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Surajgarh Chaap!

A six-year-old girl had sneaked into the private royal garden with her best friend. Afternoons were usually the time the guards dozed off on their benches and time for a child's freedom. She was dancing around the garden twirling her frock. A ten-year-old boy interrupted their merriment.
" Chaks you are here!" Her best friend gushed as he handed her some chocolates from his pocket. He then offered one to the dancing girl. 
" Am too sweet for sweet!" She stuck out her tongue making her friend laugh. 
" That you are!" An elder woman's voice behind them made Bhago and Chaks run as Ajab stood like a statue before Jaivanta. She came forward and patted her head, "You are Hansa's daughter?"
" Ji... Ranisa." She nodded, awkwardly.
" You are a pretty little princess. " She smiled as Ajabde looked up. " What's your name princess?"
" Ajabde Punwar." She bowed quickly.
Jaivanta smiled, " You don't need to sneak in, dear, Jab bhi mann ho, come here, no one will stop you!"

A little older, a ten-year-old Ajabde was sitting on the floor of the palace, sobbing. Jaivanta was braiding her hair. 
" I don't want to go Ranimaa, I don't want to leave!" She pleaded.
" Ajab, my dear, there are no good schools here, this is for your future! Kunwarsa is in the Uk studying you know why? So that you people can come back and help build schools and colleges in Surajgarh, that way, no Ajab will have to leave her Ranima."
" I won't go." She sobbed hugging Jaivanta who patted her head.

Ajabde walked up the five steps to her Ranima as her vision blurted.
" Ajabde! You are so grown up!" Jaivanta gushed.
" Ranima!" She hugged the woman tightly. Yes, it finally felt like home.
" You have become prettier." Jaivanta wiped away her tears and Ajab's.
" Come in now." She dragged Ajabde by her hand into the hall. "I had a call with your mother."
Pratap shook his head, " Wah, seeing her Ranima forgot me!" He handed his bag to the servant and went inside.
" I have something for you Ajab, come." Jaivanta walked inside as Ajabde followed, her sneakers making the strangest noises against the floor.
Jaivanta led her to a room and opened the door; it was pink, full of colourful cushions, soft toys and purple curtains. Ajabde stared at it shocked.
" This is like my room In Delhi... Ranima, how do you..."
" You are staying here!"
" No Ranima... Papa...."
" It's my order Ajabde, he won't say anything. At least be here till Hansa comes to the end of this week?" Jaivanta offered.
Ajabde couldn't protest. Ranima called a maid and told her to be with Ajabde and help her unpack.
" Ranima, I really don't need this!"
" Okay, I am calling Hansa and telling her you don't take me as Maa, bas kehenti hai!"
" No Ranima " She hugged her. Jaivanta smiled.
" Good that you are here, now you can enjoy the wedding too! After you went away Bhagwati and Chakri went to Udaipur to study together. They will be glad to have you back!"

After unpacking she dispersed the maid who was always standing there like a statue making her feel uneasy. She went out on the Balcony of her room, overlooking the garden. She spotted him sitting there, still in that suite, sipping tea, and reading a file with a frown on his face. She sighed.

A paper plane comes flying and hits his shoulder, startling him. She ducked giggling. He looked here and there and picked up the plane. It was a note.
" Are You Always This Boring or Just At Home You Act Boring?" he looked straight up at her balcony. Then nodding his head in irritation he left. She got up watching him go and wondered, " Damn Ajab you just offended Princy!"

In a few minutes, a servant came calling. " Ranisa has called you to her study."
She quickly changed into the first dress she got her hands on. Bright yellow knee-length dress teamed with a pink belt. She tied her hair up in a pony and applied some gloss and Kohl. Then she wore her favourite flat pink ballerina.
She knocked at the study door, to hear Ranima say "Come in."
" Just see her Udai, how she has grown!" Ranima gushed as Ranaji smiled at her. Then she saw her father standing with all smiles. She ran to hug him " Papa!"
" My Angel!" He kissed her forehead.
She touched Udai Singh's feet and he asked her, " I heard you play Badminton too?"
" At Times Ranaji."
" I used to play too, ab umaar nahi rahi." She smiled at him as another knock made them turn. Pratap looked in a little surprised to find that his parents were not alone. He looks straight at her with an " I know it was you!" Look. She looked away.
" You want anything, Pratap?"
" Yes Ranima, this evening I have a small get-together with my friends, and college mates at Udaipur. Am going with Chaks and Bhago, I will not be having dinner."
" Ohh wait, take Ajabde too." Ranima insisted.
" No No Ranima, what will I do..." Ajabde protested instantly.
" Ranima, leave her out of it." He interrupted looking at her, " She is too Boring for such things." he smiled.
" Ohho, Ajabde go, please!" Ranima insisted.
" Okay." She nodded eyeing him.

In Pratap's chambers, he was ready in his jeans, black tee and a leather jacket. He was tying his party shoelaces when a knock made him look up. " Come in!"
Like a storm, she came in, still in her yellow dress, two pieces of clothes in hand.
" You know we are leaving in twenty minutes right? With or without you."
She held up the clothes in two hands in front of his eyes startling him. One was a dress another a skirt.
" What the hell!"
" Quick! Tell me where we are going, I need to choose!"
" Wha..."
" Quick!! This or That!"
" You are roaming around the palace with clothes in hand?" He looked at her wide-eyed.
" Ya so? Is it against some Royal Code of Conduct?"
" Well, every!"
" Tell me the plan!"
" The plan is... well... Ajabde Punwar you challenged me with that paper! I will show you some real fun!"
" Am still confused, this Princy is useless." She went away murmuring to herself thinking he couldn't hear her.

Pratap stood a little stunned at what just happened. He looked out at the dark sky, lost in thoughts.
An eleven-year-old Pratap was back home for a vacation from the UK. As he entered the place he called home, he found this girl on the hallway floor, with some artwork.
" Aree, you are Chak's other friend na?"
" Am not his friend, he is stupid." She retorted.
" How dare you call my friend stupid? Who are you?"
" Ajabde Punwar!" He laughed as soon as she spoke.
" Ajab? As in strange? Strange girl!" he teased.
" Ranima Ranima!!!" He heard her scream.
" How dare you? She is my Ranima!" he frowned.
Ajabde rushed to hug Ranima as she arrived. " He is making fun of my name!"
" Kunwarsa!" He got a scolding.
" Uff I hate girls!"
Pratap smiled as he said to himself, " She is still the same, chirpy, mad, strange girl!"

A knock interrupted him again.
" Come in!"
She entered in a black evening gown. With a neckpiece, her long hair let loose over her shoulders. His eyes widened.
" How's this?"
" Girly!"
" Is this too much?"
" No, it's.... perfect!"
" Thank Gawd!" She turned to leave.
" Umm... Ajab!"
" Yes?"
" Don't come into my room like that!"
" Excuse me?" She looked clueless.
" You see... this is not Delhi, It's Surajgarh, people here are different."
" What are you?"
" Wha...."
" I mean what are you? UK chaap or Surajgarh Chaap?"
" Umm.... something in between I guess."
" Then who cares a damn!" She shrugged her shoulder. She walked out leaving him nodding " Why did I even tell her!"
" Come, let's go! Prin... Kunwarsa!"
" Coming, stop shouting in the hallway." He ran after her!



  1. Aahaaa someone is really really being creative here... a complete different n welcoming take from the previous ones.... didnt think it will be so soon

  2. i like ajabde soo good she is

  3. N Surayna please get some sleep.... we dont want posts at the cost of ur health!!!

  4. Haha... Yeah all my readers want me to sleep... M doing fine... Don update was becoming long so started off with two ... Hope people like the light hearted story. Thanks Aditi... Keep reading. Even m loving Ajabde here....

  5. This is indeed very different, and I m liking it....

  6. Thank You so much!! Keep Reading!


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