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Smriti was unsure why she was summoned by the queen of Neelambargarh. She was aware that Kumar Viraj now had the mammoth task of co-ruling Neelambargarh with the rather experienced Niranjan Verma. But what could Priyambada possibly want her for? As she entered the inner courtyards of the palace Smriti could see the urgency with which people moved about. The maids were packing trunks for the journey, the servants were recording rations to go for the journey, and she spotted Urvi with a scroll in hand, trying to arrange for trays of gifts to be packed for the Suryapalians. Smriti felt uneasy seeing the extent of arrangements made to “gift” the Suryapalian Princess the best of things. She didn’t know the princess, and neither did she want to. She was aware Priyambada had to do her bid as a ruler. Yet, she couldn’t get herself to forget all the losses as easily as Priyambada probably pretended to. But Smriti was aware of her position more than ever now. Kumar Viraj had been chosen for a task he would give his life for and in no way could she jeopardise his chances now. She walked up to Urvi who nodded as though she was expected and led her to the queen’s chambers.
Priyambada was inspecting the sets of clothes that were laid down on the carpet to be packed for the journey. She turned as Smriti entered the chambers and Urvi left with a bow. 
“Ah, thank heavens you are here!” Priyambada walked up to Smriti with a smile as she bowed. “I have some tasks that might interest you.”
“At your service.” Smriti nodded with a smile. Truth be said she was feeling quite worthless and bored lately keeping herself busy running the living quarters of Kumar Viraj. 
“I want you to move into one of the guest chambers for the time I am gone and take up duties to run the inner palace on my behalf.” Priyambada smiled as Smriti looked a little taken aback.
“Me?” She opened her mouth “But I…”
“Yes, you. Kumar Viraj is already helping Niranjan Verma and his wife is ill so he can't shift here or look after my home while I'm gone. And who better to do the job than you? I trust you.” Priyambada smiled as she placed a bunch of keys on Smriti’s reluctant palm. “I am sure you will do a good job. Urvi will be here to help, and if you are in trouble Kumar will come to the rescue.” Priyambada’s teasing tone made Smriti blush. For a moment she had a deja vu to times when they were unaware of their political positions and teased each other as equals. 
“Are you sure?” She asked as Priyambada nodded firmly “Urvi will explain everything to you while I'm gone.” She reassured her.

A sealed letter from Neelambargarh had reached the queen of Suryapali who sat on a swing beside Rajkumari Mandakini and smiled.

“They are arriving soon.” She eyed her sister-in-law. The Princess, busy cutting betel nuts into small pieces, put some into her mouth as she spoke.

“Might I remind you that he is not only your son but the king of Neelambargarh? He and his queen should receive a guest’s welcome befitting a royal and reside in guest quarters.” Rani Ratnawati who was choosing perfumes sitting on the cushions looked up at her words.

“But he is also the heir to Suryapali, right?” She frowned as Maharani Trinayani Devi eyed her and smiled.

“Unless he is a king of this land or a relative without a kingdom he can’t stay in the inner palace and neither can his queen when it's a wedding or any ceremony they attend. It is the rule of the land. I as the Maharani of Suryapali remember and abide by it and I am sure my son will honour that too.” She had a hint of pride in her voice.

“The queen of his…” Mandakini Devi stopped as she eyed Kumari Nayantara arriving there with her cousins and a rather reluctant Sumedha behind her. Rani Ratnawati eyed them at the threshold and resumed choosing the perfumes.

“Come here, princess, and tell me which fragrances you love.” Rani Ratnawati smiled at Nayantara who obliged. Maharani Trinayani Devi saw how both the queen and the princess chose to ignore the presence of Sumedha. It wasn’t new. She sighed. Ever since she brought Sumedha home, and exercising her power as the queen got her married to Kumar Ravi much against the wish of the ashamed Trikaldev and Mandakini who wanted to disown him, she had noticed that all the anger, blame and hatred for the child born out of wedlock, the relationship deemed invalid in the land and everything that followed was placed on the shoulders of Sumedha alone. While Mandakini and Trikaldev refused to acknowledge her with the title of Rajkumari after her marriage, Rani Ratnawati who was aware that her son was equally to be held responsible also blamed this girl. Maharani Trinayani Devi was in a dilemma. As much as she tried to include Sumedha in the family she saw how the others hurt her. She in her mind wished that Sumedha’s child wasn’t an heir but her heart knew that if it was, Ratnawati would immediately be nicer to her niece. The child’s birth was unwelcoming into the household. She smiled at Sumedha gesturing at her to have a seat. Somewhere the Maharani pitied the girl.

The only thing Sumedha looked forward to in the wedding frenzy was meeting Priyambada again. She was aware of how badly she would be scrutinised by close friends and family and her situation wasn’t any better when her daughter was born. Sumedha spent her days doting on her daughter. She couldn’t help but admit that she was indeed hurt when even Kumar Ravi Verma showed a certain amount of disappointment at the gender of their firstborn. He was, however, affectionate to the child from the moment he held her, much to her reassurance. Nayantara doted on her niece and the Maharani was cordial. She was grateful to them. She tried to stay away from the path of the Rajkumari and Rani who didn’t spare a moment to humiliate her. Sumedha knew she did something to deserve it. She loved someone she wasn’t supposed to. But when the tiny palms of Chinmayi wrapped around her finger, she knew she didn’t regret anything except perhaps being dishonest to Adhiraja Ishaan Dev and Maharani Priyambada. She wanted to see her again and hoped she would understand her better than the family she had among the strangers in the palace of Suryapali.

Ishaan Dev couldn’t wait to be home. He wanted to meet his family, his friends and especially Trishaan Dev. If things went well he planned to offer him a position in Neelambargarh on his way back and bring him along. The night before his departure however he had an unusual letter. It was from Tarabai and sent to him via one of the younger girls, Sehri. He found it peculiar as she practically lived in the same place. He opened the letter to find a question. Does the Adhiraja expect us to return to Suryapali since he didn’t ask for our services anymore? Ishaan Dev frowned at her letter. 

“Tell her to come by tonight,” he said in a gruff voice to the rather intimidated Sehri who bowed and left. 

Tarabai walked in at the darkest hour of the night and bowed.

“What is this?” He asked rather rudely. Tarabai looked up at his words. “You want to leave?”

“Dare I say that, Your Majesty!” Tarabai shook her head and smiled faintly “I am a slave and I do what my master pleases.” Ishaan Dev shook his head.

“Then that settles it. You aren’t going anywhere, so stay put.” He casually threw the letter away and asked "What made you write that?"

"Who…" Tarabai smiled faintly.

"What?" Ishaan Dev frowned a little at her words. 

"It is who not what. One of my young girls accidentally met Maharani and very immaturely asked about our uncertain future here. I sent her an apology on her behalf." Tarabai cleared her throat a little unsure as Ishaan Dev narrowed his brows rather curiously urging her to go on. "So the Maharani herself asked me to serve you before you left." Ishaan Dev looked taken aback as she added "She said she doesn't want us to be so uncertain. And that I should come by…" Ishaan Dev inhaled. Was Priyambada not intimidated anymore by Tarabai's presence? Did he manage to win back her trust in them somehow? Tarabai smiled faintly as though she could read his mind. 

"She said she is your Maharani and can order us to serve you whenever she pleases. But… I didn't want to come by until you wished so, my lord." A smile curved Ishaan Dev's lip as he was yet again surprised by the new side of Priyambada. He was relieved at her gesture. Relieved that she no longer held a grudge against him.

“I will be back in a month, so please me tonight.” He had held himself back too long from the primitive needs of man, just to please Priyambada. Something told him this wasn't necessary to gain her trust anymore. She saw things and accepted them as they were. Her position in his life and state was different from those ladies who pleased him. She was now perhaps aware of it. They were his lust, his vice, his nights. She was his love, his virtue, his dawns. Only he needed to let her know that in words someday when the time was right. Tarabai was more than happy to serve him, and more importantly, that settled her doubts about her future in Neelambargarh. People like her could find no other work. She was aware of that.

"The Adhiraja is with Tarabai." Urvi informed Priyambada who was sleeplessly turning in her bed, rather softly. To her surprise, Priyambada nodded with a smile. She sighed, looking out of her open balcony at the clear sky veiled with stars as she sat down lost in her thoughts. The clearer her feelings became to her heart and mind, the fog that shrouded her mind over his intentions seemed to clear more. Priyambada had surprised herself. She wasn't judging him for deriving pleasure from his concubines anymore. What had changed so much in her? She wanted to believe it was her humanity and duty as queen towards those women in the harem. But was there more to it?

“I hope you find what you are looking for, there.” Tarabai bowed as Ishaan Dev looked up at her words, rather surprised as she was ready to take his leave at dawn. It wasn’t new that she read his mind yet such intimate vulnerability to his concubine disturbed him for the first time. He wished in his heart that Priyambada would know him like that. Understand him without words or gestures. But perhaps that was love when you had to use words and gestures. It was then that Devdoot announced that the entourage was ready to leave.

The moment he saw Priyambada near the palanquin bidding goodbye to Urvi and Smriti he knew something wasn’t right. She looked restless. Was she thinking of the kind of reception she would get from his family after so long? Truthfully, he had thought of it too. On one hand, she was the queen of Neelambargarh, an equal in status to his mother, on the other she was the enemy in their eyes, scrutinised as the heirless co-regent to their heir apparent. He feared if the topic of an heir came up and how Priyambada would react. He was unsure of even talking to her about it lest she misinterpreted him. Ishaan Dev decided to leave it to the Lord. But the moment she looked back at Neelambargarh with longing eyes he wanted to put his arms around her, protect her and reassure her that they would be back soon and she would be safe there. Unfortunately, Ishaan Dev wasn’t as courageous with his words as he was with his swords.

Priyambada looked back at the palace of Neelambargarh, parting the curtains of her palanquin one last time. Something in her heart felt heavy. It was as though she was scared. Scared to go back to the place and people who changed her life in the most nightmarish way imaginable. Yet, she was in her heart happy for Nayantara and eager to see Sumedha’s child. Her inner feelings of confusion, emptiness and restlessness didn’t seem to escape Ishaan Dev’s eyes though. The moment she looked ahead, about to draw the curtain back, her eyes met his as he observed her rather worryingly, from atop his horse riding by her side. Priyambada quickly drew the curtains shut and sighed. She was going back to Suryapali. Priyambada knew that she now needed to put on her best self and prove to them how competent she was as a queen. Suddenly her thoughts made her realise something. They didn’t care how competent she was as queen. The Maharani had seen that. They wanted her to be his wife. Priyambada's throat felt dry. 

Maharani Priyambada was going to be tested as the wife of the Prince of Suryapali. What was now in store for the Queen of Neelambargarh?


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