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Setting Goals

“And in the entertainment news, today we have a special segment, Jalaluddin Akbar and Rukaiya Begum said Qubool Hai!” Ajabdeh frowned at the news, which flashed pictures of the wedding as well as their honeymoon and turned off the television. She was happy that things went better than she planned but the talks of weddings were definitely not her cup of tea. To her horror, that was the only thing Heer and Hansa talked of nowadays. She knew Heer had a thing for weddings unlike her. She feigned happiness for the sake of it. Her living room was a mess, with papers scattered everywhere. She was finally on the couch with the final draft on her lap and her laptop on the centre table. She had to send the draft by the next day to the publishers. Brownie seemed too happy to be back home with his Humans and he was busy tearing up the pieces of paper Ajabdeh had scattered around the floor.

The wedding was a grand affair and Ajabdeh was happy for her own reasons. For in the morning of the wedding, KB had gifted her the most precious thing she ever got, his diary of Shayeris unpublished and raw. To Heer’s utter difficulty, Ajabdeh was lost in the notebook after the wedding and was mostly in her own world. Even Kunwar Pratap had to call her twice because Ajabdeh had forgotten to charge her phone. The date of the Engagement had been set a fortnight away by the priests of the Sisodias. With so much to be done in so little time, Heer frowned at her sister being lost in her own world. She seemed to have no interest in her own wedding plans. Heer was hopeful that once the drafts had been submitted Ajabdeh would probably get back the craziness she missed. Heer was looking after the business, while Hansa prepared for the double engagement with Jaivanta. With so much to do and Jalal and Rukaiya away for a mini honeymoon to the US, Shakti knew Heer needed help, even if she didn’t ask for it.

Heer was delighted to find him sitting in her office in the evening, with the papers of their day’s work neatly arranged, freshly brewed coffee and a smile to light up her day. She sank back in her chair, sighing.
“Don’t overwork yourself.” Shakti frowned at her tired pale face “You will fall sick.” His worried voice made her smile.
“I was thinking…” she stopped staring at her coffee “About Baba.”
“What about him?” Shakti frowned.
“Well… I… He’s…” Heer could not find the right words.
“I am not Ajabdeh, Heer.” Shakti made her stop holding both her hands in his across the table “You can admit to me what you feel; I know you were close to him, it is okay that you miss him.”
A lone tear trickled down her cheek as she closed her eyes at his words. That prompted Shakti to walk over to her side and hug her. “Tell me.” He persuaded.
“You see Shakti since we were kids I always thought, I was the one who was the protector. I used to save her from things and get scolded too… I had no idea that Maasa and Jija were actually hiding so much so that I could have a normal family life.”
 She stared at him as he nodded in silence. “He had been a good father to me. I can’t deny that. I can’t deny the fact that he actually did love us, me and Jija. Jija never saw that. Perhaps because she knew what she did, but he is a good father… He gave us freedom and pampered…”
“You want him at the engagement?” Shakti made her stop.
“I want him at our engagement, for the both of us, I want him to bless both me and Jija…”
“I understand that.” Shakti patted her head.
“You do? But…Will she?” Heer frowned “I fear I will hurt Maasa or Jija by asking for this, or worse, lose Jija’s trust over it.” Shakti smiled faintly. “I just want Jija to bond with Baba for once. Before we…”
“You have no idea what Ajabdeh can do for you.” He spoke up “I am sure she will understand this as well.”
“What if she…?”
“Let me give you a better idea. Let me invite him. That way neither Ajabdeh nor Hansa Aunty has to talk to or invite and you can still have him at the engagement. What do you say?”
“What if…” Heer sounded scared.
“Hum samhal lenge na, You never ask for anything Heer, and what you have asked for now, is not wrong.” He reassured. “Your Baba will be there at the Sagai. I promise.”

Ajabdeh had frowned at the doorbell. Once. Twice, Thrice. The person on the other side surely had some urgency. To top it all, Brownie had started to bark. She reluctantly left her spot on the sofa and walked to the door, where Brownie was already sniffing.
“Tum?” Her disappointed frown was well contrasted by Brownie’s happiness as he jumped on Pratap wagging his tail. Pratap calmed the excited animal down with a few pats before nodding “Main. Can I come in?” Ajabdeh moved from the door, still frowning while Pratap entered the room and stared at the mess.
“I was…” She waved her hand and was cut short by his “I know.”
“Maasa is not here.” She announced, “In case you need coffee or tea, feel free to make it yourself.”
“I know she is not here, Ranima met her for some plans and shopping, I dropped them off at the mall and came by.” He sat down after removing a few papers from the couch.
“Why?” She sat down moving aside her laptop, on the centre table, facing him. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?? You seem to have gone incognito Ajab. You don’t pick up calls, you are most of the times, unreachable… and…” his tone was complaining.
“I was reading.” She said matter of factly, “and catering to a deadline.”
“I know that. I tried to keep off your space as much as possible ever since we came back” He shrugged.
“I appreciate that!” Ajabdeh genuinely meant it.
“But a lot has happened and we need to talk.” Pratap seemed disturbed.
“About what?” She frowned.
“Whom.” He corrected.
“Whom?” She repeated clueless.

“I should tell Dadabhai about this,” Shakti spoke. “He can make her understand that it’s your wish and…”
“But Kunwar Pratap? Are you sure he can…”
“If anyone can, Heer, we both know it’s him. Let me call.” Shakti reassured.

Ajabdeh was laughing till her stomach ached and eyes teared up, much to Pratap’s annoyance. He had just informed her that Dheer Bua had asked for Shallavan’s details the day they had arrived back in Surajgarh before she headed home. Much to Pratap’s dismay, she found Shallavan to be a perfect match for Maan who to his horror was blushing at the idea. Pratap’s throat felt dry. Not only because he could not come to terms with the fact that the man he was keeping away from Ajab, would practically be family now but also because his little sister was all grown up and ready to love someone. He freaked out at the idea and wanted to talk to Ajab who was lost in her own world. He stared at her laugh again, grunting disapprovingly.
“Oh God Princy!” She said at last “This is good news.”
“Are you kidding me, Ajab? Shallavan? Of all the people in the world? He is snobbish and flirty and…”
“Responsible and sincere…” She added making him stop. “You know what your problem is Princy? He is just like you.”
“What? Never! I…” Pratap protested as Ajabdeh smiled at him.
“She will be happy. Trust me.” Ajabdeh placed her hand gently over his. “I like this possessive brother in you though.” She smiled as he sighed. Somehow, Ajabdeh always spoke what he wanted to hear, and she didn’t fail to this time around too. His phone rang as he walked away to receive it while Ajabdeh entered the Kitchen with Brownie in toe.

Shakti and Heer had been greeted at the door by Brownie, but there was no sign of their siblings. Frowning a little Heer sniffed the air. It smelled of something burning. She stared a little alarmed at Shakti as they ran to the kitchen. The kitchen was smoky, and Pratap stood terrified, scrutinizing a black lump of food that had just come out of the oven. Ajabdeh was in an apron, her face and hands, covered with flour, while she explained “But the video told to…”
“Jija!” Heer’s alarming call made her stare at the door.
“Look Heer, I made a cake!” She smiled gleefully.
“She means a corpse. She made a corpse.” Pratap pointed at the black lump even Brownie refused to sniff at.
“It’s just a little burnt Princy! You should have made it instead.” She defended.
“Just a little?” Shakti smirked at it and then at Pratap.
“I made tea, that too with masala.” He reminded her “You could drink that, in my defence.”
“Jija. You have never even made a cup of tea, why did you try to make a cake?” Heer stood in horror. She was thinking of the excuses she had to make to her mother now on behalf of her sister.
“We are celebrating Maan’s….” her words were cut short by his “We still don’t know if Shallavan will approve.” He wished the man didn’t.

Shakti exchanged an amused glance with Ajabdeh while Heer pushed the three of them out of the Kitchen in the living room, and started making some snacks to serve them with tea.
“Ajabdeh, we need to talk.” Shakti eyed Pratap as the two brothers sat side by side in front of her. “Now what did I do?” She frowned.
“It’s about Heer.” Pratap was calm as he spoke and in a way, Shakti was happy that he was not doing the talking.
“What about…”
“I want to invite Ram Uncle to the Sagai.” Pratap studied her face. It was emotionless, only the smile on her face and eyes faded. “Heer wants her father to bless her and it’s for…”
“If Heer is happy with that, it’s her choice. Her father can come and bless her. I have nothing to say. And it’s also your engagement and you can call whoever you want to.” Ajabdeh stood up to find Heer with a tray at the threshold. She stared at her sibling and then at Shakti and added plainly “As for me, that man is a stranger, don’t force me to talk or meet him even if he is in the same room.” To Heer’s worry, Ajabdeh left for their room and shut the door behind her. For a moment the three of them sat silently lost in their thoughts.

“I will…” Pratap was the first to speak “Leave. I have to pick up Ranima and…”
“I will go with you.” Shakti nodded. “And call up…” He stared at Heer who was still silent.
“Don’t worry Heer.” Pratap’s words made Shakti smile as she stared at him “She just needs some time.” He reassured as Heer nodded with a faint smile. “Thank you.”

Ajabdeh had spent a sleepless night and so had Heer. After pretending to be asleep for a whole hour Heer had finally spoken to her.
“Jija?” Her voice was about to choke and Ajabdeh grew alarmed as she hugged her sister. “Don’t you dare cry!” She snapped.
“I am sorry Jija I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted you and Ba…”
“Heer.” She drew away from the hug and wiped Heer’s tears. “What you want from me can never be, I can never forget the kind of man he was to Maasa.”
“But Jija, when we talk of second chances, can’t it also be that Baba does repent what he had done and he does want to apologize?” Heer reasoned “He had tried to reach out to me too many times Jija and I just want to know if I am right.”
“So be it.” Ajabdeh smiled at her sister “I just don’t want you to cry.”
“Me neither.” Heer smiled faintly as she hid her face in Ajabdeh’s bosom and she hugged her sister like a mother hugs a child.

The news of the engagement of the Princes of Surajgarh was soon in the air. As a result of the sensational news; a crowd of reporters honking and shouting outside the gates of the Punwar House, woke a much sleep-deprived Ajabdeh. She sat staring at the mayhem outside with a frown. Heer walked in with breakfast and smiled a “Good morning” before adding “I took a day off Jija, it's you and me…”
“And them!” Ajabdeh pointed outside with a poker face.
“What do you want to do?” Heer smiled.

“We are not kids anymore Dadabhai.” Shakti sulked. “Come up with better ideas than playing Monopoly please!” Pratap stared at his brother sitting on the couch “It’s a day off; I want to do something with you.”

Heer was surprised. In fact, surprised would be underrated, she was shocked. Ajabdeh had chosen to spend the day having cooking lessons from her. Hansa had stared at her daughters laughing while making a batter in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning much to her surprise. Heer observed how Kunwar Pratap’s existence changed Ajabdeh beyond her own understanding. Heer was in a way pleased that her Jija for once had started behaving like a more responsible adult ever since she met him
“Then?” Heer was startled out of her thoughts at Ajabdeh’s confused question.
“Then we bake this.” Heer poured the batter onto the bowl “Tell me Jija, does Kunwarsa like cakes?”
“I don’t know.” Ajabdeh shrugged “I love them!”
“If this one tastes well, we can take some to…” Heer spoke up setting the oven.
“To Shakti.” Ajabdeh smiled “He will love it.”
“And Dadabhai Pratap.” Heer added.
“Oh, I know!” Ajabdeh clapped her hands making Heer stare “We can act all Masterchef and also ask them to guess who made which one. Huh? Huh.” For once Ajabdeh’s silly idea didn’t seem so silly to Heer. She smiled.

“Are you scared, Shakti?” Pratap smirked holding the basketball. “I haven't lost yet.”
“I love to face challenges Dadabhai. Bring it on.” Udai and Jaivanta smiled at each other watching the brothers at a game of basketball.
“Wow! Mine looks better than Heer’s, Right Maasa?” Hansa was staring at the two cakes laid before her. Heer had dressed hers with icing on top while Ajabdeh used Gems to decorate with a smiley. Both looked eatable as Hansa stared with an appreciating smile at Ajabdeh.
“I can’t believe you…” Hansa started as Heer smiled proudly at Ajabdeh. Sometimes, in moments like these, Hansa often forgot which of the two was older.
“I win! I Win! I WIN!!!!!” Shakti jumped in the air as Pratap smiled panting a little.
“Haan haan main toh jaan bujh ke haar gaya!” He shrugged. Jaivanta came with two towels for her kids while they sat down on the ground.
“Go and get ready both of you!”
“Now who is coming home?” Shakti frowned hoping that the reporters had left.
“Heer and Ajabdeh.” Jaivanta smiled as the brothers exchanged a surprised look “I invited them to lunch to celebrate the engagement announcement.” She added.

“So basically, what if we…. Say wrong?” Shakti scrutinized the faces of an over-excited Ajabdeh and a rather amused Heer. He was scared.
“At your own risk,” Ajabdeh whispered with a devilish smile.
“What is happening here?” Pratap frowned as he entered the study to find Shakti sitting at a table with two boxes in front of him.
“Take a seat Dadabhai.” Heer indicated at the chair beside Shakti’s who looked perplexed. “We are just going to show you something.”
“What if… we are wrong?” His words made Heer chuckle a little as Ajabdeh smiled the devilish smile again much to his fear.
“I am sure you won’t Dadabhai” Heer assured totally ignoring Shakti’s frown at her. Heer revealed the two cakes, while Ajabdeh stood in excitement. Pratap and Shakti peeped into the boxes. One was a perfect icing, with flowers on top, and another was a chocolate cake with a smiley of Gems on top. They exchanged glances and stared at Heer who shook her head with “I told you so!”
Pratap and Shakti started laughing much to the annoyance of Ajabdeh “Aree! Hasne wali kaunsi baat ho gayi! Aree bolo na! Who made which one?”
“Really Ajabdeh?” Shakti managed between his chuckles. “Anyone who has ever seen you can say this. A smiley, really? What are you? Ten?”
Ajabdeh narrowed her eyes and promptly cut out a piece of her cake, stuck out her tongue at the duo and said “Chalo Heeriye!”
“Aree, wait.” Pratap stopped laughing as she narrowed her eyes “Let’s see if this one is after all a cake!”
Haan!” Shakti agreed “Dadabhai you taste, I can’t risk it!”

In the next ten seconds, Shakti’s shirt was smeared with the piece of cake in Ajabdeh’s hand as Pratap stood wide-eyed and Heer helped him get it off.
“You don’t mess with Ajabdeh Punwar, Kunwar Shakti!” She smiled a smile Pratap dreaded as Heer smiled at a helpless Shakti.

It was around dusk when Pratap was giving Heer a tour of the about-to-be-inaugurated Heritage wing of the Hotel. Ajabdeh on the other hand had managed to find a place on the roof of one of the still-in-construction cottages while Shakti sat near her, hearing her talk of Heer’s childhood. Pratap stopped reaching the door of the Sheesh Mahal and turned away briskly “And we are done here.” He said to Heer politely “What do you think?”
“I love it.” Heer approved. “This Punwar Sisodia Mughal alliance will be worth it!”
“Okay, let’s head back then.”
“Dadabhai…” Heer smiled faintly “I know about that.”
“About what?” Pratap frowned at her. She pointed at the door as he turned a little awkwardly.
“That’s a sweet gesture.” She approved making him smile a little.
“I have never…” He stopped unsure. Was it after all a good idea to share his feelings with this one? Heer stood listening. He added, “Done this before…”
“Well Dadabhai, not everyone was your soon-to-be wife.” Heer’s words rang like an alarm in his head. It was not until that moment that Pratap realized the kind of commitment he was getting into. Yes, he loved Ajabdeh. He never accepted that aloud but he did, and he didn’t want to lose her. But the mere word and tag of marriage were disturbing. Something suddenly bothered him.
“You don’t get married every day Ajabdeh!” Shakti smiled “Why not make the most of it?”
“I find it irrelevant to show off jewelery, clothes and grandeur for the sake of it Shakti. Had it not been Surajgarh I would have preferred a registry if at all.” Ajabdeh shrugged. “The money can be put to better use.”
“If at all?” Shakti caught her words. “You mean you had no plan of…”
“Not at all. Heeriye on the other hand always had that dream.” Ajabdeh spoke rather seriously making him frown “I don’t feel marriage is necessary or for that matter enough for a relationship to thrive. It’s just a way of pleasing society with our own lives.” Marriages fall apart yet people stick by. She had seen it all and in some corner of her heart, as much as she loved and trusted Pratap she saw the past come to haunt her at times.
“Dadabhai said the same. Had it not been for our plan you two wouldn’t have agreed!” Shakti chuckled as Ajabdeh snapped “What plan?” Shakti realized that words once spoken couldn’t be taken back. He gulped at her cold stare.

“We need to talk!” Pratap and Ajabdeh frowned at their words that came out simultaneously. Pratap stood in his pyjamas on the roof of the Mahal, after a quiet dinner when Jaivanta insisted the girls return home the next morning. Now Ajabdeh was in one of Jaivanta’s flowing Kurtas.
“A plan?” Pratap had allowed Ajabdeh to speak first. He couldn’t believe that their families had tricked them.
“There is no such rule that the one marrying first will…” Ajabdeh shrugged matter of factly.
“What now?” Pratap frowned as he sat down.
“What was it that you wanted to talk about?” She asked.
“I… was… umm….” He stopped staring into her eager doe eyes.
“You were?” She asked with a slight frown.
“I don’t know. It’s nothing.” He shook his head.
“Come on now Princy, don’t play this game with me. We both know you will say it anyway.”
“Well, I can, if you don’t get offended.” He asked a little alarmed.
“I won’t I promise!”
“It's just that… remember the first day we talked of Marriages?”
“Umm Hmm”
“It’s just that I realized that my view on weddings is still the same Ajabdeh, it’s not about you or commitment or the fact that…” He couldn’t find the right words.
“I understand.” She cut in making him stare.
“You do?” He asked a little surprised.
“Yes. I feel the same. We don’t need a socially approving marriage to validate our relationship; we can do it when we feel like it if at all, right?” Her words made him stare at her in admiration. She did reflect his soul.
“So?” He asked shrugging, holding her hand in his.
“So, we let those two get married. Give them their dream wedding.” She smiled.
“What about us?” Pratap for a moment was scared. Because Ajabdeh sounded like they were drifting apart.
“What about us?” She asked him instead. “We have the families, our dreams, Brownie, Sheesh Mahal and each other. Am sure once we tell the parents they will understand. Everyone has their own ideas of life. Ours is a bit different than theirs.” She assured him. He had nodded in approval.
“Let’s drink to that, I feel so much better now.” Ajabdeh smiled. Pratap led her by the hand to the bar and served her his favourite wine.

It was way past midnight when Pratap led Ajabdeh to the Seesh Mahal. She smiled at the mirrors reflecting their images on the wall and roof. He had led her to the adjoining apartments as well. The private area of the Heritage wing was ready. She had smiled at each Jharokha and peeped through them. She had twirled as he stood smiling.
“This feels the way I want to feel.” She had said in a slightly tipsy tone.
“And that will be…?”
“A home made of Love.” She smiled. He held her hands and pulled her into an embrace. Ajabdeh could feel his heartbeat as her head rested on his chest.
“Ajab.” Pratap had found his voice. Ajabdeh had stared at him, their noses touching. He removed the locks of hair from her face and rubbed her warm cheeks with his cold hand. She leaned slightly at his touch as his other arm entwined around her waist.
“Ajabdeh.” He whispered in her ears.
“Will you move in with me?” Pratap said it in an impulse. Her eyes were confused at his words as he repeated them more like an answer “Move in with me, here. Together, we will make a dream home.” Ajabdeh’s eyes widened. She knew he was serious.
“B…But… what about…”
“I will talk to everyone, just say yes. Until we feel it’s the time right for nuptials, stay with me. Let’s share lives. I promise I won’t disappoint you.” His grip around her waist had tightened like he didn’t want to let her go. Ajabdeh’s hands rested on his collar. She could feel his breath as deep as hers.
“Yes.” She whispered.
“Yes?” Pratap was not sure whether he had heard her right.
“Yes!” This time Ajabdeh’s answer was more confident as her eyes smiled at his. Pratap at the moment cupped her face with the hand he had rested on her cheek. He leaned to touch lips softly, and tenderly. Ajabdeh inhaled. This was not the first kiss of their lives. Yet, the whole feeling of it was new. He had stopped only to be pulled into a deeper and more passionate smooch by her. When they stopped Ajabdeh frowned at his eyes. They shone like they had tears. Her hands travelled to his cheeks a little worried.
“What happened?” She asked.
“This… This is what love feels like.” He said with a lingering smile.
“I guess so.” She kissed his nose making him smile.

Something in her eyes was so captivating that his wandering heart had found a home. He knew he should stop, or perhaps move away but he didn’t. Neither did she. His hands travelled over her back to the chain of the long kurta. He stopped at it. Her kiss sealed the approval he needed. He had for the first time, carried someone to bed. Let her rule over him, surrender to her desires before his. He had for the first time felt content every time her body responded to his.
Ajabdeh didn’t know that she could actually feel shy, or unsure. Neither did she ever imagine she would cry at the moment she felt his love. Pratap was scared by her tears. Had he hurt her or crossed his limits? He had stopped with worry swept across his face. Ajabdeh’s hug had proved him otherwise.
“I love you.” They had smiled in unison and union.
He felt at peace as he watched her sleep. Her long hair falling over her bare back and her content face made him feel that Home was… where Ajabdeh was. He suddenly grew worried. He had a family to convince to their decision.

The first lights of dawn had fallen on Heer’s face through the half-covered curtains. She frowned at the bed beside hers. By the looks of it, Ajabdeh hadn’t come there all night. She frowned. A knock made her stare at the clock. It was half past six.
Shakti entered with a frown and eyed the well-made bed before turning to Heer.
“You don’t know where they are?” He sounded alarmed.
“Why are you so worried?” Heer stared suspiciously. “What happened?”
“I kind of screwed it up.” He confessed sitting on her bed as Heer frowned “What?”

Udai was pacing the study. Hansa and Jaivanta’s eyes were fixed on the door. Shakti stood like a guilty person in a corner sulking. Heer eyed him coldly and rather disapprovingly. Jija hated lies; worse, Heer had no idea where she was. Jalal and Rukaiya had walked to the scene with Bairam in toe. Shakti had called them in an emergency. It was way past midday and everyone had just received a message from Pratap “We need to talk. Palace Study. @2” Confused and not knowing what to expect Rukaiya had held Heer’s hands worried.
Khan Baba broke the silence “What were you thinking?” His voice had an accusing tone, not towards Shakti but the elders.
“I…” Udai spoke only to stop.
“First, you give your children the independence to choose, and then you trick them like this? To marry? I mean yes, they met each other because of your matchmaking but that does not mean you rule their lives? They can get married when they want to.”
“But…” Jaivanta spoke rather worried “Where are they?”

Ajabdeh woke with a startle at the unfamiliar surroundings, and then she remembered everything as her cheeks grew hot and she blushed. He was not there and it made her frown. Dressing up, she stepped out of the well-furnished room into the sheesh mahal. On the table, was a note with breakfast. “Be back soon” She frowned. Where was he? She ate the bread and stared around the place. If they were going to make a home out of it, things needed to be sorted, especially her library and a room for Brownie. She was suddenly worried about how everyone, especially Ranima would take it.
Pratap rushed to his office and finished up some pending work to leave for the day. As he was leaving, an Instagram story from Ajabdeh Punwar grabbed his attention. It was a selfie of theirs at the RukLal wedding. #settinggoals made him smile. When he arrived back at the residential wing, Ajabdeh was on the floor of the sheesh mahal, going through her emails.
“I have news.” He had almost startled her with a peck on her cheek. “So do I.”
“You first.” He suggested.
“I am getting published this winter!!” She smiled. “That’s like ten months from now.” She hugged him tightly as he smiled back. “Now your turn”
“I called the elders to talk about an hour from now,” he said looking at his watch.
“What? So soon?” She frowned surprised.
“Why? Are you thinking of changing your mind?” He asked adding “You can if you…”
“No!” came a firm reply that made him smile “Ekbar jo hum commitment kar dete toh…
“Bas! Bas!” he shook his head. “We will move in after their wedding.”
“Done.” She hugged him back.

The door of the study opened as Ajabdeh walked in rather confidently with Pratap in toe.
“Where were you?”Heer’s words were met by her smile.
“I am getting published this winter. And we decided something, for ourselves” made Jaivanta exchange a scared look with Udai and Hansa.
“Heer and Shakti are getting engaged and married,” Pratap said rather monotonously.
“But” Jalal was about to speak when Khan Baba stopped him, amused at the rebels.
“What about…” Rukaiya spoke up.
“You two?” Shakti finished scared.
“Us?” Ajabdeh had stared at Pratap who had held her hand making Hansa and Jaivanta stare at them.
“We are moving in together.” Pratap had said.
“What?” It was Hansa and Udai who had spoken in unison.
“We will get married when we want, how we want, IF we want.” Ajabdeh spoke calmly “We love each other; we have you all that is enough. We feel our relationship doesn’t need social validation as of now.”
“It’s still a bird that doesn’t know how to fly; we can’t cage it with Log Kya Kahenge. We never cared for that. Our families know that too.” Ajabdeh was rather pleasantly surprised at Pratap’s use of a metaphor.
“And that’s your final decision?” Udai asked with a disapproved look.
“Yes, we are making a home out of the Residential suite at the Heritage wing of the Hotel,” Pratap answered.
“But… But…” Hansa had stared at her firstborn.
“Maasa.” Ajabdeh had walked up to her mother. “We are not saying we won’t ever get married, who knows, someday we will. But right now…”
“Let us fly freely, together.” Pratap finished. Shakti stared in disbelief at what his words had caused. He expected Jaivanta to be hurt. But instead, she smiled at her firstborn and hugged Ajabdeh.
“Whatever makes you happy.” She had said.
Khan Baba on the other hand let out a chuckle and hugged a much-surprised Pratap and Ajabdeh.
“Well done! We need more children like you! Hansa Ji, Udai, you should be proud of these kids.”
Pratap walked up to Heer “I know you won’t approve of this, and you are overprotective of her, but I promise you, Heer, she won’t regret this. And also …”
“There is a royal wedding in hand to take care of, so be happy at least for yourselves.” Ajabdeh added and stared at Shakti “You get married once, hopefully. Right, Shakti?”
“But… are you…” Heer asked with a frown.
“Sure?” Shakti finished as they stared at each other briefly.
“Trust me when I say this Bhai, I have never been this sure in all my life.” Pratap held Shakti’s upper arms before hugging him.
“Me neither, Heeriye, trust me.” Ajabdeh smiled at her sister.
“I do.” Heer hugged her back as everyone smiled at each other.


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See You Soon

Kunwar Partap entered the relatively quiet stable premises at the break of dawn checking on Bijli who was asleep, when he heard the sound of anklets near the cow shed. He walked up to the entrance of the stable, from where he could see her, her dupatta placed loosely over her wet hair, devoid of jewellery the way he never saw a royal lady, with a basket of flowers in one hand and a plate of sweets on the other. She was distributing sweets to the cow keepers, veterinarians and everyone who came by on the occasion of Lakshmi giving birth to her calf. “What will you name her, Hukum?” an old man asked. She smiled shyly, pressing her lips together. “Mandakini, Kakasa.” The old man smiled at her suggestion. “Like the kund? Very nice.” Kunwar Partap walked up to Lakshmi’s shed only after most people had dispersed to their work. Ajbante Kanwar heard footsteps behind her and turned with the plate that now had one sweetmeat left. Alarmed at his sight and at the lack of options she could offer fr...

Stable Boy

  “Jija, I want to go to the stables too.” Ajbante was stopped in the corridor of the inner palace by Ratan Kanwar, followed by their half-brother, Akhil who was three. “We do.” Ratan corrected herself. The dawn had just set on the horizon and the birds were chirping in the gardens. Ajbante Kanwar had just taken a bath in the private pool and managed to grab her empty flower basket to go to the gardens still before that, she would visit the stables and cowshed, check how Lakshmi was doing with her newborn, and if Bijli was okay with the sudden changes her father made. Ratan Kanwar’s nagging made her sigh and nod. “Don’t make so much noise so early in the morning.” She scolded them as they followed her, giggling and skipping down the hall behind her. “Don’t touch the newborn Kunwar Akhil, you will scare Lakshmi.” The familiar alarmed voice made Kunwar Partap stop gathering hay as he placed them down, wiped his forehead and glanced over his shoulder at the cowshed. There was some gig...

I Saw You

Kunwar Pratap was in his brown Dhoti, off-white angrakha and a piece of brown cloth tied to his head when he entered the palace premises. He was standing in the courtyard, eyeing the lofty towers and domes, wondering whom to talk to as some soldiers galloped their horses out of the stables on the right and some people were gathered on the left. The main entrance and two guards on either side and he decided to go towards the stairs leading up to the inner palace when the guards stopped him. “Who are you looking for?” “Rao ji?” He asked unsurely. “Rao Ramrakh…” “What audacity, boy?” The old guard scolded, “Say, Hukum!” “Yes, Hukum.” He nodded. “I came to tend to the stables.” “Then go to the stable, why are you loitering around the private gardens?” One of the soldiers said in a gruff voice. “He must be the one we were told about…” The other one reminded him. “Oh, go to the stables anyway, Hukum is busy practising, I will summon you once he is on the premises.” Pratap nodded at his words...

Towards You

Kunwar Pratap and Ajabde were friends. He didn't feel awkward sharing his plans and thoughts with her anymore. She was more than happy to advise him on everything. She was happy he listened to her advice before taking or discarding them, be it on what to wear to Padmavati's Sagai or how to befriend the revolting Bhils. He loved the way Ajabde always used metaphors from Puranas and Ramayanas to explain the toughest things so easily. She expressed herself so well, so easily that it amazed him.   The Afghans were now led by Mehmood Shah. They have made secret territories in the forests and waited to attack. Rawatji and his spies had confirmed the news and Udai Singh had warned Mehmood Shah to withdraw his troops from Mewar in vain. Now, it was time they declared war. Mehmood Shah had limited resources in Mewar. And his spies clearly suggested that in no way could he win, especially with Kunwar Pratap leading his troops. He was having second thoughts about the war. One of his aides...

Queen of the Heart

Kunwar Pratap was in the Dangal Sthal practising his moves. Ajabde decided it was fair to know his strength before the big competition. Sword in hand, in a white female warrior attire with only her face visible she hid behind one of the large watchtowers of the Dangal watching him move. She heard Rawatji say, " Your left hand is still weaker than the right one with the moves. Both should be perfect." A smile curved her lips. Knowing an opponent's weakness always helps, which is one rule of the war she always remembered.   Kunwar Pratap swung his sword with his left hand and turned around. He could sense someone watching, his sixth sense was never wrong. He looked around and hatched a plan. Ajabde again peeped at the grounds to see it was empty. He had left. She walked towards the empty ground, sword in hand. Suddenly, the cold blade of a sword was felt on her neck. She stopped still. " So someone was spying on me." His voice had a hint of taunt. " No, I was...

Prologue: Impulsive Hearts

1576 CE. The dark clouds circled over the Haveli of the Chieftain at Avadgadh, one of the unimportant posts on the western borders of Mewar, Rajputana. It was the arrival of the rainy season, with occasional downpours over the green veil of the Aravallis on the horizon and the streams that often meandered around the hills now surged like rivers. The monotonous life in the little settlement was stirred by the arrival of guests in the Haveli. It was not usual for the old chieftain to receive so many guests, especially women and it sparked curiosity and rumours among the villagers. Who were these people? Some of them looked like royal ladies and some not. In the inner palace of Avadgadh, on a balustrade that was designed with Jali, nymphs adorning its pillars that looked over the Aravallis in a distance, covered with dark clouds, the gusty wind blew the new curtains almost toppling a vase kept by the window. She caught it, alarmed, almost out of the force of habit to be alert about her su...


" This is your room Ranisa." Hansa opened the door to the well-furnished large guest room of the Bijolia Palace. The diyas were lit and the room was neat and clean. " Your Daasis decorate the rooms well." Jaivanta Bai looked around. " Oh, Ranisa. all these... " Hansa smiled proudly. " All these are done by my daughter." " Your daughter?" Jaivanta Bai smiled surprised. " Milwayiye ." Jaivanta Bai was eager to meet her. " Ajabde! Ratan!" Hansa called as the girls came in. 13-year-old Ajabde preferred a simple lehenga in a pink and blue Dupatta clad over her head. She was the first one to calmly bend down and touch Maharani's feet as a five-year-old Ratan came running. " Ajabde is very talented in sewing, gardening and home decor. She can also...." " Maa Sa...." Ajabde's soft protest stopped Hansa as Jaivanta Bai smiled. " Accha, I won't tell but these are your good talents, right? ...


Rao Surtan was at the Palace gates as the soldiers tried in vain to attack with arrows. His army was stronger and more competent than the one Balwant headed at the Bijolia Fort Gates. “Break the door” he ordered. “Where is Ajabde?” Hansa looked around the cellar. “Jija!” Ratan exclaimed. “She was on the roof last I saw.” “Ajabde.” Hansa Bai opened the cellar door and stepped out followed by Ratan who was equally worried. “Stay back!” Sajja Bai called in vain as Jaivanta Bai too walked out and up the stairs to the corridors of the Ranimahal in search of Ajabde.  Meanwhile, Surtan’s army had entered the palace and he made his way to the Ranimahal. He was having different thoughts now. Killing Jaivanta Bai won't yield him anything… Maybe capturing a few young maidens… Ratan froze in the corridor seeing the man approach. Behind her were her mother and Jaivanta Bai with the same reaction. “ Jee Bavro ho gayo!” Surtan Singh took out his sword. Ratan took two ste...

Life and You

" Maharanisa! Maharanisa!" The Daasi ran through the quiet Rani Mahal as Jaivanta Bai who was sitting in front of the Lord in her room ever since she was back, rushed out of her room followed by Sajjabai and Veerbai. " What happened?" She asked, her voice calm, but her heart thumping. " Kunwarsa is here... with Kunwarani... She... She...." The Daasi sobbed as Jaivanta Bai rushed to the room. She stood at the door as her eyes couldn't believe what she saw. Kunwar Pratap was soaked in her blood as he laid her down on the bed shouting " Jaldi. Rajvaidya..." His eyes stopped at the door as Jaivanta Bai rushed to be beside the unconscious Ajabde. The Daasis and Sevaks were running about soon enough. SajjaBai gasped at the scene. So much blood. Kunwar Pratap hadn't noticed anything except her calm unconscious face. Now he looked down at his blood-soaked hands, red, he stared at them as though in a trance. " Kunwar Pratap! Tell me what happ...

You Deserve More

Ajabde woke up with the song of birds as she felt something warm clinging to her hand. Her eyes went wide. Her hand was on the pillow in between, between his hands, clasped as he slept. She thought of removing it slowly but he was holding it so tight. Ajabde's heart beat faster and faster. What do I do now? How do I not wake him? What if... why is my hand in his? She was utterly confused.   " Am I..." In love? Pratap was staring at the sleeping figure on his bed as he again looked back at the rain. Then he looked back frowning as she shivered. He closed the windows of the room, to make it cosy then sat on his side of the bed. A lamp flickered on her side like always and he stared at her sleeping figure as he put his blanket over her as well. She shifted a little in her sleep to make herself cosy again. Her payals and bangles made a rhythmic sound breaking the silence of the room. Her hand was out of her blanket and on the pillow in between. He tried to slowly put it in th...