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Power Shift

 Winter 1607, Akbarabad Fort

 “Ladies of the Harem please rise to bow to the new Begum!” The guards announced as the crowd gathered to make merry in the happy occasion parted to catch a glimpse of the newly married Sahila Banu Begum. The eminent ladies of the Harem, queens, princesses, and families of chiefs stood in the garden of the Harem, where the fountains smelled of rose water and carpets from Persia were laid down the path, with occasional showers of rose petals on the eminent guests for the evening. Tulips bloomed and musicians played at the Nahabat Khana. This Navroz had started off early for the Royal Family, but the Padshah made no announcement for his Padshah Begum. Rumours flew in the Harem that he now favoured Sahila Banu over his once favourite Jodha Begum. Rukaiya Begum sat on a marble stone platform, at one end of the garden with Salima Begum, delicacies wrapped in silver foils, placed in between them, as dancers performed for the occasion.

The new Begum walked across the garden, greeting the ladies and accepting their gifts, while they flocked around her. She reached the platform and bowed to the elderly ladies who smiled happily, she then moved to the other end of the garden where sat Mariam Ur Zamani and Jagat Gossain.

“ Sahila Begum” Jagat Gossain got up to greet her reluctantly as Rukaiya Begum eyed her with a frown.

“She is the married Begum to the emperor now Jodha Begum, either call her by her title or Padshah Banu.” She snapped at Jagat Gossain while Mariam Ur Zamani agreed. “You can be the elder wife but she is still a queen in the Harem.”

Jagat Gossain’s jaws stiffened, for her spies had brought her the news of Emperor Jahangir’s inclination towards choosing Saliha Banu Begum as his Padshah Begum over her because the Dowager Empress made him believe he needed to show more faith in his Persian subjects. She had rushed to Mariam Ur Zamani in vain and was reminded of her audacity to openly challenge the Dowager Queen that had led to such consequences. Jagat Gossain had hence made a reluctant appearance for a futile chance of mending relationships with the still influential Rukaiya Sultana Begum.

“I apologize, Sultana Sahiba. I apologize, Padshah Banu.” She bowed in courtesy as Sahila Begum nodded. “When the right time comes, I will show the emperor who is more capable.” She thought under her breath as she stared at Rukaiya Begum and found her watching as if she could read her thoughts.

“Sultana Begum.” The new Padshah Begum addressed Rukaiya Begum in a dignified voice “Will you please address the ladies for preparations of the Navroz?”

Rukaiya smiled “But it is what the Crowned Begums do...”

“I want to stay close and learn from you.” Sahila Banu’s sweetness was infectious. It somehow irked Rukaiya at that instant. She agreed and went on to address the Harem, with the power and authority she loved to have control over.

“Tomorrow the Navroz festivities and fairs start, all of you must be ready to display your products of art and handloom not only to the other ladies but to the emperor himself.” A buzz of excitement rang through the garden. Navroz was a time the royal ladies mingled and were a prospective time for young maidens to grab the attention of the Princes.

As the crowd began to disperse, Rukaiya Begum spotted Asmat Begum in a corner and asked her lady in waiting to call her over to her chambers. Salima Begum was surprised at this and her questioning eyes were duly ignored by Rukaiya Begum who walked away to retire for the night.

Asmat Begum walked into the fairly lit chamber of the Dowager Princess where a hookah and fresh date were being arranged. She bowed and directed her daughter, who had followed her to the chambers towards the Queen.

“Here, Mehr has made you a dress exactly like you wanted, Sultana Begum.” Her words made Rukaiya Begum look up at the woman who held a velvet-wrapped package in her hand. Her eyes shone in the light of the lamp and she bowed and placed the package down. Rukaiya gave the nearest Lady In Waiting for a glace, upon which she quickly opened the wrap.

A gasp was about to escape Rukaiya Begum’s lips but she controlled it. The angrakha-styled piece of cloth Mehr Un Nissa had designed was an exquisite one of its kind piece of art. Woven in a gold embroidered silk fabric, and studded with pearls, a transparent veil of Bengal’s finest Muslin added to the glory of the piece. She was indeed impressed.

“You are hired.” She caught the smile on Asmat’s lips as she addressed the woman “As my special Lady in Waiting, you will follow me everywhere and design dresses for the ladies in your free time. You can also set up a stall at the fair to display your designs. You can read out my letters, pen down replies, accompany me on trips and help me with everything else.”

“Gratitude Sultana Begum.” She bowed. “I will love to be at your service.”

“You will be provided with accommodation for you and your daughter in the Harem and she will receive education with the children.” Rukaiya Begum smiled dispersing them off.

Sighing heavily she leaned on her cushion, tired from the day’s turn of events. Taking a date from the plate, she smiled.

Jahangir had sought her advice of council before declaring his official Padshah Begum. Rukaiya Begum was waiting for this very moment.

“The Timurids and Persians have lost faith in you. Ever since Khusrau revolted and the Rajputs aided it, they fear the power of the land will soon shift hands. Prove them wrong. Show them what a strong emperor you are.”

“How do I do that Badi Ammi?” Jahangir frowned.

“Making Jodha Begum your Padshah Begum only escalates the matter. Making Sahila Begum your Padshah Begum, her origin will reassure the Harem and the court that the power is still with you and nothing has changed. But she is too inexperienced and just introduced to the Harem... will she be capable enough to handle...” Rukaiya Begum’s thoughts trailed aloud.

“But... Jodha Begum...” Jahangir frowned.

“I know she is your favourite Begum, she occupies the chief spot in your Rajput harem, let her. She will understand. Right now it’s important to show your kinship, show some preference to Sahila Banu begum, and give her more duties in the Harem, before officially thinking of someone to be a Padshah Begum to you. Talk to Jodha Begum, she will understand your situation.”

“I will talk to her.” Jahangir agreed. “You are right Badi Ammi, this is a needed move. And Sahila is no expert, you can train her.”

“I will be glad to.” Rukaiya Begum smiled at him “I am sure Jodha Begum will understand the best interest of the land.”

“Khusrau has fallen ill again.” Jahangir looked guilty “Even the child born to him by Mirza Koka’s daughter has brought him very little peace.”

“I suggest you send his family away from here maybe to Allahabad for a few days, the change will be good for him.” Rukaiya Begum smiled “Also, hold a public celebration as Dawar Baksh turns one, I am sure many will love that.”

“Yes, you are right Badi Ammi. After all, he is the firstborn and a contender to be my heir in place of Khusrau someday.” Rukaiya Begum’s heart skipped a beat. She had totally dismissed Khusrau’s clan when he was blinded. She had misjudged Jahangir’s affection for his newborn grandson. Indeed he was a contender to the throne that she wanted for Khurram.

“Well it will depend on how the child grows up, there is still plenty of time for that in the future, and I am sure when the time comes you will know.”Rukaiya Begum smiled reassuringly.

“Besides I have decided Parvez should also learn administration and warfare properly. I have decided to let Mahabat Khan take charge of Dakkhan with him as a leader, fully in control of the decisions down south.” Jahangir looked from a distance as his voice faded.

Parvez Mirza, his second son, was in no comparison better than Khurram. Rukaiya had no doubt about it the moment she saw how dependent he was on Mahabat Khan. Rukaiya was sure that even if Parvez claimed the throne he would be a dummy in the hands of Mahabat, something perhaps even the emperor realised about him early. His nature was to follow, not lead. But Dawar Baksh, the one-year-old threat to her Khurram’s future... a sudden sense of guilt crept into her as she grew conscious of her desperate thoughts. She travelled back to the time she had pleaded for the life of infant Mirza Mohammad, going against the decisions of Bairam Khan and Maham Anga. She couldn’t forget how Jalal reminded her of it when Mirza Mohammad had rebelled. Could she think of it as a justified answer to how she found the infant Dawar threatening? Perhaps she understood her kins better now. Perhaps she had become one of them.

“Look what you made me Jalal.” She whispered at the night sky “I am thinking of an infant as a threat to my son. I guess you are happy now, that your Rukaiya has finally understood the politics of the land.” She sighed as a teardrop wet her cheek.

Sahila Banu Begum was being helped by her ladies in waiting to get out of her heavy jewellery and clothes after the much-tired day of public appearance. A eunuch appeared before her and bowed.

“Jodha Begum is here to see you.” Sahila Banu frowned at his words and nodded in approval.

Jagat Gossain walked in with all her confidence and Sahila Banu Begum bowed in courtesy. It didn’t escape Jodha Begum’s eyes how the bow was short and reluctant. She smiled.

“Is anything wrong Jodha Begum?” Sahila Banu asked politely “It’s very late, the Shahehshah will be here any minute...”

Jagat Gossain clenched her jaws. Sahila Banu was not missing a chance to show off how her husband was now favouring his new bride. She smiled back.

“I will only take a few moments, in private.” With the wave of her hand, Sahila Banu dismissed everyone and offered her a sit. Jagat Gossain sat down, carefully looked around and cleared her throat.

“I am here to warn you, Padshah Banu.” She said in a hushed tone.

“Warn me?” Sahila Banu frowned.

“Yes, do you know Mehr Un Nissa?” She asked the clueless Sahila Banu. “She is the daughter of Ghiyaz Begh and sister to Asaf Khan, Asmat Begum, that lady who sells perfumes is her mother.”

“I see, but why are you...”

“She also has another identity...” Jagat Gossain adjusted her nose ring as she hushed her tone further. Even the walls at Akbarabad had ears. “She was the Shahehshah’s lover.” Sahila Banu frowned at her words.

“In the past?” Sahila Banu frowned as to how it was relevant. Princes had innumerable affairs and concubines.

“You don’t know her. I have never seen a woman like her. So outspoken about her feelings... so passionate about everything new and  her...”

“She seems intriguing.” Sahila Banu interrupted “And intelligent.”

“Enough to make her way into the Harem and become the Padshah Begum! You know what I mean?” Jagat Gossain’s words made Sahila Banu frown.

“Sultana Begum knows this game better than anyone else. She will do anything to keep the power in her own hands and can use anyone for it. That is why she doesn’t want us to get along.” Jagat Gossain eyed the already pale Sahila Banu “Don’t make the mistake I did by trusting her. She took away my child at birth; she will make sure you become the Padshah Begum so that she had control over you, now she has brought back Mehr Un Nissa as her own lady in waiting. And finally when she won’t need you anymore... I can’t imagine the fate that awaits ...” She stopped to observe the listener.

Sahila Banu took a deep breath as she continued “I want to help you out, so I had to tell you. I should leave before he comes. If you need any help, please tell me.” Jagat Gossain rushed off, carefully eyeing the corridor as Sahila’s ladies and eunuch walked in.

“Is everything all right, Padshah Banu?” her eunuch asked.

“Yes Abraham, don’t worry.” Sahila Banu forced a smile, still lost in her thought. “Jodha Begum doesn’t seem to favour the Dowager Queen much, that’s all.”

“Do you agree with her, Padshah Banu?” Her lady in waiting asked. She nodded.

“Jodha Begum is a mother who was separated from her child. She can’t think straight now. I sympathise with her.” Sahila Banu stared at her reflection in the mirror “Now dress me up to mesmerize the Shahehshah tonight.”

Sahila Banu was married to Jahangir sometime in late 1607 and was the daughter of one of his generals Qaim Khan. It is not clear if she was made the official Padshah Begum sometime later but her title makes people believe she was indeed the Harem head, a puppet or otherwise till her death when Noor Jahan took over after her death in June 1620. She was often referred to as Noor Jahan’s strongest contender but so was Jagat Gossain, none of whom clearly became a padishah begum by title. Her adopted son, Miyan Joh, was killed by the emperor’s order upon a rebel in 1626. She was well-versed in all major languages of the state and was referred to as Padshah Mahal.



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