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Tere kismat teri haaton se hi likhi jaegi

Aniruddha checked his pocket watch again, restlessly. His hand reached for the car horn. He stopped at the sound of her approaching and stared up at the doorway. 

"Sorry Sorry," Bondita murmured getting into the car. 

"We will be late." His voice had urgency. "Ahm. For the school thing."

Bondita tried hard to suppress a giggle. Her amused eyes met his warning glance as she stopped smiling. Aniruddha started the car.

"Look what I got for Didi." She pointed at the covers of the back seat. She tugged at it with her hand and revealed a brown paper packet.

"What is that?" He inquired.

"I hid it in the morning before anyone woke up. It's a new saree. For her." Aniruddha smiled with a nod. They soon reached Balurghat, where Nikhil had given them the address of one of his Brahma Samaj friends. 

"I have never seen a Brahmo marriage." Bondita gushed. 

They were led by Nikhil's friend into the prayer hall. It was basically an empty room where people prayed and meditated. The man's wife came out and took Bondita into the andarmahal. At the first sight of Sampoorna, Bondita was overwhelmed and hugged her. She was wearing a light pink saree, a golden chain around her neck, and a pair of bangles in her hands. A bright red Bindi was drawn on her forehead. The ladies were painting her hands with Alta. Her look overwhelmed Bondita. She had dearly missed seeing Sampoorna glow in colour. Bondita stared at the married women, who didn't wear the sindoor or sakhapola. She was reluctant to ask them why.

"Didi." She whispered to Sampoorna instead. "I have a question." She made Sampoorna smile. "Why do these married women not wear the sindoor and sakhapola? How do people know they are married? Kakababu says it's for…"

"I will answer that." Bondita turned as Kamala smiled. She was almost her age, a few years older perhaps. 

"You see, the women wear rings on their fingers." She pointed. "The same kind of ring their partners wear too. We don't endorse the sindoor and Shakhapola as we feel it's a sign of patriarchy and inequality."

"How so?" Bondita was curious. 

"You wear the signs of being a married woman,  right?" Bondita nodded, staring at her shakha pola. "But does your husband wear anything that signifies marriage? No, right?" Kamala shrugged. "Because he can marry again. And you can't. See, patriarchy." Bondita looked wide-eyed at the revelation. Never had she ever thought of the sindoor on her hairline as a sign of patriarchy. Debaditya always used to tell her that "in some way, we are so used to the system that has been introduced to us at a young age, that we forget to question the basic things that are wrong with it." He was right. Bondita was lost in thoughts. Kamala went ahead to explain the ceremony. It was simple. A registrar of the marriage was called. Family members or guardians of each of the bride and groom (in this case herself for Sampoorna and Aniruddha for Nikhil) have to offer the marriage. The people sitting in the party of both the bride and groom facing each other would agree with "Svasti" and then the bride and groom would individually agree. After that flowers will be showered on them by the guests as they exchange garlands and rings. Thus, it's equal from both sides. Bondita was mesmerised at both the thought and simplicity of the ceremony.

She found the ceremony beautiful as Sampoorna blushed happily with her nod of yes. Nikhil couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. Bondita's eyes travelled automatically to another pair of eyes sitting across from her staring right at her. He seemed to capture her eyes momentarily. She forced herself to look away as her cheeks grew red and warm remembering the previous night. Aniruddha seemed to enjoy the effect he had on her, he looked amused.

When it was time to shower flower petals on the couple, Bondita picked up a handful of rose petals excitedly. She followed the cue to throw them and she found a few landing on her. She looked up at Aniruddha wide-eyed. She looked around to see if anyone noticed that as he smiled amused, throwing the rest of the petals in her direction. It landed on her head. Bondita brushed them off rather quickly before anyone noticed. 

"You know my address, Didi. Write to me." Bondita reminded Sampoorna teary-eyed for the fifth time. The Railway station at Balurghat had announced the train to Calcutta. 

"You also inform me once your result comes out." Sampoorna wiped away her tears. "I hope you get into a college in Calcutta. We can see each other then."

Bondita smiled faintly.

"It's time to go." Nikhil picked up the luggage. "I will go meet Ma Baba the day after tomorrow, until then…" Aniruddha nodded at his words. 

Bondita watched the train chug away with tears in her eyes and worry swept across her face. Aniruddha had to call her name twice to get her attention.

"You can't get to the house like this. One look at you and Jetha Moshai will figure out what's wrong." He reminded her. Bondita wiped away her tears and forced a smile. "No, he won't." She shook her head. Aniruddh looked unconvinced. 

Bondita sat in the car waiting for him to come back to the driver's seat. The scorching sun was above their heads. They needed to get back by lunchtime as she promised. She suddenly spotted a familiar face in the station. It was Pishima's daughter. In a reflex, Bondita pulled the saree over her head and hid her face. She would easily recognise Bondita. Not Aniruddha whom she barely saw once." Aniruddha came back to the car and frowned. 

"What are you doing?"

"Hush." She snapped, "She will see me."

"Who?" He looked around. 

"My Pishima's daughter. I just happened to see her here."

"How will you have the Kulfi this way?" He asked, amused.

"Do you think this is funny?" She asked.

"No, I think it's useless. What if she sees you? She will not go tell Jethamoshai about it. Have your Kulfi." She raised her saree above her face just a little bit to see him calmly cherishing his Kulfi. She took hers, looking around. 

"I liked how the ceremony was." She gushed between spoonfuls. "I never realised how patriarchal some rituals are."

"Hmm? Like?"

"Like the sindoor, shakha pola. If men don't wear it, why do women?" She shrugged. "How does it only matter that a woman shows she is married or not."

"Try asking your Kakababu that. He will lecture you with the  shastras and slokas." Aniruddha shrugged. 

"I like how the men wear rings too. Symbolising they are taken." Her eyes automatically travelled to Aniruddha's empty fingers but looked away instantly.

"Do you think they will be alright?" Aniruddha asked, taking the steering wheel. "Calcutta is an expensive city. He earns very modestly for two people to run a home…"

"Didi can teach too. They can run the home together." Bondita said almost defensively. "Besides, Nikhil Thakurpo loves her. That's what matters the most."

"Is that so?" Aniruddha's voice had a hint of amusement that Bondita missed. "How do you know that?"

"You can tell by seeing someone." Bondita ranted, with her eyes on the road. He goes out of his way to support her. The only thing that matters to him is her happiness. Her tears trouble him. He cares.``

"And how do you know that's love?" Now his tone caught her attention as Bondita looked conscious.

" Sarat Babu's novels." She defended.

"If you say so." He smiled amused. She looked away. "Stop reading such stuff and read more factual books. It will help expand your knowledge." His teacher's tone was back. She nodded, slightly embarrassed.

Getting down from the car, Bondita rushed to join Asha in the kitchen while Aniruddha attended to some clients. At lunch, Trilochan asked, "So how did the school registration go?" Bondita's hand stopped from serving Aniruddha "Any luck?" Aniruddha seemed seamless with his lie. "Such harassment I tell you, the officer didn't even come. He kept us waiting. We have to reschedule a meeting."

"What kept you this long then?" Binoy asked. 

"They made us wait." Aniruddha shrugged.

"Dada, I have been invited to a hunting expedition by Zamindar Anantanath," Binoy spoke. "I am thinking of taking Somnath along for the expedition."

"The one near Dooars?" Trilochan asked. "Alright."

"Since Aniruddha is not interested in hunting… I thought of giving Somnath a taste of our royal lives. Someone has to keep the Zamindari lifestyle intact." He looked at his firstborn who looked away. 

"I don't support killing animals to show our might." Aniruddha shrugged. "One day the world will be deprived of many species because of this."

"Not everyone wants to be a torchbearer of change, Aniruddha. Some of us are comfortable doing what's been happening for ages." Binoy shook his head.

"I am excited to go, Baba." Somnath tried to defuse the air of tension that could possibly lead to a feud.

"Pack your things then, we leave in two days." He nodded.

Aniruddha looked up as Bondita placed his evening coffee on the table. She looked a little perplexed. She lingered a little on the tray and stood there. 

"Is something wrong?" He asked with a frown. 

"There is something that's bothering me." She moistened her dried lips with her tongue. "About Asha."

Aniruddha stood up from his chair and walked up to her on the other side of the table.

"I overheard their argument. I didn't mean to but I did…" She shook her head.

"It seemed like Asha wants to study but Somnath Dada doesn't want her to." Bondita decided it was best not to diverge the details of what she heard, aware of her husband's rather infamous wrath. Aniruddha frowned at her words. 

"I was aware of his love for the lifestyle which disturbed me but…" Aniruddha looked up at Bondita's face "What if you had a conversation with Ashapurna? If she agrees we can…"

"I already tried that. Even tried telling her I will convince him. She seemed… scared." Bondita frowned at her own use of the word. She just couldn't place Somnath Dada as one of those typical dominant alpha males. Yet, the truth was what she saw and heard. Aniruddha sighed.

"Should I talk to him?" He asked as Bondita shook her head. 

" I don't think we should invade their privacy especially when she is not in favour of it. Also, it would wrongly imply that I heard them." 

"Is that all he said?" Aniruddha's sudden question took Bondita by surprise. 

"Ye...yes…" she stammered.

"Why do I feel like there's something more? Something you aren't telling me?" Bondita looked away and gulped. 

"Bondita, did he say something more? Something that bothers you? Tell me? Did he?" Aniruddha leaned in closer to scrutinize her face. Bondita looked down as she prayed for a miracle. Because that's what she needed now to stop a family feud her big mouth would create.

"Aniruddha? Aniruddha?" Trilochan's voice made them look up at the study door. "Come here right now."

Bondita was a few steps behind him to reach the sitting area where Trilochan and Binoy sat and Batuk stood.

"Where is Nikhil?" Aniruddha's face tightened at his father's question. "Bina called. He was supposed to call her upon reaching Brindavan. He hasn't yet called."

"We should try dialling the Brindavan ashram." Aniruddha picked up the receiver of the telephone. 

"Already did that. Bihari dialled them. They said no Bondita Roy Chowdhury ever called to enquire about any occupants." Binoy looked beyond him at Bondita who looked away. Batuk whispered to her, gesturing what she knew. She kept silent. 

"I suppose the plan wasn't only hers," Trilochan spoke, stomping his cane noisily on the floor. "Tell me everything so that I can at least save you. And them." Bondita opened her mouth, relieved, to speak when Aniruddha interrupted.

"If Bina Pishi's adult son eloped with someone he chose, that's not something we should be aware of. There is nothing to save or be saved, Jetha Moshai. We don't know where he is. I hope they are safe." He walked away very nonchalantly, taking Bondita by surprise. Binoy shook his head murmuring "Eka Ram e rokkha nei sugrib doshor." (A very popular Bengali phrase from Bali's mouth in Ramayana translated as, as if Ram wasn't enough alone, Sugriv came to aid.)

Trilochan looked up at Bondita. Before he could interrogate her further, Batuk spoke up. 

"Boudi. Come see this new book I got." She nodded and followed him up the stairs. Trilochan watched them go, with hawk eyes and sighed. 

Once in Batuk's room, Bondita managed to smile. 

"Thank you for saving me."

"That was to make up for the time you saved me from stealing Naru from the prasad." He made her laugh. 

"Boudi, can I ask you something?" Batuk sat down on the couch in his room as she started arranging the heaps of books on his table. 

"How do you know Nikhil da should be trusted?" Her hand stopped at his question. "I mean he did leave her once."

"I don't know Batuk. My instincts tell me that…"

"Batuk! Bondita?" They stopped at Aniruddha's call. 

"What did we do now?" He shrugged scared. 

They entered the bedroom as Aniruddha sat on the writing desk, with some papers in hand. 

"I know both of your examinations are over, but some colleges have entrance examinations. So I thought…"

"Oh no," Batuk exclaimed. "Do we not deserve a break?" He made Aniruddha frown as Bondita hid her smile.

"Do you want to go to college or not?" Aniruddha looked irked. "Batuk, you have to start acting like an adult."

"Boudi. Look, he's shouting again." Batuk looked scared.

"I am not shouting at you," Aniruddha spoke scornfully.

"It looked like shouting." Batuk defended.

"It did." Bondita agreed.

"You know what." Aniruddha kept the pamphlets he had gathered for instruction on admission to various well-known colleges. "Here it is. I am going to work. Stay uneducated. Both of you."

"Dada!" Batuk called after him as Bondita sat down on the now empty chair scrutinizing the pamphlets. 

"What do you want to study?" Bondita asked. 

"He will scold me if I tell him." Batuk shook his head. 

"Why?" She frowned. 

"He wants me to be a professional. I want to study history. I want to be an archaeologist." Bondita's eyes lit up at Batuk's words. " Apurba! Batuk. I am so excited. What do they exactly do? An archaeo… umm."

"Archeologist. They discover new artefacts of history by digging or restoring things of the past."

"This sounds exciting. And promising too." Bondita nodded.

"I wish others would be too." Batuk shook his head. "Everyone wants a doctor, engineer, barrister. What do you want to be?"

"Honestly speaking, I haven't thought of it until now. I am thinking of asking Barrister Babu."

"Don't ask Dada. He always wants you to be a Barrister like him." Batuk laughed. Bondita looked up at him cluelessly. 

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows. "He never told me."

"He told me when you left home and went to your mother's. That he thinks you have the potential." Batuk shrugged.

"Batuk, come with me." She made him follow her down the spiral staircase to the study room.

"Bondita. I am working… this better be important." Aniruddha looked up to see Batuk follow her like a naive child. 

"If this is an apology…"

"Batuk wants to be an archeologist." Bondita smiled, excitedly. Aniruddha looked up first at her and then at Batuk.

"What?" He looked a little taken aback. "Are you sure?" Batuk nodded unsure of how his dada would react. Aniruddha smiled. 

"That's good then. Come with me to Kolkata tomorrow. We will meet someone who can guide you." Batuk smiled quite surprised, "So you are not angry?"

"Why will I be angry?" Aniruddha asked. 

"I will go pack my bags." Batuk sounded excited.

He bid them goodnight and left.

"What about you?" Aniruddha looked up at Bondita's face. "Have you decided?"

"No, I thought my Sikshak babu can have better suggestions. He knows my strong points."

"I would not want to impose anything." He shook his head.

"Still…" Bondita looked eagerly at his face. 

"I think Barristry would be a good option for you." He smiled. 

"You want me to compete with you?" She sounded alarmed.

"Not really competing." He shook his head. "Two is better than one."

"What if I am bad at it?" 

"What if you are better than me?" He asked. Suddenly, Bondita looked a little pale. She looked reluctant. He thought he'd pushed her to his own ambitions.

"It's okay. You have time to think about what you want to do. You don't need to do what I suggest. You can come up with something like Batuk did." She nodded at his words. 

Bondita sat down on the writing desk in the bedroom and wrote a letter to Maa Durga. She wrote of how she wanted to make Aniruddha proud but the perks of being in the same profession also came with a lot of scrutiny. People could feel she was trying to prove a point. He could feel she wasn't trying enough. And what if she was better? Could he take that from his wife? She remembered the day, in this very room, she had posed like him in his graduation picture. Could she actually travel that far? She smiled. He did give her wings to fly.

Aniruddha walked into the room to see her asleep on her side of the bed. His eyes fell on the paper, folded neatly on the desk.

When Aniruddha lay down on the bed, he was tired. But content. He glanced over to her sleeping figure, her hair undone, locks flowing over to his side of the bed. He removed them, lingering his fingers a little.

He placed his hand gently over her open palm. And smiled as she gripped it in a reflex in her sleep. A small sigh escaped her lips. He stared at her peaceful slumber. 



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