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The majestic fort of Kumbhalgarh had a breathtaking view. Ajabdeh stood at the edge of the longest wall of India, watching the sunset. Today was special. It was on this very day two years back that her book Choices had been released. There had been no turning back since then. She was writing her second one. In these two years, her image had changed in the media. She was not the party animal anymore. She occupied the position of the MD of Surajgarh Group of Heritage Hotels, an initiative of the Sisodia Punwar Mughal Partnership. She had successfully run NGO programs across the state alongside Heer under the Punwars banner and earned a name for good causes. She frowned at her watch and stared back at the gates leading out of the fort. Still no sign of him. Her phone rang and she picked it up and moved to a fairly empty corner away from the crowd.

“Jija!” Heer sounded excited on the other side, while she frowned. “It’s snowing!” 
Heer and Shakti had been visiting Ruqaiya and Jalal in Amsterdam. They had settled there in the past year with Khan Baba and the news of Rukaiya’s pregnancy prompted Jaivanta to send her gifts with Shakti and Heer who were on a Europe tour for a month. Heer had never seen a more beautiful place than Switzerland in her life. Shakti had smiled at her watching the snowfall like a child. Shakti now held the position of his father in the Sisodia Business while Pratap was the head of the heritage project. He also took care of Jalal’s scattered business ventures in India.

“Jija?” Heer’s voice sounded alarmed “Are you there?”
“Yes.” Ajabdeh found a voice “How is… Ruqs?”
“She is absolutely fine Jija. Aapa said she expected you here instead. I told her you will be here once the baby arrives. Sahi bola na Maine?” Her voice was happy and Ajabdeh smiled. Shakti snatched the phone from her “Did Maan call Ajabdeh?” He asked.
“Not yet. But we heard it will be a spring wedding. Ranima said so.” Ajabdeh shook her head. “How are you?”
“Am fine, umm… tell Dadabhai to talk to Bhaijaan once, he’s kind of freaked out.” Ajabdeh’s heart skipped a beat. Freaked out! Of course! What if … She took a heavy breath and sighed, making Shakti frown on the other side.

“Ajabdeh? Is something wrong?” he asked worried.
“No. No! Endings again” she shrugged. “Am bad at those.”
“Don’t worry your new one will be a great success too!” Shakti smiled “We do know it!”
“What’s it called Jija?” Heer’s voice rang behind his “Ask her Kunwarsa.”
“Umm… Relationships…” Ajabdeh had smiled. She had least expected a few years before that she would be releasing a book on this.
“Woah!” there was a hint of a smirk in Shakti’s voice.
“Umm… I gotta go, Shakti, I will get back to you tonight.” She had hung up before he said goodbye. She had seen Pratap walk in.
“Something is amiss.” Shakti almost whispered making Heer frown.

Ajabdeh had never doubted Pratap’s commitment to her. Never did the thought of him leaving her for a better option come to her mind. She had seen girls give him attention at parties. She had seen him enjoy some at pubs. But never did it ever bother her. Sometimes the way they touched his arm made her jealous. That was the time she walked up to him with a smile that claimed him as hers. He never talked of marriage as well, and they were happy in their own space. They had lived in the present. From holidays to weekends they rarely planned ahead. And she liked it that way. At times, she would read to him, and he would give his feedback. She appreciated those. Then at times, in between work, they had grabbed a private lunchtime at home. Working in the same place which was home, made Ajabdeh feel at ease. Working hours were never her kind of thing. As for Pratap, she could sense at times, after fights, there was insecurity in his eyes. Perhaps a fear to lose her. She had hugged him on those occasions. He was part of life that now came as easily to her as her breath. Heer’s marriage made Ajabdeh miss her sister. But Pratap had slowly and effortlessly filled in the place of a protector and listener. She was never afraid to speak out to him. And she liked the kind of effort he often put into his occasional night outs and gifts. But now, things would change. The thought scared her. She did not know how to face him with her thoughts placed in the right words.

Pratap knew her strange demands in the past two years. Living with Ajabdeh Punwar was not easy. But she always made life an adventure for him. Today was no different. He had woken up to find her missing from her side of the bed. He didn’t bother as Ajabdeh’s writer side often needed space. He had made himself breakfast, kept her’s on the table and left for work. He had returned around lunchtime and frowned. Ajabdeh was still not home, and the breakfast was untouched. Her phone was unreachable. He didn’t want to worry the parents or siblings so he left her a message “Call ASAP” She hadn’t called him. Instead, around 4PM he received this rather odd message “Kumbhalgarh Fort, Sunset.” He had stared at it, then at the time and left immediately. With Ajabdeh he never knew what to expect. He had stopped predicting her altogether. He would expect such a message from Chavand or Moti Magri. This was new. There had been days when in their personal worries they had called the other to their “It” places and shared silences. He had driven all the way lost in thoughts. He had inferred that she must be bothered either about the book, or the declining health of her mother.

“Wha…” he had opened his mouth as soon as she disconnected the call.
“Umm… we need to talk.” Pratap’s heart skipped a beat.

The last time she had said that was the night they decided to move in together. While half of their circles were literally placing bets on how long their relationship would last, based on both their past records, they had been working on their relationship dedicatedly, and adjusting to each other. He had discovered sides of her he didn’t really like but eventually got used to. She had often been vocal about her dislikes unlike him. They had fought. Every day. On the smallest of things. From the breakfast menu to the party plans at the weekend to curtain colours and Brownie. They had enjoyed vacations together. Then again at times, missed home and spend weekends with the family. Once after an ugly fight, she was missing for two days. He had thought that he lost her of his own impulsive nature. But two days later, Ajabdeh Punwar was back from her “Mini Holiday” with a smile and a hug like nothing ever happened between them.

That day, slowly but finally the thought of her leaving him stranded in the relationship alone, was gone. He had always feared losing her to his impulsive nature or her craziness. But that day he realized that every relationship was unique and every individual needed their own space. He also realized that the kind of deep commitment Ajabdeh and he had felt for each other was perhaps beyond the norms of even a husband and wife today. With the rising rates of divorces and marriages in the country, he would often feel that the vows were merely left to be a circus for society and a parade of pride for the families of the bride and groom. He felt content that between him and Ajabdeh, there was no option of leaving. They worked at their relationships, with each other and each other’s family effortlessly. Today, her face was calm and serious. He was scared. Perhaps of her or the sense of abandonment, that he was feeling suddenly.
“This is… um…. Not going as planned!” Pratap dreaded each word that came out of her mouth. She bit her lips. She had been practising this since morning and it came out wrong!
“What?” His mouth went dry as he noticed her look away.
“This… umm… I… actually… you should leave. It’s okay…” Her words were confusing.
“Kya? Kya Matlab?” Pratap frowned at her. Then he noticed her rub her hands, and avoid his eye contact.
“Ajabdeh!” his words made her stare at him “For god’s sake, tell me what’s wrong?”
“Nothing!” she shook her head and looked away “I need some time. Away from you.”
“What?” Pratap thought that the ground beneath his feet was slowly slipping away “Are you kidding me!” he held her hands. “What happened all of a sudden?”
Her hands were stone cold. The secluded corner of the wall of the fort was now reflecting the red hues of the setting sun. His eyes shone. He pulled her closer and hugged her. Ajabdeh inhaled the cool breeze as his grip tightened around her. “Please, Ajab. Tell me what’s…”
“I’m Pregnant.” The words resonated in his ears and his eyes widened as he withdrew his grip to stare at her pale face.
“I’m… I…. I need some time… This…. Ummm…. I don’t know….” Ajabdeh’s eyes and face spoke of fear. A fear she couldn’t place in words or feelings. Perhaps uncertainty or …
“Ajab! Are you serious?” Pratap’s smile reached his eyes making her frown.
“I know we hadn’t ever talked of this Princy but… but…” She sounded unsure.
“This is the best thing that could ever happen to us!” She stopped as his voice choked. He pulled her back in an embrace after kissing her forehead. “I don’t care if we talked about this or not, but we are in this. Together.” She had closed her eyes at his words. “Silly girl you scared me!”
“I didn’t want you to feel any obli…”
“Shut UP!” He smiled “Wait till Jalal hears this. WE are going to have kids together!”
“What about…” She asked again.
“Ranima and Papa will be so happy!” he smiled.

Ajabdeh nodded. Something inside her was changing. From the moment she saw the test reports, she felt responsible. Towards herself, her relationships and the life growing inside her. However, she was not sure how Pratap would react. He could not keep Brownie for a day by himself and a child… it was too much responsibility and he hadn’t ever talked of kids with her. All she knew was that he was awkward with them. She had practiced a full speech for the whole day. That he was not responsible if he didn’t want this. It was her choice to keep the baby. Their baby. A part of him. Pratap’s hug had set her worries to rest.  Suddenly a new worry crept into her mind. What if he wanted to legalize things? For the sake of the family? What if he wanted to marry her, not because he felt like it but because she was the mother of his child? The heir to Surajgarh? She stared at Pratap call the family in the distance. He smiled at her. She smiled back faintly.

Twenty Years Later.
Kunwar Amar was celebrating his birthday, as well as his coronation at Surajgarh. It was a big day for him and he was now ready to take on the responsibilities of being the first heir to the throne. He was scared. Not because of the events that had occurred that day. The media attention, the coronation rituals, the life ahead, he was ready for this for a long time. Shakti Kakasa had been teaching him his responsibilities since he was eighteen. He had accompanied Kakasa to work more often than not. Papa was always busy with Surajgarh’s welfare while the main business was run by Shakti Kakasa. Just like him, Amar had an eye for innovation and the growth of the business. Heer Kakisa had made him sit in the room and instructed repeatedly not to step out before the birthday party. Being the planner that she was, Amar would give in. After all, she loved and pampered him more than Mom at times. Mom… he had smiled at the picture of her hugging him, on the frame of his chamber. She was one in a billion. Like a star. At times she would be completely crazy, teaching him pranks and tricks, and then, she would tell him moral tales, of his father’s namesake while he fell asleep. His bedtime stories were always her personalized tales. Perks of being the son of a bestselling author, Amar assumed. He had read her books, secretly admiring her thoughts. He always hoped to make her proud. And Papa? If it hadn’t been for Arohi, or his first cousins, Aditya and Aditi, he would have still been Papa’s favourite. He took Amar horse riding, or on walks with Brownie and to Museums. He often took both him and Arohi to his favourite place, the cenotaph of Chavand. To Amar, that place was like a second home. His parents had taught him that every person should have a place that only he could connect to. Amar had often thought about it. Besides the Sheesh Mahal, where they had spent most of their childhood, he had rarely found a place for peace. People, on the other hand, gave him more sanity. As a child, Amar was annoyed with his sister. Much later when she left for boarding he realized what she meant to him. If it hadn’t been for Arohi going abroad for studies to Jalal's uncle and Ruks Aunty he wouldn’t have… He smiled as the door knob turned and someone peeped in.
Arzoo Begum was three years younger than Amar, his sister’s best friend, and his first and hopefully last chance at love. Jalal and Rukaiya’s second born was a year older than Arohi and studied in the same boarding school. Salim, who was a month older than Amar, their firstborn was the apple of his mother’s eye. Arzoo sat down on the couch with half a smile “Did you tell them?”
“Not yet.” His shrug made her frown. “I was thinking let’s start with Kakisa…”
“You were supposed to tell Ammi and Abbu! Then you said let's start with Papa and Mom. Now you… are you changing your mind, Amar Singh?” She had retorted.
“What!? No. No NO NOO!” he shook his head making her narrow her eyes. “I am just not sure how they will… um…”
“Amar Singh! If you can’t tell them I will. Besides, after Salim Bhaijaan I am and always will be Ajab Aunty’s favourite.” She smirked at his annoyed face.
“Tell us what?” Amar saw his parents walk in. Arzoo eyed him for a few seconds and then decided to tell them herself.
“We have decided to move in together, once I take admitted to the NYFA and he at the business course there, for the next few years, but before we do, we wanted to tell you, Abbu and Ammi. He is scared, of how you will react!” Arzoo eyed Amar staring at her disbelieving that she actually said that. He stared at his parents, exchanging glances of surprise and a smile.

“What’s so funny?” he frowned “It was her idea, I swear!”
“Amar! Sit down. I think it’s time you know something.” Ajabdeh sat down on the couch and indicated at Pratap who nodded in agreement.
“Know what?” He frowned. Arzoo was about to leave when Ajabdeh stopped her too.
A story and two hours later, Amar sat staring at his parents like he had seen a ghost. Arzoo had more admiration in her eyes for the “Perfect couple”.
“But… But … you said you didn’t have pictures of your marriage because… because…” he gulped. He was that stupid to think that his parents wouldn’t have a single wedding picture because they had a low-key registry after their siblings. “What about the anniversary?” He frowned. “We have been giving you anniversary gifts since…”
“That’s the day we came to know we are having you.” Ajabdeh smiled at Pratap and back at him. “It was the day life changed Amar, thanks to you we were not only the carefree free-spirited dreamers anymore. You brought us a sense of responsibility and reality. It was much more than a wedding could ever bring to us.”
“And you are complaining?” Amar frowned. His parents had lied to him. Everyone had. His whole world was a lie.
“No Amar. We would never. You have always been the best surprise we had. And we did not have any intention to hide the truth from you.” Pratap patted his son’s head gently.
“But you did!” Amar’s voice was complaining. “You did!”
“We had decided to keep it to ourselves as long as you were not ready to face the truth, Amar. Living on your own set of terms and rules is always what we taught you. We wanted you to have a normal life, and not look down upon our choices because of your lack of understanding. We planned to tell you the very day you would take your first independent decision” Amar frowned at his mother’s words. “Which you did today.” His father added.
“I would never have looked down upon anything, you two are my inspirations.” His sulking words made his mother look at Arzoo a little helplessly.
“Oh please stop lying, you! You didn’t even like my suggestion before I mentioned long-distance as the next option! And we all know how the child in you would react to…” Arzoo retorted and stopped at his stare “Amar Singh Punwar, stop sulking for God’s sake! It’s your birthday!!”

Amar had probably got the birthday gift of his life that day. After sulking for another hour, he smiled at his parents dancing at the party. He had smiled at them staring at each other and then at him. He was proud of how his parents lived life on their own terms. He never doubted that his parents were brave souls within, but today, he saw a commitment deeper than he would ever understand relationships to be. Never in his life had he seen a couple act more wisely towards each other and their family than his parents. Never had they missed any of his school events, graduation or even his smallest achievements. They had always been there every time his grades were bad, or Arohi was hurt in a race. They had always been involved in every small detail of their lives, like a friend and guides, not by dividing their roles, but together as a unit. They had been the first to approve of his relationship with Arzoo when he chose her. His mother’s dream of a “Secular India” was what she described their relationship to be much to the amusement of the others. He couldn’t be more proud to be their son. He couldn’t be more proud of the thought and mind his parents had, unlike most in society. He knew now why their names, unlike their cousins had a Punwar in them. They were part of a partnership, of equal individuals, in a bond perhaps greater than the vows of a wedding.

“I have the coolest parents ever!” he had declared to Arzoo who smiled “You doubted?”
“No. Just…” He shrugged.
Arzoo held his hand and said in much amusement, “You know Dheer Dadi was talking of a guy for Arohi?” She smiled. “You should have seen your mother’s face!” She laughed as Amar smiled.
“What did Mom say?” He asked eagerly. “I hope Dadi is not upset.”
“No, she is just irked, because your Mom said Arohi will choose for herself when she feels ready to be in a relationship. And she quoted a line from her second book.” Arzoo had a lingering smile. 

“Matchmakings don’t make your destiny. You write your own fate in relationships. With patience, commitment, love, understanding, loyalty, respect, appreciation and endless fights.”

The End



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