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Tiny Steps

"Akhiyan Hari Darshan Ko Pyasi. Akhiyaan Hari Darshan ko Pyaasi.
Dekhio Chahat Komal Nayan Ko, Nisdina rehta udaasi."
Pratap's eyebrows narrowed before he slowly opened his eyes. He seemed to have fallen asleep lost in his thoughts. When; he couldn't tell. Today, for the first time he had missed the first rays of the sun. He sat up as the light of the morning sun fell into the room from the eastern window a little to the left of the bed.
" Kesar tilak motin ki Maala, vrindavan ke vaasi."
Pratap had heard this song too many times from Ranima. But the voice was not Ranima's. He immediately looked to his left at the empty place separated by the pillows as realisation dawned. He quickly removed the pillows from in between and placed them back before making his way towards the song. " Neh lagaye tyag gayen trin sam dhal gaye gal faasi."
He stopped to spot the figure at the far end of the room. Her back was to him, she was still in the simple jewellery and had changed into a bright yellow lehenga. She sat in front of Lord Krishna's statue, she decorated it with her own hand-picked flowers and garland and hands folded eyes closed she was engrossed in the Bhajan. He decided not to disturb as he noiselessly walked across to the private bath and cupboard part of the room, separated by a half wall.
When he was back in his orange Mewadi angrakha and cream pagri, she was praying silently. As he moved around without putting his shoes on so that they didn't disturb her, he was about to open the main door to the chambers when he heard " Kunwarsa." and turned, a little shocked at how she knew he was leaving.
" Take the prasad before you leave." She said still not turning back.
He waited where he was as she walked up to him and handed him the sweet. He decided to look down at the prasad, and she continued to move around the room, with her thaal, on which a Dhunchi was placed. She was waving the smell of the camphor around the room as he remembered he had kept his royal brooch on the dressing table. He walked up to it and to his dismay, it was filled with her jewellery and boxes and Sindoordaan. He couldn't find it anywhere as he looked, without touching her jewellery.
" You are looking for something Kunwarsa?" She asked making the bed, her back to him.
" No Nothing."
He was still looking for it when she promptly walked up to the dressing table and sorted out the brooch and instead of handing it to him she kept it aside and walked away. He took it in his hand, before fixing it on the pagri and murmured a quick " Dhanyavaad."
Her lack of response made him feel she didn't hear it as she was busy arranging the curtains but she did hear it and smiled to herself. As soon as he walked out, five of Maharani Jaivanta Bai's maids were at the door making her stare a little scared.
" Maharanisa told us to get you ready for your first puja at the Radhe Krishna Temple." She nodded approval as she sat down on the chair placed before the dressing table and the Dasis first started with her hair, smoking it up with aromatic conditioners then tying her long black hair into a braid with gold hairpins. Then they applied her alta, kajal and laali and also her bindi which had faded overnight now reddened. She was made to wear a heavy pair of earrings and a neckpiece along with a Sitahaar. Navratna studded bangles and Kamar bandh were also added to her newlywed royal look. She applied the vermilion on her forehead by herself before the daasi helped her with the dupatta, putting it over her face to the neck.
"Bhabisa is here." The youngest princess came running as her mother stopped her and everyone smiled. Shakti stared at Pratap who chose to look at the idol while all eyes were on her as she carefully walked up the steps of the temple and touched the ground before entering the altar. Jaivanta Bai happily stepped toward her and gave her the puja thaal.
" Kunwar Pratap do the aarti with Kunwarani Ajabde."
Ajabde moved her hand to one side as he held the other, Udai Singh smiled at Jaivanta Bai as they remembered some past moments and Ajabde slowly directed the aarti thali.
" Kuwaraniji." Udai Singh spoke up as soon as she handed him the prasad. " It's our ritual to give you something on the first day here. So you can ask me for anything you want today, Rana Udai Singh will fulfil any wish of yours today."
" Maang lijiye Ajabde." Jaivanta Bai spoke in approval. She stood silent and confused as Pratap narrowed his eyes a little and everyone stared at each other.
" Maangiye." Udai Singh spoke again.
" I ...I want...want..." She fumbled. " I don't know." Everyone smiled at her innocence as Pratap's frown disappeared. She doesn't ask for things if she doesn't need anything. As he walked out a call made him stop.
" Dadabhai."
" What now Bhai?"
" Tell me."
" What?" He frowned.
" About yesterday."
" What about..." realisation dawned as he stared at his brother coldly.
" See, you have to change if you want to stop scaring Bhabisa. Baat hui?" He smirked.
Pratap stood his hands folded on his sides and looked straight at Shakti.
" What happened... that you can't tell?" He smiled moving three steps away.
" Bhai Shakti, you have spoken enough, I give you 10 seconds to start running for your life."
Shakti stared wide-eyed before they ran. Shakti looked back to see Pratap almost grabbing his collar when he ducked hoping Pratap would miss. Pratap bumped into him as he stumbled and to regain his balance he held Pratap's upper arm but by mistake, he held onto Pratap's Bajubandh which broke.
" Bhai Shakti." He exclaimed. " Look what you have done."
" You chased me." He shrugged.
" Ohho!" he picked up the broken scattered pieces and made his way to Ranima's room hoping she would fix it like always.
" So what can you cook?" Dheerbai asked as Ajabde entered the Paakashala.
" I ... um..."
" Can you make Jalebi?"Sajjabai asked. She nodded.
" Kheer?" Veer Bai asked. " Kunwar Pratap's favourite." She nodded.
" Yes, make kheer for him," Dheerbai replied. Kunwar Pratap only likes Jija's kheer, he will not even taste yours.
" Ji Ranisa." Ajabde obeyed the orders and got to work.
" Ranima, Ranima. " Kunwar Pratap entered in haste.
" Pratap?" his mother stared back with a question.
" See Shakti broke my Bajubandh, can you ..."
" Keep it there." He nodded and left as Jaivanta Bai called a daasi.
At lunch, the princes sat in the Ranimahal while the queens stood there. The princess along with their new Bhabisa was preparing the adjacent hall for the ladies' lunch.
" Kunwar Pratap, start ." Sajja was excited.
" Woh aj..." Dheerbai was about to tell what Ajabde made but Sajja stopped her.
" Let him find out, Behena."
Pratap had seen his favourite kheer and had kept it to have last. Dheerbai smiled thinking he already rejected it. At last, he took the Katori and took some as Sajja smiled. This is not Ranima's. But it tastes almost like hers. It's good. 
" How is the food Kunwar Pratap?"
" It's all good Majhli maa."
" What did you like most?" Veer Bai asked eagerly. He stared at his mother saying " Kheer, my favourite." The queens smiled at each other as Dheerbai was a little taken aback.
" Kheer! Aree Wah Jija, He likes Ajabde's kheer!" The moment Sajja spoke his eyes went wide and his cheeks red with embarrassment.
" Aree wah Dadabhai! You recognized her cooking on the very first day, take some more!" Shakti teased as everyone laughed.
" I'm full, I should go!" He walked out embarrassed.
Behind the pillar, she was standing, hoping and praying he liked her cooking and as the praises came out, Ajabde smiled victoriously, but before she realised he was there, almost bumping into her she stepped back. Eyes met briefly as he looked away and both started " S...shama kijiye." They looked back at each other, both faces embarrassed as he walked away.
After a while, after some meetings, Pratap was back in his bedroom and stunned to see what seemed like a fair. All the Rani mahal's daasis were in his room as boxes of clothes and heaps of lehengas were spread across the floor. He found Ajabde there, instructing a daasi to separate the normal ones from the gaudy ones her eyes fell on him and she stopped. Everyone else got up.
" What is this?" He was a little surprised by no one in particular.
" I am so ... you all may go." Ajabde hurried with her order as she picked up two dupattas from the bed.
" No it's okay, you can carry on." He turned to leave.
" No it's fine, they can go." She stopped him.
The daasis stood confused as the two commanding authorities in the room spoke looking away from each other.
" You may go." She spoke the final word as she picked up the lehengas from his path. He sat down on the couch with the papers he had brought with him while she rushed to the other room.
In the evening, Jaivanta Bai called Pratap to her room. He was so engrossed in administrative activities that he had no time until it was past dinner. He rushed to his mother's room knowing she would be waiting.
" Ranima?" He called softly as she smiled " Ayiye." She took the fixed Bajubandh and said " Dekhiye! "
He smiled happily and said, " Dhanyavaad Ranima."
" Don't thank me. Ajabde fixed it." Jaivanta Bai's eyes didn't skip the fact that every time her name came up Pratap put up this funny straight face.
" I err...."
" What are you doing running around the palace so late? Your new bride will be waiting for you, go now! You have some responsibilities towards her."
Kunwar Pratap nodded and left his mother's room with Bajubandh in hand.
Ajabde had spent all day unpacking her books and clothes. Then she was called by the Maharani and as she entered the large chamber scared all her fears were put to rest by a warm hug and the fact that " Maharanisa '' was now her " Ranima". She fixed Kunwar Pratap's Bajubandh as his mother told her his childhood tales, which made her smile and for the first time in the Mahal, she felt at home. Then she was back in her room when it occurred to her how alone and scared it seemed. So she decided to read to herself aloud in these unfamiliar surroundings. As she was almost through half the book, she was sure he had totally forgotten about her and had gone off somewhere without informing her. That's his nature, Ranima had said.
" I believe he is coming for me. I believe he is looking for me. As My Lord searches me, I, his Sita, would stare North and wait for him."
She was reading out loud from the adjacent room as he entered and kept his Bajubandh down on the dressing table. Then removing his shoes he decided to walk into the other room. He stopped to see, she was so engrossed in the tale that she didn't notice him or the fact that her dupatta had fallen off her head. She was in the previous night's white and red lehenga again and her simplest jewellery.
" You should start teaching the Princesses some Ramayana and Veer Gantha in your free time, they are becoming spoiled day by day."
 He spoke unknowingly, quite casually, remembering her teaching the children as she jumped scared and searched her dupatta to cover her head in utter nervousness and confusion. He stepped back the moment he realised he had startled her and looked away adding " I should go and change."
She was quick to close the book and go to her side of the bed. This time she was arranging the pillows in between when he came out frowning " Where are my clothes?"
" Woh... Ranima said..."
" Who said that?" His voice was suddenly a little louder and firm. Did she just call MY Ranima, Ranima?
" I ... Maharanisa... Maharanisa said... to call her Ranima." She looked scared. Kunwar Pratap smiled inwardly as she looked down, clasping her hands together.
" She said to keep your clothes in ... in the... another one." She was soft and scared.
" Phir theek hai." Wah so much for her bravery and for winning over me every time. I scared her. He was pleased with himself that he had some authority over this newcomer who now seemed to occupy every part of his life.
When Pratap walked back into the room she had turned to her side and acted asleep. He blew out the candles and went over to her side to blow out hers.
" Don't!" She should startle him as she jumped up and her hand was almost up to his mouth to stop him from shouting back. They froze, both staring at her hand. She removed it saying " Sh.. shama kijiye... I ... am scared of..." She bit her tongue as she didn't plan to use the word scared.
" Of the dark?" His tone was taunting.
" Of the dark in unfamiliar places, alone."
" You are not alone." As the words came out of his mouth, like general information that it was, they both stared at each other a little awkwardly as they said " Shubh Ratri."
Pratap laid on his side, once again, ready to be disturbed by the " Noises" of her payal all night.



  1. Small simple but directed steps towards Kuwarsa will win her brownie points... N try as hard u can Kuwarsa u wont be able to shield ur guards for sure!!!
    Surayna with every new story n update u are getting better with exploring intrinsic details of the couples journey together... Can help wonder how Lucky the one with whom u r in relationship is!!!

  2. Sujata Ji, if only someone actually knew that LOL. But let me tell you, as a writer I explore the understandings with my brain and pen, in reality am a totally different person all together. Although two things am obsessed with. Rather three. Couples like PrAja, Love stories that are different and Happy Endings! Am very much obsessed with all three. Rest, am not sure that am someone to be lucky about or not :P

  3. well some one who understand emotions n can who can put them so well is a Good person at heart... Well you don't have be any of the person you project through your pen or may be part of all of them. After all they are JUST characters AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THEY R NOT YOU.
    The same 3 things lure me as well but I also take it as stories ONLY. But the other person being Lucky is because U consciously keep all this to stories only... coz if u bring it to reality hell will break loose on the poor Guy ;)

  4. Ahaha I can try to be Strange Girl at times and see for myself ... how the reactions are !!

  5. DEFINITELY DO TRY THT SOMETIMES... Its fun to make the other go crazy at times ;P


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