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Jomidar Ginni

জমিদার গিন্নি ENGLISH TRANSLATED VERSION HERE “ ও বৌ, বলি ও বাড়ির বড় গিন্নিকেও ডেকেছ দেকচি! “ খানিক ক্ষুব্ধ সুরে বলে উঠলেন উমা ঠাকুমা । সম্পূর্ণা মুখ তুলে শাশুড়ির দিকে চায়। বয়েস তার একুশ বাইশের বেশি হবেনা কিন্তু বিয়ে হয়েছে বহুদিন , তা বছরের হিসাব পাড়াগাঁয়ে কে রাখে? বিয়ের এতদিন পর সংসারে খুশির কারণ এসেছে। অনেক দুঃখের দিনের পর আজ সাধ পূরণ  তার।  প্রাণের চেয়ে প্রিয় ছোট বোনটিকে বাদ দেয় কি করে সে ? হোক না বন্দিতা জমিদার বাড়ির বড় বউ, তাতে কি রক্তের সম্পর্ক মুছে গিয়ে বড় হয়ে দাড়ায়ে শুধু তাদের শ্রেণীগত বিভাগ? শাশুড়ি মুখ বেঁকিয়ে বলেছিল, “ডাকচো ডাকো বাপু, কিন্তু সে আসবেনা। তারা আমাদের ভগবান, তা শুনেছো কোনদিন ভগবান গরিবের ঘরে এসে দাড়িয়েছে, বাছা?” তবে জমিদার বাড়ির বড় গিন্নি বন্দিতা কে দেখে উমা ঠাকুমার সুর যেন অন্য রকম।  “ঈয়ে .. মানে ও বৌমার নিজের পিসির মেয়ে কিনা তাই.. “ ইতস্তত করে বলেন বাড়ির গিন্নি। “জমিদারের বউ, তাই লোকে সাহস করে দু’চার কথা বলেনা কিন্তু বিয়ে তো হল অনেকদিন।” উমা ঠাকুমা চোখের কোন দিয়ে দেখলেন কেমন দেবতার আগমনে সরগোল পরে গেছে। সম্পূর্ণার দিকে আর কারো দৃষ্টি নেই।  “তা বাচ্চাকাচ্চা তো হ

The Zamindar’s Wife

"O Bou , looks like you have invited the daughter-in-law of the Zamindar house too!” Uma Thakuma said in a slightly displeased tone. Sampurna looked up at her mother-in-law, worried. Her age was not more than twenty-two, but she had been married for a long time though nobody kept track of years in villages. After such a long unfruitful marriage, there was a reason for happiness in the family, today was her Sadhpuron .  How could she have not invited the little sister who was her nearest relative in the village, to her baby shower? Even when Bondita was the daughter-in-law of the Zamindar's house, did it erase their blood relationship and grow into merely their class division? Her mother-in-law lowered her voice when she said, “Even if you invite her, she will not come. They are our God, have you ever heard that God comes down to earth to the house of the poor, my child?” However, Uma Thakuma’s tone was different when she saw Bondita, the daughter-in-law of the Zamindars.  &qu

Forbidden Feelings: Sharat's POV

Outtake to be read after reading all chapters. T he men of the house don’t care for the happiness of the women. Such was an inference Nonibala Debi drew as she spoke her heart out to the Mukhopadhyay Ginni. She gasped a little at her words, taking the Paan Nonibala Debi offered her, subtly eyeing the newly married daughter-in-law who had accompanied her to the Gangopadhyay house. It was winter and Nonibala Debi’s firstborn was back from college while the others were enjoying the winter vacation. She was pestering her husband for a Choruibhati for the children where the Mukhopadhyays could also join in the merriment. The boys would cook, letting her relax with the timid homely wife of Sergeant Animesh Mukhopadhyay who barely went out of her home and preferred to stay within the boundaries that her husband drew for her. For a change, she looked interested in the prospect perhaps because of the children. It was painful for them both to manage their pack in the holidays. “I will tell B

Change of Heart: Kabir's Journey

This Outtake from Protibimbo is written as a background story for Kabir, which was edited out of the original novel because I later thought it was unnecessary. You can read it after Chapter One, or for better understanding after the novel is over. Enjoy! The day Kabir got off the train at Sealdah Station with his brother, he was intimidated by the crowd and pace of the city. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry. His brother was working as a daily wager in the streets of Calcutta for a decade almost and now that Kabir had passed his matriculation, his brother felt it was time for him to study in the city and earn his living. There was no better place to start a labour job than the streets of Sealdah. With that in mind, Kabir packed his very little belongings, greeted his Bhabhi, and kissed his nephew goodbye as he made his way to the big city. His brother was a member of the newly formed Labour Union and had already talked to his superiors about an odd job for Kabir. Learning that he was al