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Kunwar Pratap reached the Dangal. Ranima had ordered Ajabde to practise regularly. She was nowhere around since he woke up that morning. He had assumed she was with Ranima for the morning prayers but then she was not in the Dangal on time too. Ajabde was never late. He felt a little uneasy as he picked up the sword. A thunder made him look up at the gloomy sky as he felt the first drop of rain. A little wet, he ran through the corridors.
Ajabde had woken up feeling unwell. He was sleeping after a tiring day so she decided against calling him and more, worrying him. She bathed hoping to feel better, performed her puja and went to the Gardens for some fresh air. Still feeling uneasy in the gloomy weather she decided that playing with Parvati might make her feel better. After some talk with Bhago, and playing with Parvati she stood up from the floor and felt dizzy. Bhago caught her hand.
" Are you all right?"
" I just felt a little dizzy. I don't know why I have been feeling so uneasy since this morning." Ajabde was confused.
" Go to the Rajvaidya once."
" I can't. He will tell Kunwarsa and he will be worried and... unnecessarily..."
" Ajabde! His worry is not more important than your health. Come with me."
" But Bhago...."
After a brief checkup, Rajvaid decided to do some tests and told them to wait. It started drizzling. Ajabde looked at the water droplets in worry, he must be looking for me. A run through the corridor led him to Ranima's chambers.
" Is Kunwaranisa here?" He asked the guard who shook her head. " Where is she?"He thought aloud. He was returning back to his chambers when he spotted her come from the other end with Bhago in toe. In a moment his worry changed to anger as she walked up with a courtesy smile at Bhago and Parvati. He turned to her as she avoided glances and looked away. Bhago left in silence hiding a smile.
" Where were you?"
" I was...." She looked away and frowned.
" Anyways I am late, who will do my tilak?" His words made her smile as she hurried to get the thaal.
He walked away after a nod, and she decided to go to Ranima with the news.
" Baojiraj Pratap." A guard interrupted the meeting. " Maharanisa has called you urgently to her chambers."
" Now?" He looked surprised.
" Must be something important Kunwar Pratap." Udai Singh urged. "Otherwise your Ranima never calls like this."
He walked through the corridor feeling every pair of eyes on him as the smiling faces seemed to convey some good news. He was about to enter Ranima's chambers when Sajja Bai walked out and hugged him.
" Majhli Maa sa? What is it?" Sajja Bai walked away giggling.
He entered the chambers as a smiling Jaivanta Bai approached him.
" Pratap." She smiled cupping his face.
" What happened, Ranima? I was in a meeting and you called. Majhlimasa didn't say a word and everyone was like...."
" Ajabde came to me in the morning with Pratap." She smiled.
" What?  Why?" He was surprised as Jaivanta Bai smiled at his innocence.
" Mewar is getting its heir soon. Ajabde... went to the Vaid today..." His face looked like the news hadn't Sunk in yet as he fumbled " Ranima... woh... woh..."
" I send her to rest, go meet her." Jaivanta Bai smiled.
"What?!" Dheerbai stood up." A child?"
" yes yes, Behena!" Sajja Bai hugged her. " We will have a grandchild."
" Not we, Jaivanta Jija," Dheerbai murmured. " I misjudged the Samantputri."
" He will be Mewar's heir after Kunwar Pratap!" Sajjabai's words were too harsh for her to digest.
" What if it's a girl?" Dheerbai smiled.
" Then I am sure Kunwar Pratap will love her more. I want Shakti to get married fast, seeing Ajabde and Kunwar Pratap!" Sajjabai continued gushing.
" Ajabde.'' He entered his chamber looking around as he heard her humming in the puja Ghar. He opened his shoes and entered the puja Ghar. Her humming stopped.
" Kunwar Pratap?"She looked worried at him all of a sudden. Realisation dawned as she saw his smile and blushed red.
" You are all right?'' His worried face made her smile. She nodded. Kunwar Pratap hugged her. She closed her eyes. She was carrying a part of him in her, nothing could make her feel more complete as his wife.
The cannons and the horns announced the good news as Mewar celebrated. The people rejoiced at the news of the arrival of the newest member. Ajabde was blessed with gifts and showered with love by all the queens and princesses. Kunwar Pratap took time out to spend time with her and often brought her gifts. He also brought back mangoes and tamarinds as she craved sour tastes. He read the Ramayana to her every night as Jaivanta Bai told him how it integrated good morals into the child.
" Sita decided to bring up Luv and Kush on her own." He was reading as she sat absent-mindedly.
" Ajabde? What are you thinking?"
" Sita was such a  strong lady she handled the children without even letting Ram know."
" Sometimes the ego is such a bad thing, he should have known." Kunwar Pratap wondered.
He held her hand and said, " Ajabde, I promise I will be with you every step of the way."
" Him." She smiled as his eyes widened.
" What?"
" It's him, Girja dai said..." She blushed.
" Ajabde." He smiled.
" Chittor has its heir, Bhanwarji is here." The drum rolls declared.
Ajabde was lying in the labour room where the newborn slept peacefully beside her. Kunwar Pratap entered as the Daasis left. Ajabde tried to get up in vain as he stopped her with a hand gesture.
" Hush!" She stopped half lying as he came up to her side and looked at the sleeping newborn. He had his father's hair and mother's eyes. He stared at the newborn with a smile holding her hand.
" Ajabde," He whispered. " I... have something... for him..." Ajabde looked excited as he held out a small bajubandh. On it was engraved " Amar."
" Amar?" Ajabde read out.
" His name. Amar." Kunwar Pratap smiled. Ajabde nodded, smiling in agreement.
" Never-ending..." She whispered. " Amar."
" Endless... like our..." He stared into her teary eyes. Today he really didn't mind the happy tears.
" He will be brave like you Kunwar Pratap."
" But should have your heart as well." He added. " Bhanwar Amar Singh."
11 days later, Chittor was full of relatives and guests arriving for the Naam Karan. Hansa Bai hugged Ajabde who was back in her chambers after 11 days much to someone's delight. A golden jhula was kept in a corner as Ajabde refused any Daima's help as per the traditions. Her first child would be taken care of by herself only, especially with such jealous haters around Jaivanta Bai was more than happy to agree. Kunwar Pratap always came waiting to spend some time with Amar. Little Amar seemed to wait for him as he welcomed his Dajiraj with a smile always.
The sound of her payal made him turn in the dangalsthal.
" Ajabde?"
" He's crawling!" She smiled. " He's crawling." Kunwar Pratap and Kunwar Shakti ran to witness the scene as Amar played with his Buas. Amar was soon learning to speak.
" Amar! Say, Amar!" Ajabde was teaching as Kunwar Pratap entered.
" Maa. Maa. " He fumbled as Ajabde kissed him. " Amar!"
Kunwar Pratap laughed as Ajabde frowned. " He seems to be stuck at Maa sa only."
" He will learn." She defended.
" Dah Dah" Amar crawled to Kunwar Pratap who stared in awe.
" Is he..." He looked surprised.
" He is trying to say Dajiraj." Ajabde smiled. Kunwar Pratap picked up the kid and kissed him.
" Maa sa! Am here!" Amar called out before hiding himself again. Blindfolded Ajabde listened for footsteps. Kunwar Pratap entered amused as his wife searched cluelessly.
" Amar?" She called in the footsteps. He stood quiet as Amar giggled silently. Ajabde stumbled upon the carpet and into his arms as Amar jumped out saying " Maasa you lose again!" Ajabde opened her blindfold to find herself in his arms as she moved away from an amused Kunwar Pratap.
" Daajiraj's turn!" Amar shouted.
Blindfolded he was waiting for the sound of her payal. Being a warrior at heart Ajabde removed them and her Kamar bandh and gave it to Amar as she moved around without making a noise. He was smarter. He could feel her presence as he caught her by the hand, surprising her as Amar shouted " My turn."
Eyes met and smiled as they stared at the enthusiastic child jumping for joy.
" Ranima, you called me?"
" yes, Ajabde. Come in." Ranima was making garlands.
" You need help?"
" Yes." She nodded. " From the Kunwarani of Mewar."
" I don't understand Ranima..." She looked confused as Ranima made her sit and held her hand.
" Ajabde, Solankini clan has wanted a ... marital alliance since the past year, you know how Kunwar Pratap refuses, but..."
" Ranima, Don't worry, he will agree this time for Amar." She smiled reassuringly as her eyes twinkled with tears.
" No Ajabde No." Kunwar Pratap refused to listen.
" Hush! Amar is sleeping!"
" You know that I..."
" You said there will be many queens but one wife."
" I said..." He stopped.
" You said nothing comes before the motherland. This is for her. This is for Amar's future."
" Ajabde..." He wished she wouldn't push him away.
" I am not pushing you away." She reassured reading his mind.
" How can you share me?" He asked, looking at her calm face.
" Sometimes, for a better life, you need sacrifices and compromises. You taught me that, Kunwar Pratap. Besides, what we have no one will have, you know that I know that then..."
" Ajabde..." He stopped her helplessly. She hugged him knowing he can't refuse her, but she wished they had another way. He hugged her back wishing for the first time that he was not the valiant popular crown prince but just Ajabde's husband. Amar's father.
They spend the night hand in hand on the jhula, sharing mangoes and rejoicing in memories of their last six years of marital bliss. He watched her smile. Then held her hand saying " Hum apse bohot prem karte hai Ajabde." making her blush as she hid her face in his chest he kissed her forehead and they sat watching Amar sleep peacefully.



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