This Short Story is a collaboration of Kathaavali and A Journey to Discover Life, on the occasion of the Birth Anniversary of our favourite princess, our beloved Janni, better known to you as Shehzaadi Jahanara Begum Sahiba, daughter of Shah Jahan. This story is historical fiction and our own imagination of the royal princess and Padshah Begum and her great vision in building what is famously called Chandni Chowk which defines Delhi even today. On one fine morning, when the Diwan-e-Khas was sprawling with courtiers, an astonishing Firman echoed across the fort of Akbarabad. The Emperor of the World had decided to move his capital city from the roots of his grandfather and style a new place, that would become the beacon of his grandeur- Shahjahanabad. It would be a marble city that would glitter in art, in music, and would bask in his glory. While a section of the incessant murmur sounded displeased at the Emperor’s vanity to name the capital after himself like his grandfather did, ot...