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Begum Sahib: Forbidden Love

2nd June 1634, Burhanpur.

" My heart is an endowment of my beloved, the devotee and lover of his sacred shrine, a soul that enchants mine." 

The Raja of Bundi had arrived at Burhanpur after a win in the war of Paranda. He had met the crown prince Dara and was honoured with a sword and elephant before he came to pay his respect to the Padishah Begum as per the norms of the court.
Jahanara was writing in her room. Her maid came with the news “Begum Sahib, The Raja of Bundi has arrived at court; he is at the Bagh to pay you his respect.”
“Tell him to sit at the courtyard of my bagh, I will be there.” She had risen from her place, covered her face in the veil of her dupatta and walked to the place where he waited.
“ Begum Sahib” he had acknowledged her presence with a salutation. She returned the bow with a nod. She was sitting inside the arch while he was on the other side of the Purdah, the sun shining over his head as he took his seat on the velvet carpet that had been laid.
She had asked him in a great hurry, “What do Rajputs define as love?”
“Pardon?” he looked confused.
“In our last meeting, you had said that Love wins over Power. I was thinking about that. What do you define as this love?” She reminded him and the eagerness in her voice amused him. He smiled like she was an innocent pupil eager for the lessons of the day.

“Have you heard of Samyogita?” He’d thought for a while before asking.
“The consort of Raja Prithvi led even her child to the Jauhar Kund when he was captured by Mahmud” Her eyes had glittered like the light of the lamp. How she visualized everything!
“He had fought his kins in her love, fought for her honour and she was his reason to return home. That strength and will the Rajputani promises when they say to die is to be immortal is what we Rajputs call love, Begum Sahib. They are the will to return home."
“Is it true that you people believe in afterlives?” She had frowned.
“I do not know Begum Sahib, but saints often say that the love that was incomplete today surely gets its ending in some other time and place” He had said like he believed each word “Neither do I know if it is true nor can I justify it to be not.”

Jahanara smiled. Cursed was she, who was not allowed to love. It would be beyond her royal ways to tell him how she longed for love, for a family to call her own, perhaps children. How every time even the Gardener and his son smiled at each other and worked together made her feel jealous. Yes, Begum Sahib was jealous of a gardener. Who was poor and who was richer?
Aurangzeb had once again displeased their father. She read his letter with a sigh and called upon Dara to plead for the younger brother to the Emperor. Something in his letter disturbed her terribly. He had mentioned their father’s partiality towards Dara who now had a golden throne beside the emperor. He was sent on an expedition to the Deccan by the emperor. Jahanara had written to the Rao on behalf of her father.

“Go with Aurangzeb, and prove your loyalty to the Emperor. Also, you should provide us details of every movement of the imperial army.” The Rao frowned at the letter. He was sent as the spy of the emperor. There was no doubt about it. Probably because both Dara and Jahanara Begum trusted the Rajputs. Or perhaps him.

December 1635 to March 1642

Months after months, letters filled the room of the Begum Sahib. About the wars. About Aurangzeb and his plans. His movements. About the people around him. And the beauty and flora and fauna of the place. From sealed official letters of short formal messages, they became larger in length and no longer bore the official seal. There was a certain richness and poetry to the way the Raja wrote his letters. Jahanara replied with the urge to know more and be enlightened by his knowledge. She desired the soul that could enrich hers.

Courtesy: Brooklyn Museum

For Jahanara, the letters had become a part of her life. From the Deccan, the troops of Bundi were moved to Shuja’s army towards Gujarat and then towards Kandahar with Khane Khana. Months rolled into years. The letters didn’t stop. Even when the wars did. The description of places made her feel she had travelled with him, lived in tents and struggled. She celebrated his triumphs and mourned his defeats. She oversaw the construction of the Taj, and the white marble base was complete. She was planning a grand mosque once the construction of the beautiful Shahjanabad would be complete. Then she would build a Sarai or perhaps a market. She shared her plans with the Raja. He had praised her architectural ideas.

The year 1643...

The letters stopped. Jahanara was perplexed, was she in any way offending in her last letter? She assumed he wouldn’t feel bad about her views like he didn’t about hers. Maybe she was wrong. But should the Begum Sahib Bow down and apologize? The vain Begum Sahib. Roshanara had learnt politics well. She whispered to Aurangzeb who listened from afar. Did her letters fall into the wrong hands and got misinterpreted? Everyone, even the Emperor knew she exchanged letters with one of his trusted chieftains. Was that the reason? Jahanara grew restless. She had at times in the carefully chosen words of her letters mentioned how highly she felt about him. Was that what had made him stop writing to her? Had he thought otherwise?
Raja Chattar Sal was badly injured at war and went back to Bundi. The news reached her when he didn’t arrive at the imperial court with the victorious army. They praised his contribution. The Begum Sahib had visited the mosque after court hours. She knelt down and closed her eyes. She tried to find peace.

“Heal his wounds, he is a good man.” She heard herself pray. A sudden guilt crept in. Her brothers were at the war fields too, every day. Did she ever pray for them? Or worry if they didn’t write to her? She opened her eyes and breathed in heavily. Her heart was transformed. She denied it for too long. Why did she wait for his letters? Why did she care? Her heart had no room for anyone. Had Begum Sahib forgotten the rules laid down by the great Akbar?

She found her eyes moist that night. Those tears felt like blood. If she dared to show those tears it could turn to blood. Bloodshed was the Mughal way to might. Dara and she were often called out of place rightly by Nadira. She, who was forbidden to love, was haunted by the stories around the zenana. Secret lovers, and commoners, found to cross their lines with princesses were never spared by emperors and princes. Such was the rule of the Harem. And she was to lead by example. She wiped away the hot tears lest someone saw them.  

She had dreams. Dreams that one day as the city of Kanauj shook with Prithvi’s arrival as he swept away Samjogita in his war horse, against their kins, she too would someday feel a love that great. Jahanara did not deny her dreams, at least to herself. To love and be loved was probably the most common human dream that often remained unfulfilled around her. She remembered his words but didn’t believe them enough. Power and Might were always above Love. Then while walking to her bed through the dark allies she stopped by the Khas Mahal where the lamps still shone. She saw her father, tracing his hands, lovingly over the painting of the mausoleum that was in the making. As though that was the face of her mother. She suddenly felt a strong urge, to extend her hand to someone, wish he held it.

In a letter carefully penned, in the darkness of her cold chamber, she tried in vain to conceal her worries while asking about his health. The carefully chosen words did reflect her feelings, as her hands shook a little. What would he think of her? If he could read between her lines and understand her feelings, what would he say? Jahanara had smiled through her tears that night. The daughter of Shah Jahan was the most powerful princess of her time. But unlucky was she, who could not even love and choose willingly. The letter reached him when he was on the way to Kandahar for yet another war. 
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Princesses learning calligraphy

A few months later, in October 1643, Shahjanabad

Jahanara Begum was overlooking the constructions of the Sarai she had planned on the trade route to Agra. She was anxious every day as no letters arrived in her name. She prayed religiously at the mosque hoping the Raja was in good health. Dara came by to give her news of Aurangzeb’s success in his latest expedition with great happiness. They would now request their father to forget all his childish harsh actions for which he was often in his father’s bad books. Jahanara had called Aurangzeb home, with honour. She also took care of the pregnant Nadira. After losing her first child, Nadira was anxious. Jahanara looked at her glowing face and smiled while telling her stories of Rajputana's brave hearts. For she had heard the midwife predict it was a boy. He was going to be the future of Hind like his father.

One day a letter arrived from Bundi. It was addressed to the Begum Sahib and had no royal seals. She was on her way to the mosque when the messenger handed her the letter. She had gulped. Tried to take it with no shaking of her hand or a smile on her lips. The beating of her heart scared her. The eunuchs were trained to listen even to their thoughts. She ordered her bearers to travel to the most secluded part of the fort. She sat on a palki that once belonged to Empress Noor Jehan. Sitting away from the eyes of the Zenana she opened the letter. The handwriting seemed a little shaky as he wrote that he was fine. He was at home in Bundi for the Holi before being summoned to Kandahar. His sons were growing up; in his war and travel, he had missed their childhood. He also had a daughter. “Will the Begum Sahib care to bless her with a name?” Jahanara’s heart sank. It was like someone had stabbed her heart and left it to bleed. She knew he had marriages, alliances, and children of his own. Yet, when he talked of them, she felt empty. A name for his daughter? She sighed. On the ridge was a lone magpie, singing a song. Wasn’t a lone magpie a sign of bad luck? She shivered.

“As I fought with my battle wounds, war after war, I had no desire to return home. My wives and children would always be taken care of, I may sound cold here, but I hadn’t found them reason enough not to die for my causes. But this time…” Jahanara’s throat was dry as she read. “This time… I had been injured but I wished to live, I wished to fight and return to camp. To write another letter.” A lone tear drop blurred her vision “For had you been the Samyogita of Kanauj, I would have liked to fight for you like Prithvi.” Jahanara Begum held the letter tightly to her chest and let out silent tears. 

All these years, she had wished for a love, a love like this, and when it came, she could not gather the courage to extend her hand. She saw bloodshed, she saw fear. And with a heavy heart, she had written him a formal reply carefully choosing her words, suggesting a name for his daughter and omitting any sign of feelings, or reciprocating his. No reply came except for gratitude in the royal seal.

Around January 1644

She wondered in her lonely nights if he, like all other men, believed she was impure and found rumours of her incest with her brother and father as valid. He was one of those who believed in the rumours that dirtied her character and forgot her because his love, like all men, was limited to rejection. Dara had seen her restless and had assured her that once when he is declared heir, he would talk to the emperor about her marriage. He even had a groom in mind. The brave Najabat Khan. Could she marry the man she didn’t love, if at all? But the desire of having a child of her own was immense whenever she saw Nadira cradle her child. Maybe, the power of Hind could provide her with little happiness.

But it was not to be. For, that night, she had heard the Khan speak of her to Rahim. Speak of possessing her from the heretic prince and rising in power, to help Aurangzeb. She had sunk down at the fountain of the Anguri Bagh and hid her tears in the splashes of water on her face. They have linked her to several men, from the singer-boy Dulera to the kings of several states who enjoyed Dara's friendship.  Did men never honour women?

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Princess in a garden

 26th March 1644, Red Fort, Delhi

"By contracting her dress, fire has acquired such dignity that angels may well make their rosaries of sparks" ~ Karim

Music and dance enchanted Jahanara to forget sorrows. She had left behind her mother at Agra. She had yet again convinced the emperor and sent the Raja to war. Dara was weak. As much as Shah Jahan adored him, Jahanara saw the truth. Dara was not a warrior. He needed guidance at war. Chattar Sal could be the guide and protector he looked for. Shahjahanabad was beautiful and well-planned. A perfect capital. But her heart remained at Agra. Perhaps because her mother slept there now. How beautiful were the Taj and its architecture? The moment she entered her mother’s tomb she felt goosebumps. She felt her mother was blessing her.

She was listening to Dulera sing. His voice enchanted her. How beautifully his voice reflected emotions. The dirty serpents of politics called him her lover. He had no pedigree. Jahanara Begum respected his art. But love? Her soul had always belonged to one warrior knight. This they didn’t know. Shah Jahan hated Aurangzeb for his ways. Over the years, under the influence of Dara and Jahanara, he had learned to love all religions. Aurangzeb was called the white serpent by her father. This rift between them disturbed Jahanara. She was watching her mother’s family fall apart slowly. She felt guilty.

The Rao had gifted her Kachli in return for the rakhi she once gave him. She often held it to her chest and wished for his safety. The merriment ended so did the flow of wines. The night was dark and she struggled her way to her room following the dancing girl to gift her some jewels for her performance. The veil of the girl caught fire from the nearest lamp. Without thought the Begum Sahib and thrown her body upon the burning girl to help her. Her back was burnt completely. Two of her maids were injured trying to douse the flames. The girl died. The night of spring spelt disaster for the empire.

Shah Jahan left his darbar to be with his beloved child. As Jahanara lay unconscious for several days in her room, numerous doctors and fakirs tried their best to save her. The emperor gave away alms and prayed at Ajmer. When Jahanara opened her eyes after countless days, she was happy to find all her siblings together, worried, and standing by her bedside. Aurangzeb and Shuja left the next morning. Her sisters stayed by her. Dara informed her that he had left the war to the Rajputs and rushed to her side. The jealous Roshanara had tears in her eyes. She had seen the worried faces of her brothers. She had felt a sense of unending happiness. Not all the love was lost between them. It took her six months to stand on her feet again. She decided to visit Ajmer to thank the Almighty. Shah Jahan decided to build a Jama Masjid in her honour.

10th November 1647, Agra Fort

Aurangzeb had proved himself to be a great warrior. Ruthless too. The nobles who accompanied him were all gathered at the Diwan E Khas. The Emperor ordered the Begum to gift the chieftains gems and coins. One by one they came to the court and bowed. She from behind her veil had sent them all trays full of gifts. Then came Raja Chattar Sal with his cavalry. He bowed to the Begum at court. Didn’t look up at the veil. She threw her pearl necklace upon his tray of gifts. He looked up with his eyes shining. Like he had got all the answers he ever sought. Jahanara’s cheeks grew hot as he bowed and left. The merriment continued.

That night she had been lost in a dream, a dream of ruling Hind together, with the Raja, and Dara by her side. They would together unite all of the Hind under the Imperial banner and no Rajput or Mughal would fight among themselves. Stirring her best wine a little she stared in awe at the newly made dome of the Taj. The white pearl drop as she called it, shone on a moonlit night. How she wished she could spend a serene night talking of their forefathers with him. Her father was leaving for Shahjahanabad. All she knew was that she was leaving behind a lot in Agra.


"This obvious to every man of common sense, that kingship knows no kinship" ~ Qudsi

Dara was more of a saint than a warrior. But Jahanara’s hopes were still on him. Her hopes for the liberation of women in the harem and peace in Hind were with Dara’s accession to the peacock throne. And her hopes were more with the warrior knight and his troops. He, who promised to fight for her, had he abandoned their side, like the others? Aurangzeb’s sword was indeed mightier. But wasn’t Dara’s cause reason enough? She sighed. He was after all the rightful heir. But wasn’t Khusrau so too? She had heard the gossip of the Zenana, her father had killed his blind and helpless brother in prison. Were Aurangzeb and his men any different?

Probably not. Most of them called Dara a heretic. Her Father was ill. Jahanara tried in vain to write to Aurangzeb on the emperor’s behalf to reconcile before things went out of hand. The reply was cold “He will suffer his misdeeds.” Begum Sahib shed powerless tears. First for her brothers, then her ailing father. And then for a love lost to fate. Power was proving to be mightier than love.

She had yearned to hear from the Raja. She had written to him for a picture of him she might keep in her room. A cold and short reply shook her as it said “Will the picture of a Chauhan Prince be worthy in a room of a Mughal Princess?” His coldness shunned her as she looked for peace in Sufism. Maybe love did wither with time. But what about his promises to protect her interests? Dara needed him more than ever with danger lurking.

Around the Autumn of 1657...

" Our world may crumble, our lives may end,
The soul remains with you, for eternity."

It had been years since that fateful day she received his letter and she wrote no more. He was crowned king and was probably busy with his kingdom. Her father often sends him to wars with the brothers. She spends most of these years planning and looking after the construction of the Jama Masjid of Delhi and the Chandni Chowk market. She had helped her father and arranged the weddings of her brothers.

On the emperor’s birth anniversary, Jahanara Begum arranged for a feast for the poor at Agra. Her slave girl Koli came running and waited for the eunuchs to disperse.
“Begum Sahib.” She tried to suppress her excitement. “ Shehzade Dara has finally found some alliances it seems.” Jahanara stared at her in surprise.
“Nadira Begum has sent you the news.” She confirmed, “It's Rao Raja Chattar Sal, the king of Bundi.”
Jahanara’s heart skipped a beat. She remembered his cold reply. Dismissing Koli she sighed in relief. Then an urge to see him made her heart flutter like a teenage lover. What if she never saw him again?

The position of Rao Raja Chattar Sal of Bundi had grown in the Mughal court because of his closeness to Dara and his valour in fifty-two-odd wars. He was still present at court when Jahanara had decided upon visiting Fatehpur Sikri and Sikandra. She had caught a glimpse of him paying his respect to her ill father and Dara and she felt an ache in her heart. The gossip was doing the rounds as Shah Jahan fell ill and returned to Agra; the war for “throne or death” was soon to begin among his sons. Jahanara was restless. In her rushed decision to visit the tomb of the great Akbar and then Sikri, she took very few troops and her maid Koli with her.

Fatehpur is the beautiful city of Akbar’s dreams. She had moved around the almost abandoned fort. She had found peace sitting in the shrine of Salim Chisti. Like a prayer that came as easy to her as breathing, she had prayed for someone who would provide peace and enlighten her heart in this hour of need. She had heard horse hooves and footsteps. She assumed the soldiers were on their rounds. But like a dream Rao Raja Chattar Sal came to sit before her, paying his respect to the saint. A moment of silence seemed like an eternity as she stared at him from behind her veil.
He finished his prayers and smiled at her. In his smile she found peace.
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View from Turkish Sultana Palace

“I haven’t received or replied to any letters Begum Sahib.” He said much to her relief as they sat near the Turkish Sultana’s house. “In fact, the reason I am here is that I didn’t see you at court. And the lack of letters at such a time of crisis made me wonder if you had lost your faith in me.”
“The reactions of Aurangzeb and Shuja on hearing of our father’s illness scares me, Raja.” Jahanara frowned behind her veil. He nodded “I had always defended their misdeeds and so has Dara. Aurangzeb and Roshanara have been so hungry for…” She stopped. It now made sense. The letter was forged. Hence it was short and unlike Rao’s previous letters. Perhaps Roshanara had a hand in this. Did she know of Jahanara’s feelings and convey the same to Aurangzeb? Her heart skipped a beat.
“Can we not stop Aurangzeb from such a sin?” She stared at him.
“You probably can. Give it a try. He still respects you. The rest he doesn’t care about.” He had said.
“I can write to him as I did previously. It will go in vain, for the people around him want him to fight, and he listens to them. He respects me but doesn’t care about me, and neither does Roshanara.” Jahanara’s voice seemed distant as she stared at the Panch Mahal. “People change.”
“They only care about power and alliances.” He had jolted her.
“And he hates us. He hates all the sons of Hind whose forefathers are not from a Turk house.” Jahanara sensed the tension in his voice, “The future of Hind only remains secure if Dara ascends the throne.”
“When… When Dara ascends the throne and I will sit beside his throne in Delhi and choose to live the life I want. Dara will think about the poor, the needy, the girl child and the women of his harem. He will think about the happiness of his sister.” Jahanara’s eyes shone as the Rao stared at the fountains lost in thought.
“Except the Rajputs, none want to side with Dara.” He murmured. “And no Rajput will side with Aurangzeb.”
“My father’s loyal troops will help Dara, and so will mine,” Jahanara said softly. “And you help him lead.”
“If and when such a war happens Begum Sahib, I hope Shehzada Dara will be ready to become a warrior”
“ Will Mewar help?” Jahanara asked a little worried “ If you…”
“No, the Mughal war of accession is of no use to Mewar. Or the Rajputs for the matter.” He had said coldly.
“But Akbar had Rajput wives, he married them and gave them all the comfort and…”
“He didn’t always honour them. Remember the Sisodia Princess, wife of the Raja Prithvi?” He had stopped her midway. Jahanara felt humiliated.
“I would have done anything to have an emperor like that set his eyes on me.” She retorted like a child making him stare at her eyes.
“Had you been married to a Rajput you wouldn’t have said that because Rajput wives honour their mind, heart and body only to one man.” He had said with a calm smile. The breeze blew gently.
“Had I not been in a Rajput’s heart, I would have died for his attention.” Jahanara corrected as her cheeks grew hot and the Rao smiled.
“Had the princess remembered her Rajput warrior in her heart, all the while?” He had asked.
“All the while, and beyond this life and soul, she will forever remember her Warrior knight.” Jahanara had replied.
A silence made her heart thump loud as he said in a calm soothing voice “You know Princess when I received no letters, I still had an image of you I carried in my heart and believed will be waiting for me on the other side. Now that I hear you, I request you to tear a piece of your turquoise veil and wrap it around my wrist, as I promise you, that nothing and no one can now stop Chattar Sal from protecting your honour and interest like a Ratan Singh once protected a Padmini”

Jahanara watched him kiss her torn veil now formed a band on his wrist, as he walked away to retire for the night. The night was sleepless for Jahanara. She remembered meeting a fakir once in Shahjahanabad. He had said “Why do you seek happiness? Your soul has so much to offer beyond that” Jahanara smiled melancholically. How she yearned for happiness that no title, power or riches could bring. How she craved to call him her own, have children of her pedigree.
“What are we but shreds of the past, and those who bear no seeds of the future are left to disappear in oblivion” She often wondered.

She wondered about his family. How his Rajput wives would treat a lady who could never jump into the fire for his life, or perhaps a lady who enjoyed more freedom and power than they did in their zenana? They would hate her. She sighed. They would hate her for who she was her breed and her background. None, but they knew the love that was. She watched Koli sleep at the doorway and the next threshold led to Rao’s room.

Her hand stopped at the wreath she was making. Tiptoeing out of her room, she reached his, and slowly pushed the door open. He had been sleeping with a smile, so content that he had won a war that day. She watched him in the moonlight. Putting down her wreath beside him, she laid down on the floor beside him. Watching him sleep in peace. Such peace she knew not all her life. Suddenly the sound of a vase falling startled her and she rushed back to her room. Shutting the door behind her she found her wreath missing. She had heard him enquire about the noise. How could she go back and face him? How could she face him?

Her action made her feel she had disrespected their love. He had never seen her without the veil. Neither did he ever cross his Rajput codes of conduct to reach her in any way. Yet, she had felt the urge to show herself to him, and an urge to feel his touch and kiss his hands like a wife kissed her husband’s. She lay down on the stone floor and cursed her thoughts.
At dawn, Koli said he had already left. Her father was ill and calling upon her as well. She peeped into the deserted room of the Rao. Her wreath was missing.

Image result for jahanara begum
Begum Sahib



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Queen of the Heart

Kunwar Pratap was in the Dangal Sthal practising his moves. Ajabde decided it was fair to know his strength before the big competition. Sword in hand, in a white female warrior attire with only her face visible she hid behind one of the large watchtowers of the Dangal watching him move. She heard Rawatji say, " Your left hand is still weaker than the right one with the moves. Both should be perfect." A smile curved her lips. Knowing an opponent's weakness always helps, which is one rule of the war she always remembered.   Kunwar Pratap swung his sword with his left hand and turned around. He could sense someone watching, his sixth sense was never wrong. He looked around and hatched a plan. Ajabde again peeped at the grounds to see it was empty. He had left. She walked towards the empty ground, sword in hand. Suddenly, the cold blade of a sword was felt on her neck. She stopped still. " So someone was spying on me." His voice had a hint of taunt. " No, I was...


" This is your room Ranisa." Hansa opened the door to the well-furnished large guest room of the Bijolia Palace. The diyas were lit and the room was neat and clean. " Your Daasis decorate the rooms well." Jaivanta Bai looked around. " Oh, Ranisa. all these... " Hansa smiled proudly. " All these are done by my daughter." " Your daughter?" Jaivanta Bai smiled surprised. " Milwayiye ." Jaivanta Bai was eager to meet her. " Ajabde! Ratan!" Hansa called as the girls came in. 13-year-old Ajabde preferred a simple lehenga in a pink and blue Dupatta clad over her head. She was the first one to calmly bend down and touch Maharani's feet as a five-year-old Ratan came running. " Ajabde is very talented in sewing, gardening and home decor. She can also...." " Maa Sa...." Ajabde's soft protest stopped Hansa as Jaivanta Bai smiled. " Accha, I won't tell but these are your good talents, right? ...


Rao Surtan was at the Palace gates as the soldiers tried in vain to attack with arrows. His army was stronger and more competent than the one Balwant headed at the Bijolia Fort Gates. “Break the door” he ordered. “Where is Ajabde?” Hansa looked around the cellar. “Jija!” Ratan exclaimed. “She was on the roof last I saw.” “Ajabde.” Hansa Bai opened the cellar door and stepped out followed by Ratan who was equally worried. “Stay back!” Sajja Bai called in vain as Jaivanta Bai too walked out and up the stairs to the corridors of the Ranimahal in search of Ajabde.  Meanwhile, Surtan’s army had entered the palace and he made his way to the Ranimahal. He was having different thoughts now. Killing Jaivanta Bai won't yield him anything… Maybe capturing a few young maidens… Ratan froze in the corridor seeing the man approach. Behind her were her mother and Jaivanta Bai with the same reaction. “ Jee Bavro ho gayo!” Surtan Singh took out his sword. Ratan took two ste...

Life and You

" Maharanisa! Maharanisa!" The Daasi ran through the quiet Rani Mahal as Jaivanta Bai who was sitting in front of the Lord in her room ever since she was back, rushed out of her room followed by Sajjabai and Veerbai. " What happened?" She asked, her voice calm, but her heart thumping. " Kunwarsa is here... with Kunwarani... She... She...." The Daasi sobbed as Jaivanta Bai rushed to the room. She stood at the door as her eyes couldn't believe what she saw. Kunwar Pratap was soaked in her blood as he laid her down on the bed shouting " Jaldi. Rajvaidya..." His eyes stopped at the door as Jaivanta Bai rushed to be beside the unconscious Ajabde. The Daasis and Sevaks were running about soon enough. SajjaBai gasped at the scene. So much blood. Kunwar Pratap hadn't noticed anything except her calm unconscious face. Now he looked down at his blood-soaked hands, red, he stared at them as though in a trance. " Kunwar Pratap! Tell me what happ...

You Deserve More

Ajabde woke up with the song of birds as she felt something warm clinging to her hand. Her eyes went wide. Her hand was on the pillow in between, between his hands, clasped as he slept. She thought of removing it slowly but he was holding it so tight. Ajabde's heart beat faster and faster. What do I do now? How do I not wake him? What if... why is my hand in his? She was utterly confused.   " Am I..." In love? Pratap was staring at the sleeping figure on his bed as he again looked back at the rain. Then he looked back frowning as she shivered. He closed the windows of the room, to make it cosy then sat on his side of the bed. A lamp flickered on her side like always and he stared at her sleeping figure as he put his blanket over her as well. She shifted a little in her sleep to make herself cosy again. Her payals and bangles made a rhythmic sound breaking the silence of the room. Her hand was out of her blanket and on the pillow in between. He tried to slowly put it in th...