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You Deserve More

Ajabde woke up with the song of birds as she felt something warm clinging to her hand. Her eyes went wide. Her hand was on the pillow in between, between his hands, clasped as he slept. She thought of removing it slowly but he was holding it so tight. Ajabde's heart beat faster and faster. What do I do now? How do I not wake him? What if... why is my hand in his? She was utterly confused.
" Am I..." In love? Pratap was staring at the sleeping figure on his bed as he again looked back at the rain. Then he looked back frowning as she shivered. He closed the windows of the room, to make it cosy then sat on his side of the bed. A lamp flickered on her side like always and he stared at her sleeping figure as he put his blanket over her as well. She shifted a little in her sleep to make herself cosy again. Her payals and bangles made a rhythmic sound breaking the silence of the room. Her hand was out of her blanket and on the pillow in between. He tried to slowly put it in the blanket when he realised how cold it was. He placed her cold hand on his warm one and rubbed it with the other. He lay down and continued to do that slowly and carefully, not waking her up. He stared at her face, it seemed a little sad, but he couldn't say why. Maybe it was the fact that she missed home, playing with those children, or maybe that couple in the rain.... her hand sandwiched between him he had no idea when he fell asleep.
Ajabde slowly tried to move her hand out of his grip as it woke him. She looked a little scared as he opened his eyes and stared at her, half leaning over the pillow in between his side. His heart skipped a beat before he realised that her hand was in his and he jolted up embarrassed.
" Woh..." He looked away " ... You were cold, I mean, your hand...."
" I ... I should... umm... get ready for the puja and feed Sarang." She was about to get up as he stared at her.
" Ajabde." She looked back at him.
" Woh... " He pointed to her cheeks, just below the eyes.
" Ji?" She tried to rub off whatever was there. He extended his right hand towards her and rubbed it off, softly as she gulped at his touch. " Kajal." He explained before walking away leaving Ajabde visibly shaken.
" Mahra re Girdhaar Gopal, Dusra na Koya,
Sada sakal log joya, Dusra Na koya."
He stopped from taking his Dagger as he heard her sing. He tiptoed into the puja room behind her, hands folded as she sang, eyes closed in front of the Lord. He smiled as her voice filled the air with peace. I had never felt so content with peace like the way her voice makes me. He thought as he watched her, still in the song as she handed him the Prasad and walked to the backyard to Sarang. He followed in toe as she made the mix in a bucket for Sarang's morning meal and put a water pail in front of him and then stopped singing. He is here to see if I am taking proper care of Sarang. Doesn't he trust me this much? Her back was to him as she stared at Sarang and thought.
" Sarang, finish both the bowls before I come back or else I will be very angry." Sarang's neigh made her giggle softly as he smiled at her motherly scolding. She walked past him into the kitchen as he said
" Can you make some kheer?"
" For lunch?" She turned around. Her silver maangtika was out of place stuck with her blue dupatta. He noticed it and was not sure whether he should point it out, so left the topic.
" Now."
" Umm... all right." She smiled.
After giving him a meal, she was making braids sitting in front of the small mirror in the room as he walked into the room to take his Dagger. His eyes stopped at her serenity and simplicity as she made the braids, looking away lost in thoughts. She brings so much light into everyone's world then why is she so aloof and absentminded all the time? He thought. Shaking off his thoughts he walked up to her as she was pulling the dupatta on her head. Eyes met in the reflection as he said
" I may need your help... with the mission."
" Really? Can I help?" She stood up and turned around excited like a child being allowed to play. She smiled and asked, " How can I?"
" Listen carefully... " He was all serious as she unknowingly stared at his face while he looked away explaining.
" Kakisa Gani Khamma! How are you?" Ajabde was at the door of another hut. Aarti Bai walked out smiling.
" Aparna? What are you doing here? Come in."
" I am new here and the only person I know is you. So I thought that I could come over for chitchat after my husband left." Ajabde smiled convincingly as the old woman welcomed her inside.
" You are alone?"
" Yes, all husbands have so much work. Mine leaves at dawn, for the Panchayat, he is one of them. Then he often goes out of the village for work...."
" What kind of work?" Ajabde inquired.
" He says I won't understand so I don't ask." The old lady smiled. " I am making Churma, do you want some?"
" No, No... I... Your house looks very clean and decorated."
" I do this all day, what to do when you are childless." She seemed sad as the empty feelings crept back into Ajabde's heart.
" Kakisa, how are you childless when you have me now?" She smiled at the old woman. " I will come every day and help you clean once... P...Pinaki ji is gone ..."
Kunwar Pratap was at the window, hiding behind the bushes, keeping an eye on the women in conversation. Although Ajabde warned him against it because if he was spotted then they would be exposed and also added that she trusted that Aarti Bai was innocent, he trusted no one when it came to Ajabde's safety. He didn't tell that out loud and pretended to leave as she went for her part in the mission. He hoped Rawat Ji's spies were not wrong with the information.
" What does he do?" Aarti Bai asked.
" He is a carpenter," Ajabde said the first thing that came to her mind. What? Did she just call me a carpenter?
" Wah, then I have a wobbly table that needs fixing." The old woman was delighted as Ajabde stared wide-eyed.
" Waise... " She continued. " How is your husband by nature? I mean mine has been so busy in life with his work. Even when I am childless he never complained or remarried. He kept loving me...." Ajabde stared at the old woman, sad when the truth will be revealed she will know that maybe she had always misunderstood her husband, and how miserable she would feel. " ... He always is so caring and responsible towards his duties towards our motherland..." The woman was lost in praising her husband. " How is yours?"
" Mine?" Ajabde gulped. She had no idea that right outside the window a soul was eager to hear the answer as a smile curved his lips.
" Yes, yours... but be careful. Husbands these days... wherever they find beautiful young girls, they want to marry, not that you are not beautiful, they never treasure what they have... and yours, I have seen him eyeing everyone eagerly in the village, children. Men. Women... you know women? That Lalita... never ever let him near her... I have seen her look at him... " Ajabde stared confused and wide-eyed at what she should say or how she should react. She knew why he kept an eye on everyone and the kind of person that he was, he would never eye women but she had to agree with the lady. She sat silent, her face looked funny as the woman kept speaking of husbands and their typical behaviours, none of which she had witnessed so far.
Pratap stole a glance at her face as he laughed to himself in silence. Her face was like she wanted to run out but couldn't. She was confused at everything and what amazed him more was how the lady described him. What he wished he could hear were her praises. Maybe some other time, when I can hear it from you, without hiding myself. He smiled.
Ajabde was waiting for him to get back from a secret meeting with Rawatji in the jungles. As soon as he got back she was all excited to tell him about how well she lied to befriend the lady but suddenly guilt crept in.
" She is an innocent and naive Kun..." He stared at her, making her stop. " She doesn't know a thing."
" I know that." He bit his tongue as he said that.
" How do you know?" She asked surprised.
" I... I can understand from seeing people." He lied looking away.
" You are lying." She said plainly as he looked surprised. " I know you were there. I told you I will be fine, and she is ..."
" Who told you to say I am a carpenter?" He changed the topic as she looked embarrassed.
" I ... didn't know what to say."
" But Carpenter? Really?" He shook his head as she smiled amused.
" Don't worry, once everything is clear and before we leave I will tell everyone you are not a carpenter but..." She stopped.
" But??" He asked, hoping to hear a few praises.
"Let me cook dinner now, I will go to her tomorrow again and hopefully have more access." She sounded determined. I love how serious she is about the mission. She is so dedicated to everything she does. He nodded.
That night Kunwar Pratap was in deep sleep when she finally finished her book. She was reading the famous tale of " Savitri's quest to Yamlok to bring her husband Satyavan back from death." She was inspired by the woman's willpower and hope. She needed both now, she had gathered as she stared at his sleeping figure in the flickering light and sighed.
She was back to Aarti ji's hut the next day and offered help. The old lady was happy to have her clean the place while she made lunch. Ajabde was soon cleaning an adjacent room when she noiselessly opened the drawers and cupboards and searched them. One of the cupboards was locked. She looked around and found a small pin that could act like a key. She opened it up and started searching among the books. A map, three letters and a pouch were found. These were enough as she tugged them carefully in her dupatta and said to the lady rather sadly.
" I just remembered he will be back early Kakisa, I need to go."
She ran as fast as she could, to her hut and she stood breathless as he rushed in from the backyard. He was practising his sword from the look of things. His face was worried as he walked up to her.
" Ajab..."
" Here! See what I found, there is more... in... that cupboard...." She was breathless. His eyes went wide.
"Afghan sealed letters? Mehmood Shah's coins? Mewar's maps?" He looked at her in awe.
"How did you..."
" I broke a lock. We don't have much time, you need to catch him red-handed. Before he sees that and escapes. " She was anxious. He nodded.
" I have a plan." Her words made him smile as he felt like hugging Ajabde for her intelligence and bravery.
 Everyone was gathered at the village panchayat under Rawatji's instruction. None of the villagers was happy to see Udai Singh's trusted General there. But Rawatji said one of them was going to say something. So they stood patient. He had said he was there at her request.
Ajabde walked up on the dias in a yellow and orange lehenga, and the simple village looks, her face covered in the dupatta.
" Aparna?" Aarti Bai was surprised. Hearing his wife, Parvat Das said, " I am coming."
" We have all been fooled here to start a rebellion." Voices broke out in the crowd as soon as she spoke." The panchayet calmed them to hear her out.
" Someone, one of us has been acting as an informant and working with the Afghans. He led them here to loot and he is the one who didn't let the letters for help reach Chittor."
" Aparna ji." One of the Panchayat leaders spoke up. " You are new here, you have no idea about the rebellion or the people. You can not point a finger at us without proof."
" I have it with me, Kakasa." She shocked everyone. " Tell us, who did you give the letters to when you wanted to send them to Mewar?"
" Parvat Das ji, he goes to Mewar for work and he has been the messenger for the last twenty years."
" Yes, Kakasa... but now what will be his profit from this?" Everyone was quiet as Aarti Bai shouted. " Aparna! What are you saying?"
" Shama kare Kakisa, I have proof." She went on as the woman looked shocked and teary-eyed. The same tears appeared in Ajabde's eyes as she loved the old lady but she had a huge responsibility as Kuwarani now.
" He wanted to be Panchayet head. But his name was far from coming up with the other elderly people here, the trusted families that have served Mewar. A failed rebellion would have made Ranaji so angry that he would have removed the panchayat and made a new one. Parvat Das ji would then use the opportunity. The Afghans used him knowing, that once he became the leader, they will gain easy access to set up a secret camp here and eventually capture the place." The villagers gasped and were scared as Aarti Bai cried " Please tell me you are lying. You don't have any proof."
" I do." She tried hard so that her voice didn't shake. " Here." She displayed what she found.
Kunwar Pratap was hearing what she was saying as he saw Parvat Das move away. The plan was working. He followed the man as he ran to his house and then to his cupboard.
" Where are my... the other three letters?" He was speaking out loud as fear crept in.
" Looking for something Parvat Das ji?" He was startled at his voice as the papers in his hands fell.
" You?" He asked, shocked. " How did you get in?"
" By breaking the lock on the door." He smiled.
" Who are you?"
" Kunwar Pratap Singh naam hai humara." Parvat Das sat numb staring at him as he said " You have two options, either you accept to the villagers what you did and you will face imprisonment and you don't accept and face death right now."
" Hukum... Shaama Shama." The old man was about to fall to his feet as he said " No. I don't forgive deshdrohi."
" Think about it yourself, if the Royal family can be friends with the Bhils and defeat Afghans like Shams Khan, why will they not answer your calls? All of you are their subjects." She continued as the people looked convinced.
" We want Parvat Das convicted." The panchayat told Rawatji ashamed.
" So it will be done, we assure you." He spoke up.
" Aarti Bai being not guilty shall be helped as long as she lives by me personally." Ajabde declared that Kunwar Pratap won't say no to this request.
" Who are you? How do you know so much about the Afghans and Bhils and everyone?" Was a question the Panchayet asked her.
" I am... Samant putri of Bijolia." She said as Rawatji smiled. He was about to praise her modesty and tell her who she was when somewhere behind the crowd a voice she knew very well said,
" And she is the Kuwarani of Mewar, Ajabde Punwar Sisodia." The crowd parted as Rawatji smiled at Kunwar Pratap. Two soldiers held Parvat Das captive as Aarti Bai felt disgusted to even look at the man she called her husband. Ajabde's eyes were fixed on Kunwar Pratap as he approached the panchayat to greet the crowd.
" Kunwar Pratap ki jai." He stopped them.
" I did nothing, she did it all." His declaration made her hands and feet turn cold.
" Kuwaranisa ki jai." She couldn't believe how they were happy with her. She looked at the crowd amazed as he seemed proud to flaunt her to them.
They were back in the hut, preparing to leave for Mewar as the royal procession stood at the door. She was making sure that the Daasi held her Giridhar properly when he walked in as the daasi left.
" I will miss this place." She declared looking around.
" Yes, it felt like home." He added smiling knowing how much she loved that simple life.
" I should go check on..."
" What did you promise Kakisa in your lecture?" His words made her stop as she looked scared.
" Woh... Sh, shama... I didn't ask you..."
" You did the right thing, you are perfect at convincing people." She looked up at his praise, today he had been praising her a lot, that too publicly, that was so unlike him.
" I am thinking of taking you with me on missions." He smiled. " I have never ever solved any issue so peacefully without bloodshed. Besides, I am bad with words. So you can do the talking and I can do the fighting!" She was smiling until it faded in the last part.
" Kunwarsa..."
" Kunwar Pratap." He smiled as she ignored it.
" You think I am not good at sword fighting?" She looked offended, Kunwar Pratap had dared to pick a tease at a Rajputani's bravery.
" You are better with words, I am best with the sword."
" You can not say you are best until you ..." She stopped when he stared, raising his eyebrows. Now she wants to sword fight with me? 
" Umm... it's not good to flaunt your skills, people call that vanity." She added.
" Wah! I can flaunt my wife and people cheer, and I flaunt my skill that's vanity?" His words made her break out into a burst of laughter as she added " They were cheering for your success." Seeing her giggle he smiled as he said " Kunwaraniji, let's go home." She nodded.
Dheer Bai was sitting, cutting some betel nuts with a cutter as Veer Bai was sewing something. She suddenly remembered Ajabde's gift and said smiling,
" Choti Jija, wasn't Ajabde's Chunri so beautiful? She is so talented." Her smile faded at Dheer Bai's glare.
" The Royal Family doesn't need the sewing talents of Veer Bai ji. Kunwar Pratap is the future king, she needs to be his wife." She snapped.
" Yes Jija, in the last few weeks they have become good friends... he even calls her..."
" Veer Bai Ji! That is it. She will always remain a friend. Kunwar Pratap needs a Princess I am telling you. He will never accept her as a wife."
Jaivanta Bai walked across the hall as these words haunted her. That is it, he will never accept her as a wife. She was worried. What she saw in Pratap's eyes the last few days she couldn't shake off. There was care, there was... Love? She was not sure. She went to the temple and prayed that everything went well in Kheri. A daasi came running.
" Kunwarsa is here with Kunwaranisa."
Jaivanta Bai was at the palace stairs with the aarti thali as Dheer Bai watched from behind with the others. Shakti, Vikram and the princesses were there too. Shakti ran to Kunwar Pratap's horse it stopped and waited for him to get down as he hugged his brother.
" Chaliye." He held Kunwar Pratap's upper hand to drag him up the stairs as he stopped. Confused, Shakti turned to see his brother walk back to the Palanquin. He smiled.
" Ayiye." She was waiting for his call, as she removed the curtains and found him leaning over, his hand extended to her. She smiled and took it to walk out. Jaivanta Bai smiled pleased at the scene as all her worries disappeared ... or they flew straight to Dheerbai's face and filled her heart and mind.
She got out as he stared at her with a nod. Shakti walked up to them and seeing their hands still in each other he smirked saying " Ahem! Dadabhai! Bhabisa is out of the palki, I think she can walk the stairs by herself," Ajabde blushed red behind her dupatta as Kunwar Pratap gave his brother the stare that made him say " Khamma Gani Bhabisa." and runs for his life. They walked up the stairs and Jaivanta Bai did their aarti as they touched her feet, their hands met, and so did their eyes briefly. Ajabde was not sure about all the things that were happening today. Were they all in her thoughts and imaginations or were actually things a bit different? She was confused.
" Ranaji called everyone to the darbar." A Sevak declared.
Kunwar Pratap left in a hurry as Jaivanta Bai hugged Ajabde saying " Chaliye."
" Ji?"
" Let me dress you up now, and leave these commoner's attire." She smiled.
She took Ajabde to her room and she dressed her up in her own jewellery and lehenga.
" But Ranima..."
" No buts... today I am so happy." She hugged Ajabde. Happy? What is Ranima thinking? Why is she so happy?
" Ranaji called Maharanisa and Kuwaranisa to the Darbar." The daasi declared as Ajabde looked scared. Hey Eklingji, am I getting punished or something? She looked at a happy Jaivanta Bai and dragged her to the Darbar.
This was the first time she was going to the Darbar. It was so magnificent. She had read about the great things that had happened here since Rana Kumbha's time. Ranaji was smiling and so was Kunwar Pratap as they walked in.
" Kunwar Pratap told me about your work Kuwaranisa. I am pleased." Ranaji spoke up as Jaivanta looked even more pleased with Pratap and said " No one told me."
" She had shown Bravery and Intelligence Maharanisa. She had shown she is a perfect Kunwarani to Mewar." Rawatji praised.
" And a perfect future Maharani too," Jaivanta added proudly looking at Ranaji who nodded in agreement. Ajabde turned red and awkward at the praises but she saw Kunwar Pratap was enjoying her awkwardness fully aware of how she felt.
" Dhanyavaad." She spoke softly.
" Rawat Ji." Udai Singh ordered. " I am very happy today. You declare that the people of Chittor will be given their Diwali gift, like always, today, not by me but by Kunwaranisa and Kunwar Pratap." Ajabde stared in shock as Kunwar Pratap protested " Nahi nahi Dajiraj ...."
" Kunwar Pratap. I think it will be best as it will make the people happy. They love you more than they love their own children. And this way they will know Kunwaranisa better." Udai Singh suggested.
The people flocked as they were giving away some token gifts. Elders blessed them, people praised them, and they humbly folded their hands in response. Pratap watched Ajabde talk to the children who were mesmerised to meet her. She mixed with the people as one of them. She smiled back at him as he nodded. After a tiring day, she was standing at the window of the room as he walked in and she smiled back at him.
" What are you thinking?" He asked. For the first time.
" Nothing, I am happy that I made Ranima happy." She smiled.
" Everyone is proud of you." He beamed as he faced her. " Ranima, Dajiraj... " He stopped. Me. I am the proudest.
" Do I deserve all these? The honour, the good words..."
" You deserve more." His words made her look into his eyes as she couldn't decipher his thoughts.
You deserve much more, and I am ready to give you all of that now. If you are ready to accept me. I won't deprive you of your rights anymore, Ajabde. 
" Kunwarsa." Her call made him jerk out of his thoughts as he still stared at her.
" Kunwar Pratap." He said again as she frowned, fed up with giving her reasons.
" Can we read the Ramayana for a while?" She asked hoping he was not too tired.
" I was going to say the same." He smiled. " I will read."
" I will choose." She added.
" What they both didn't know was that the day would be different... Ram had arrived there not knowing about the Swayambhar and he was walking up the palace lawn, in between a crowd of suitors. Sita was on the balcony looking down at the crowd. One of them was the one." Kunwar Pratap read as he looked up at Ajabde who was listening, staring at his face in the light of the lamp.
" Then?" She urged him to continue.
" Then I think you have everything memorised as you read it too many times." He smiled.
" Kunwar Pratap! Continue." He smiled as she took his name awkwardly. She had finally given in to his will.
" Ram felt something as he looked up at the balcony and eyes met momentarily. She was captured by his gaze and by her beauty. Being the man that he was, he walked away quickly. Sita called the Daasi to ask who he was."
Kunwar Pratap stopped for a silent moment both were lost in the same memory of their first eye lock by mistake at the Jharokha. They looked at each other only to realise that the thoughts were the same as he continued the story quickly to avoid the awkwardness at how well she read his thoughts, and he hers. Kunwar Pratap Singh, the warrior prince was actually in love with his wife, and now he was not scared to admit that, at least to himself.



  1. I think ajab needs to give some consideration to Pratap for the longing part. She would had adjusted similarly even if she would had got married to someone else then Pratap. Also would had got the intimacy as well maybe. But she would still be unsure of the respect that she gets from her husband.
    With Pratap the respect n admiration is slowly turning to love which she needs to know.

  2. Also like Ranima made Pratap understand about the need to express the love; similarly Ajab too needs to be told about his doubts and his efforts to overcome them. Not that she doesnt understand but all that needs to be emphasised to her so that her doubts about his love, her status before marriage n all gets cleared on its own!!!

  3. Are you a relationship counselor or something? Coz trust me no one gets these so deeply as you do. Lucjy Hubby Yours !

  4. I am an engineer by profession.... N you should have seen how I was laughing at your comment. these were the natural thoughts that came after reading the update for the third time. N YES ME TOO M LUCKY TO HAVE HIM. THOUGH I AM NOT THIS CONSIDERATE WITH HIM... ME TOO HAVE A DEVIL INSIDE ME SPECIALLY FOR MY HUBBY ;)
    Getting all this in a story is easy. To get this in time in reality is a task.

  5. Hahaha no wife is considerate I guess, not only you. You observe really well !

  6. Each and every part was so beautifully described, really waiting to c how will pratap confess and ajabs reaction to it...


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Kunwar Pratap was in court with Rana Udai Singh. The Mughals were conquering a huge part of the north courtesy of Bairam Khan and Mewar on their routes to the ports of Gujarat. " Dajiraj we need to secure the roads leading to Agra and also towards the west. The attack-prone areas should always be under surveillance." " Yes Ranaji. Baojiraj is right." Rawatji agreed.   In the Rani Mahal, everyone was preparing for a grand lunch. Ajabde was making a sweet dish for the princes and princesses and in a hurry, she forgot to add the Kesar and Badam on top. As she served the smaller princes including Kunwar Jagmal, Dheerbai came to inspect her eldest son's food. " What is this? Who made this? Kokoiaji?" She stormed to the kitchen with a bowl of sweet dishes.   " Kunwaranisa did." Came a scary answer, from Veer Bai. " Ajabde Baisa." Her words let out a silent gasp from the lesser queens who stood witness. Calm and composed, Ajabde walked up

My Everything

Kunwar Pratap stormed into the Mahal at Gogunda. Happy faces of the chieftains and soldiers welcomed him as Rao Ramrakh and Rawatji stopped the ongoing Raj tilak. A visibly scared Kunwar Jagmal looked clueless at a visibly angry Kunwar Pratap. Rani Dheerbai Bhattiyani hadn't expected this son of Mewar to show up that too twenty-one days after his father's death. He was not informed as per Dheerbai's instructions. She looked at Rawat Ji. He must have gone to Raoji at Bijolia. No one except them knew where Kunwar Pratap was staying. It was for the safety of his family. " What are you doing Chotima?" A disappointed voice came. She could stoop down so low? " We were about to inform you..." She spoke up in her defence. " When Dheerbai ji?" Maharani Jaivanta Bai, clad in white entered the hall as people bowed before her. " After your son's coronation?" " I did nothing Badima I swear!" A low voice came from Jagmal. " Maha

Love Struck

A new dawn was about to break in Mewar. Kunwar Pratap shifted in his bed, as the lamp shone in the darkness. He was now facing her sleeping figure. Her hand rested on the pillow between them, the pillow he chose to keep there in the first place but now it seemed like the symbol of the distance he wanted to bridge between their hearts. He stared at it lost in thoughts. I promised myself to make you mine, But how? What if you... He stared at the sleeping figure admitting in silence that no one, even the bravest enemy scared him like her calm composed self did. I am thinking like a typical husband. He smiled. What to do now Ajabde? I am terrible with my words unlike you. Pratap Singh! You need to learn a few things! He looked back at the ceiling in his thoughts. What if I drop hints? She knows me so well, maybe she will understand without me actually speaking for myself. The thoughts made his face light up. Yes, Yes that will be perfect. Let's try this. But... First thing first... so

Dreams and Wishes

At dawn, the Bhil women took the girls to the Kalika Mata Temple and the Jal Kund. Dressed in white a nervous Heer followed everything Ajabde knew and did, trying to explain the significance of the rituals to her. They prayed to Lord Ganesh. Kunwar Shakti and Kunwar Pratap were staying at Punja Ji's place as they were not supposed to see the brides before the wedding. Ajabde was dressed in her mother's lehenga, a mang tika Jaivanta Bai gave her as a family heirloom and the simple nosering Pratap had gifted. They made their hair into a simple bun with wildflowers before putting on her dupatta. Heer was dressed in traditional Bhil jewellery of silver and beads that the women had gifted her. They made her wear a red and white saree draped as a lehenga and a red chunri with it. She looked like a pretty colourful Bhil bride. Kunwar Shakti was a nervous groom dressed in a traditional bhil dhoti, kurta and cap. The bhil shawl hung from a side, making the white attire colourful. K