look after the matters of documentation and accounts till he gets better but the court...”
“That’s a brilliant idea.” Rukaiya Begum’s eyes lit up. “You can represent him.”
“Represent him?” Mariam Ur Zamani frowned “How can she represent him when all three Princes are perfectly capable...”
“If we give one of the princes the power of representing the Padshah they may misuse it for securing their own future.” Rukaiya Begum spoke in a hurry “But if he declares Nur Mahal as a co-regent, like he suggested, only officially, she can hold courts and sign deals on his behalf. Since she is not the mother to any of the Princes they will not feel threatened. We can also declare courts to be held away from Agra while he takes some days off to travel and heal.” Rukaiya Begum turned to Nur Mahal “Can you do that?”
“With your guidance and blessings, I think I can. And if I falter initially, Mirza Asaf Khan is there to help me out too.”
Letters were sent, across to all prominent people, with the seal of the emperor, declaring Nur Mahal as his coregent, an equal in the matters of the state.
Khurram received a letter from his Ammi, telling him to accept the introduction of Nur Mahal as coregent, so he did, sending her a letter of congratulations and accepting her supremacy. Mahabat Khan followed with gifts and letters, but not before he set his spies to work for he suspected the emperor was fatally ill and the time he was waiting for was near.
His hopes though were soon faded by the Padshah himself travelling across the empire, from Kashmir to Kabul and Ajmer, holding court and meeting new ambassadors with Nur Mahal by his side. She had her own seal of authority and no documents were deemed valid across the empire without her consent. Though Jahangir enjoyed this co-reign his courtiers were not very happy about it. They were bowing to the empress and following her orders. She had a keen eye on everything and every move and she questioned everyone. They were used to the luxury of Jahangir overlooking their small mistakes but not the empress.
Rukaiya Sultana Begum sat in her chambers in Agra, with a letter from the emperor in her hand. He had decided to give Nur Mahal a new reigning title of Nur Jahan. He had also decided to issue coins in her name. Never before had empresses in the empire had coins issued in their name. Rukaiya Begum was worried. This move was to be deeply criticised by many. The Padshah could lose favour with some of his important and loyal courtiers. 
All her worries were kept aside when she was informed of the news of the birth of Shehzaade Khurram’s heir apparent. The Padshah was in Kashmir and was delighted with the news. Nur Jahan had ordered a celebration. The empire rejoiced as the Padshah named this child Shehzaade Mohammad Dara Shikoh. The Padshah’s astrologers predicted he was to bring pride and glory to the Timurids. 

1615, Ajmer.
Qandahari Begum searched the trunk of old things herself and found a quilt she had once handmade for her heir. She smelled it and brought it slowly to her lips. Then wiping away her coming tears, she made her way to see Arjumand Banu. She didn’t expect to see Shehzaade Khurram there but he was, smiling and whispering sweet nothings in the ears of his newborn. Qandahari Begum’s smile faded. Her heart sank a little as she stood at the threshold of the chambers. Arjumand Banu spotted her and smiled.
“Aapa, come inside. See Dara is smiling.” She had held out her hand. Khurram immediately gave the child into the warm protective hands of Qandahari Begum, nodded at them and walked away. Qandahari Begum sighed. Then she smiled at the child.
“I... brought him something.” She said as Arjumand sat up taking the quilt from her hands as Dara played with Qandahari Begum’s jewellery.
“Masha Allah!” Arjumand gasped.``This is so beautiful. Did you make it yourself?” Qandahari Begum nodded. “I ... made it for Shehzaade Khurram’s heir...” She forced a smile. Arjumand placed her hands on Qandahari Begum’s over Dara’s figure and nodded.
“I fear...” Qandahari Begum was quick to give Dara away to a wetnurse. “I fear... I will harm him someday.” Arjumand Banu frowned at her words “I have never been jealous of you. But today...” Qandahari Begum stopped as Arjumand Banu hugged her. She let her tears flow as Arjumand Banu held her more tightly. Suddenly, Perhez Banu was at the threshold frowning at the ladies who stopped and wiped away their tears quickly.
“It’s Janni.” She pointed at the garden. “She refuses to come inside. It’s very hot outside.”
“What is she doing out in the sun?” Arjumand Banu wondered.
“She will catch a fever.” Qandahari Begum added. Perhez Banu nodded intelligently.
“I told her so.” Qandahari Begum followed the child to the garden to see Jahanara, barely more than a year old, crawling to touch the flowers, smelling them, and smiling gleefully as Sati Un Nisa kept watch on her. Qandahari Begum smiled.
“Is Janni going to see the young Shehzaade or not?” She had picked her up before she struggled and walked across the corridor with Perhez Banu in toe.
Janni was placed in the cot right beside the newborn as the Begums waited eagerly to see her reaction. At first, Janni noticed the small hands and legs move. Then she placed her hand carefully over the soft head and smiled gleefully at Perhez Banu who held the newborn’s hand. He tightened his grip on her index finger and stared at Janni. Janni placed a kiss on his forehead making the mother smile.
“You are always going to protect your little brother, aren’t you Janni?” Arjumand picked her up and kissed her.
“I will too!” smiled Perhez Banu.

Sati Un Nissa arrived with a firman from the Shehzaade that she handed over to Qandahari Begum. Arjumand looked up at her, waiting to know.
“We are moving to Burhanpur soon before the emperor arrives here. And...” Qandahari Begum smiled at her “Shehzaade Khurram has officially given you the title Mumtaj Mahal on the occasion of the birth of Shehzaade Dara.  Henceforth everyone will call you so.” Arjumand Banu looked surprised. A new name? How could she feel she was herself? She stared at her children. But was she? Things had changed for her. She was a wife, a mother, and a part of the Timurid house. Her letter to Ladli and her mother had decreased as she tried to keep pace with her husband’s work, and children’s growth. She had the responsibility of running a household.
Shehzade Khurram had to leave for Burhanpur before the Padshah could reach Ajmer. However, he made sure all arrangements were made for his arrival.
Burhanpur was the most beautiful place Mumtaj Mahal had imagined. Between taking care of her two children, with help from Sati Un Nisa and her occasional poetry sessions with Qandahari Begum and Perhez Banu, she loved to spend her time soaking in the natural beauty of the place. She liked Burhanpur so much that Shehzaade Khurram requested to continue his expeditions there much to her happiness.
We don’t really know when Mumtaj Mahal was bestowed with her title as Jahangir addresses her as Asaf Khan’s daughter. But it is estimated before Shah Jahan became emperor. So, I have imagined it to be a title she gets when she gives birth to his heir apparent. Sir Thomas Roe had arrived in Ajmer as the second vassal from England during this time asking for permission for independent trade from Jahangir. Both Jahangir and Nur Jahan believed that aiding the English would mean that the other European traders will remain in check and so they provided the English with some benefits. Nur Jahan was the only coregent empress of the empire and the only lady to have coins issued in her name.


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